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Troubleshooting |
{% capture overview %} This document with highlighting how to troubleshoot the deployment of a Kubernetes cluster, it will not cover debugging of workloads inside Kubernetes. {% endcapture %} {% capture prerequisites %} This page assumes you have a working Juju deployed cluster. {% endcapture %}
{% capture steps %}
Understanding Cluster Status
Using juju status
can give you some insight as to what's happening in a cluster:
Model Controller Cloud/Region Version
kubes work-multi aws/us-east-2
App Version Status Scale Charm Store Rev OS Notes
easyrsa 3.0.1 active 1 easyrsa jujucharms 3 ubuntu
etcd 2.2.5 active 1 etcd jujucharms 17 ubuntu
flannel 0.6.1 active 2 flannel jujucharms 6 ubuntu
kubernetes-master 1.4.5 active 1 kubernetes-master jujucharms 8 ubuntu exposed
kubernetes-worker 1.4.5 active 1 kubernetes-worker jujucharms 11 ubuntu exposed
Unit Workload Agent Machine Public address Ports Message
easyrsa/0* active idle 0/lxd/0 Certificate Authority connected.
etcd/0* active idle 0 2379/tcp Healthy with 1 known peers.
kubernetes-master/0* active idle 0 6443/tcp Kubernetes master services ready.
flannel/1 active idle Flannel subnet
kubernetes-worker/0* active idle 1 80/tcp,443/tcp Kubernetes worker running.
flannel/0* active idle Flannel subnet
Machine State DNS Inst id Series AZ
0 started i-0bb211a18be691473 xenial us-east-2a
0/lxd/0 started juju-153b74-0-lxd-0 xenial
1 started i-0502d7de733be31bb xenial us-east-2b
In this example we can glean some information. The Workload
column will show the status of a given service. The Message
section will show you the health of a given service in the cluster. During deployment and maintenance these workload statuses will update to reflect what a given node is doing. For example the workload my say maintenance
while message will describe this maintenance as Installing docker
During normal oprtation the Workload should read active
, the Agent column (which reflects what the Juju agent is doing) should read idle
, and the messages will either say Ready
or another descriptive term. juju status --color
will also return all green results when a cluster's deployment is healthy.
Status can become unweildly for large clusters, it is then recommended to check status on individual services, for example to check the status on the workers only:
juju status kubernetes-workers
or just on the etcd cluster:
juju status etcd
Errors will have an obvious message, and will return a red result when used with juju status --color
. Nodes that come up in this manner should be investigated.
SSHing to units.
You can ssh to individual units easily with the following convention, `juju ssh /<unit#>:
juju ssh kubernetes-worker/3
Will automatically ssh you to the 3rd worker unit.
juju ssh easyrsa/0
This will automatically ssh you to the easyrsa unit.
Collecting Debug information
Sometimes it is useful to collect all the information from a node to share with a developer so problems can be identifying. This section will deal on how to use the debug action to collect this information. The debug action is only supported on kubernetes-worker
juju run-action kubernetes-worker/0 debug
Which returns:
Action queued with id: 4b26e339-7366-4dc7-80ed-255ac0377020`
This produces a .tar.gz file which you can retrieve:
juju show-action-output 4b26e339-7366-4dc7-80ed-255ac0377020
This will give you the path for the debug results:
command: juju scp debug-test/0:/home/ubuntu/debug-20161110151539.tar.gz .
path: /home/ubuntu/debug-20161110151539.tar.gz
status: completed
completed: 2016-11-10 15:15:41 +0000 UTC
enqueued: 2016-11-10 15:15:38 +0000 UTC
started: 2016-11-10 15:15:40 +0000 UTC
You can now copy the results to your local machine:
juju scp kubernetes-worker/0:/home/ubuntu/debug-20161110151539.tar.gz .
The archive includes basic information such as systemctl status, Juju logs, charm unit data, etc. Additional application-specific information may be included as well.
Common Problems
By default there is no log aggregation of the Kubernetes nodes, each node logs locally. It is recommended to deploy the Elastic Stack for log aggregation if you desire centralized logging. {% endcapture %}
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