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Official CVE Feed CVE feed 25

{{< feature-state for_k8s_version="v1.27" state="beta" >}}

This is a community maintained list of official CVEs announced by the Kubernetes Security Response Committee. See Kubernetes Security and Disclosure Information for more details.

The Kubernetes project publishes a programmatically accessible feed of published security issues in JSON feed and RSS feed formats. You can access it by executing the following commands:

{{< tabs name="CVE feeds" >}} {{% tab name="JSON feed" %}} Link to JSON format

curl -Lv

{{% /tab %}} {{% tab name="RSS feed" %}} Link to RSS format

curl -Lv

{{% /tab %}} {{< /tabs >}}

{{< cve-feed >}}

This feed is auto-refreshing with a noticeable but small lag (minutes to hours) from the time a CVE is announced to the time it is accessible in this feed.

The source of truth of this feed is a set of GitHub Issues, filtered by a controlled and restricted label official-cve-feed. The raw data is stored in a Google Cloud Bucket which is writable only by a small number of trusted members of the Community.