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# The Kubernetes documentation
[](https://app.netlify.com/sites/kubernetes-io-master-staging/deploys) [](https://github.com/kubernetes/website/releases/latest)
This repository contains the assets required to build the [Kubernetes website and documentation](https://kubernetes.io/). We're glad that you want to contribute!
# Using this repository
You can run the website locally using Hugo (Extended version), or you can run it in a container runtime. We strongly recommend using the container runtime, as it gives deployment consistency with the live website.
## Prerequisites
To use this repository, you need the following installed locally:
- [npm](https://www.npmjs.com/)
- [Go](https://golang.org/)
- [Hugo (Extended version)](https://gohugo.io/)
- A container runtime, like [Docker](https://www.docker.com/).
Before you start, install the dependencies. Clone the repository and navigate to the directory:
git clone https://github.com/kubernetes/website.git
cd website
The Kubernetes website uses the [Docsy Hugo theme](https://github.com/google/docsy#readme). Even if you plan to run the website in a container, we strongly recommend pulling in the submodule and other development dependencies by running the following:
# pull in the Docsy submodule
git submodule update --init --recursive --depth 1
## Running the website using a container
To build the site in a container, run the following to build the container image and run it:
make container-image
make container-serve
Open up your browser to http://localhost:1313 to view the website. As you make changes to the source files, Hugo updates the website and forces a browser refresh.
## Running the website locally using Hugo
Make sure to install the Hugo extended version specified by the `HUGO_VERSION` environment variable in the [`netlify.toml`](netlify.toml#L10) file.
To build and test the site locally, run:
# install dependencies
npm ci
make serve
This will start the local Hugo server on port 1313. Open up your browser to http://localhost:1313 to view the website. As you make changes to the source files, Hugo updates the website and forces a browser refresh.
## Troubleshooting
### error: failed to transform resource: TOCSS: failed to transform "scss/main.scss" (text/x-scss): this feature is not available in your current Hugo version
Hugo is shipped in two set of binaries for technical reasons. The current website runs based on the **Hugo Extended** version only. In the [release page](https://github.com/gohugoio/hugo/releases) look for archives with `extended` in the name. To confirm, run `hugo version` and look for the word `extended`.
### Troubleshooting macOS for too many open files
If you run `make serve` on macOS and receive the following error:
ERROR 2020/08/01 19:09:18 Error: listen tcp socket: too many open files
make: *** [serve] Error 1
Try checking the current limit for open files:
`launchctl limit maxfiles`
Then run the following commands (adapted from https://gist.github.com/tombigel/d503800a282fcadbee14b537735d202c):
# These are the original gist links, linking to my gists now.
# curl -O https://gist.githubusercontent.com/a2ikm/761c2ab02b7b3935679e55af5d81786a/raw/ab644cb92f216c019a2f032bbf25e258b01d87f9/limit.maxfiles.plist
# curl -O https://gist.githubusercontent.com/a2ikm/761c2ab02b7b3935679e55af5d81786a/raw/ab644cb92f216c019a2f032bbf25e258b01d87f9/limit.maxproc.plist
curl -O https://gist.githubusercontent.com/tombigel/d503800a282fcadbee14b537735d202c/raw/ed73cacf82906fdde59976a0c8248cce8b44f906/limit.maxfiles.plist
curl -O https://gist.githubusercontent.com/tombigel/d503800a282fcadbee14b537735d202c/raw/ed73cacf82906fdde59976a0c8248cce8b44f906/limit.maxproc.plist
sudo mv limit.maxfiles.plist /Library/LaunchDaemons
sudo mv limit.maxproc.plist /Library/LaunchDaemons
sudo chown root:wheel /Library/LaunchDaemons/limit.maxfiles.plist
sudo chown root:wheel /Library/LaunchDaemons/limit.maxproc.plist
sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/limit.maxfiles.plist
This works for Catalina as well as Mojave macOS.
# Get involved with SIG Docs
Learn more about SIG Docs Kubernetes community and meetings on the [community page](https://github.com/kubernetes/community/tree/master/sig-docs#meetings).
You can also reach the maintainers of this project at:
- [Slack](https://kubernetes.slack.com/messages/sig-docs) [Get an invite for this Slack](https://slack.k8s.io/)
- [Mailing List](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/kubernetes-sig-docs)
# Contributing to the docs
You can click the **Fork** button in the upper-right area of the screen to create a copy of this repository in your GitHub account. This copy is called a *fork*. Make any changes you want in your fork, and when you are ready to send those changes to us, go to your fork and create a new pull request to let us know about it.
Once your pull request is created, a Kubernetes reviewer will take responsibility for providing clear, actionable feedback. As the owner of the pull request, **it is your responsibility to modify your pull request to address the feedback that has been provided to you by the Kubernetes reviewer.**
Also, note that you may end up having more than one Kubernetes reviewer provide you feedback or you may end up getting feedback from a Kubernetes reviewer that is different than the one initially assigned to provide you feedback.
Furthermore, in some cases, one of your reviewers might ask for a technical review from a Kubernetes tech reviewer when needed. Reviewers will do their best to provide feedback in a timely fashion but response time can vary based on circumstances.
For more information about contributing to the Kubernetes documentation, see:
* [Contribute to Kubernetes docs](https://kubernetes.io/docs/contribute/)
* [Page Content Types](https://kubernetes.io/docs/contribute/style/page-content-types/)
* [Documentation Style Guide](https://kubernetes.io/docs/contribute/style/style-guide/)
* [Localizing Kubernetes Documentation](https://kubernetes.io/docs/contribute/localization/)
# Localization `README.md`'s
| Language | Language |
# Code of conduct
Participation in the Kubernetes community is governed by the [CNCF Code of Conduct](https://github.com/cncf/foundation/blob/master/code-of-conduct.md).
# Thank you!
Kubernetes thrives on community participation, and we appreciate your contributions to our website and our documentation!