85 lines
3.4 KiB
85 lines
3.4 KiB
<!-- # Snippets for Atom -->
# Atom 的代码段
<!-- Snippets are bits of text that get inserted into your editor, to save typing and
reduce syntax errors. The snippets provided in `atom-snippets.cson` are scoped to
only work on Markdown files within Atom. -->
`atom-snippets.cson` 文件中所提供的代码段只用于在 Atom 中的 Markdown 文件。
<!-- ## Installation -->
## 安装
<!-- Copy the contents of the `atom-snippets.cson` file into your existing
`~/.atom/snippets.cson`. **Do not replace your existing file.** -->
将 `atom-snippets.cson` 文件中的内容复制到现有的`~/.atom/snippets.cson` 之中。
<!-- You do not need to restart Atom. -->
不需要重启 Atom。
<!-- ## Usage -->
## 使用
<!-- Have a look through `atom-snippets.cson` and note the titles and `prefix` values
of the snippets. -->
浏览一遍 `atom-snippets.cson` 文件,记下代码段的标题和 `prefix`。
<!-- You can trigger a given snippet in one of two ways:
- By typing the snippet's `prefix` and pressing the `<TAB>` key
- By searching for the snippet's title in **Packages / Snippets / Available** -->
- 键入代码段的`prefix`,按下 `<TAB>` 键
- 在 **Packages / Snippets / Available** 中搜索代码段的标题
<!-- For example, open a Markdown file and type `anote` and press `<TAB>`. A blank
note is added, with the correct Hugo shortcodes. -->
例如,打开一个 Markdown 文件,键入 `anote`,按下 `<TAB>`。
就会插入一段带有正确的 Hugo 短代码的空注释。
<!-- A snippet can insert a single line or multiple lines of text. Some snippets
have placeholder values. To get to the next placeholder, press `<TAB>` again. -->
代码段可以插入一行或多行文本。一些代码行都设有预留值。想要切换到下一个预留值,再按一次`<TAB>` 键即可。
<!-- Some of the snippets only insert partially-formed Markdown or Hugo syntax.
For instance, `coverview` inserts the start of a concept overview tag, while
`cclose` inserts a close-capture tag. This is because every type of capture
needs a capture-close tab. -->
一些代码段只会插入部分格式的 Markdown 或 Hugo 语法。
例如,`coverview` 只会插入一个概念概览的开始标签,而`cclose`则会插入一个结束标签。
这是因为每类 capture 都需要一个 capture-close 标签。
<!-- ## Creating new topics using snippets -->
## 使用代码段创建新的话题
<!-- To create a new concept, task, or tutorial from a blank file, use one of the
following: -->
- `newconcept`
- `newtask`
- `newtutorial`
<!-- Placeholder text is included. -->
<!-- ## Submitting new snippets -->
## 提交新的代码段
<!-- 1. Develop the snippet locally and verify that it works as expected.
2. Copy the template's code into the `atom-snippets.cson` file on Github. Raise a
pull request, and ask for review from another Atom user in `#sig-docs` on
Kubernetes Slack. -->
1. 本地开发代码段,验证是否有效。
2. 将代码单复制到 Github 的 `atom-snippets.cson` 文件中。
提交 pull request,邀请 Kubernetes Slack `#sig-docs` 中的另外一名 Atom 用户进行审查。