234 lines
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234 lines
6.2 KiB
title: Distribute Credentials Securely Using Secrets
content_template: templates/task
weight: 50
{{% capture overview %}}
This page shows how to securely inject sensitive data, such as passwords and
encryption keys, into Pods.
{{% /capture %}}
{{% capture prerequisites %}}
{{< include "task-tutorial-prereqs.md" >}} {{< version-check >}}
{{% /capture %}}
{{% capture steps %}}
## Convert your secret data to a base-64 representation
Suppose you want to have two pieces of secret data: a username `my-app` and a password
`39528$vdg7Jb`. First, use [Base64 encoding](https://www.base64encode.org/) to
convert your username and password to a base-64 representation. Here's a Linux
echo -n 'my-app' | base64
echo -n '39528$vdg7Jb' | base64
The output shows that the base-64 representation of your username is `bXktYXBw`,
and the base-64 representation of your password is `Mzk1MjgkdmRnN0pi`.
## Create a Secret
Here is a configuration file you can use to create a Secret that holds your
username and password:
{{< codenew file="pods/inject/secret.yaml" >}}
1. Create the Secret
kubectl apply -f https://k8s.io/examples/pods/inject/secret.yaml
1. View information about the Secret:
kubectl get secret test-secret
test-secret Opaque 2 1m
1. View more detailed information about the Secret:
kubectl describe secret test-secret
Name: test-secret
Namespace: default
Labels: <none>
Annotations: <none>
Type: Opaque
password: 13 bytes
username: 7 bytes
{{< note >}}
If you want to skip the Base64 encoding step, you can create a Secret
by using the `kubectl create secret` command:
{{< /note >}}
kubectl create secret generic test-secret --from-literal=username='my-app' --from-literal=password='39528$vdg7Jb'
## Create a Pod that has access to the secret data through a Volume
Here is a configuration file you can use to create a Pod:
{{< codenew file="pods/inject/secret-pod.yaml" >}}
1. Create the Pod:
kubectl apply -f https://k8s.io/examples/pods/inject/secret-pod.yaml
1. Verify that your Pod is running:
kubectl get pod secret-test-pod
secret-test-pod 1/1 Running 0 42m
1. Get a shell into the Container that is running in your Pod:
kubectl exec -it secret-test-pod -- /bin/bash
1. The secret data is exposed to the Container through a Volume mounted under
`/etc/secret-volume`. In your shell, go to the directory where the secret data
is exposed:
root@secret-test-pod:/# cd /etc/secret-volume
1. In your shell, list the files in the `/etc/secret-volume` directory:
root@secret-test-pod:/etc/secret-volume# ls
The output shows two files, one for each piece of secret data:
password username
1. In your shell, display the contents of the `username` and `password` files:
root@secret-test-pod:/etc/secret-volume# cat username; echo; cat password; echo
The output is your username and password:
## Define container environment variables using Secret data
### Define a container environment variable with data from a single Secret
* Define an environment variable as a key-value pair in a Secret:
kubectl create secret generic backend-user --from-literal=backend-username='backend-admin'
* Assign the `backend-username` value defined in the Secret to the `SECRET_USERNAME` environment variable in the Pod specification.
{{< codenew file="pods/inject/pod-single-secret-env-variable.yaml" >}}
* Create the Pod:
kubectl create -f https://k8s.io/examples/pods/inject/pod-single-secret-env-variable.yaml
* Now, the Pod’s output includes environment variable `SECRET_USERNAME=backend-admin`
### Define container environment variables with data from multiple Secrets
* As with the previous example, create the Secrets first.
kubectl create secret generic backend-user --from-literal=backend-username='backend-admin'
kubectl create secret generic db-user --from-literal=db-username='db-admin'
* Define the environment variables in the Pod specification.
{{< codenew file="pods/inject/pod-multiple-secret-env-variable.yaml" >}}
* Create the Pod:
kubectl create -f https://k8s.io/examples/pods/inject/pod-multiple-secret-env-variable.yaml
* Now, the Pod’s output includes `BACKEND_USERNAME=backend-admin` and `DB_USERNAME=db-admin` environment variables.
## Configure all key-value pairs in a Secret as container environment variables
{{< note >}}
This functionality is available in Kubernetes v1.6 and later.
{{< /note >}}
* Create a Secret containing multiple key-value pairs
kubectl create secret generic test-secret --from-literal=username='my-app' --from-literal=password='39528$vdg7Jb'
* Use envFrom to define all of the Secret’s data as container environment variables. The key from the Secret becomes the environment variable name in the Pod.
{{< codenew file="pods/inject/pod-secret-envFrom.yaml" >}}
* Create the Pod:
kubectl create -f https://k8s.io/examples/pods/inject/pod-secret-envFrom.yaml
* Now, the Pod’s output includes `username=my-app` and `password=39528$vdg7Jb` environment variables.
{{% /capture %}}
{{% capture whatsnext %}}
* Learn more about [Secrets](/docs/concepts/configuration/secret/).
* Learn about [Volumes](/docs/concepts/storage/volumes/).
### Reference
* [Secret](/docs/reference/generated/kubernetes-api/{{< param "version" >}}/#secret-v1-core)
* [Volume](/docs/reference/generated/kubernetes-api/{{< param "version" >}}/#volume-v1-core)
* [Pod](/docs/reference/generated/kubernetes-api/{{< param "version" >}}/#pod-v1-core)
{{% /capture %}}