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kubeadm reset phase 90

In v1.15.0, kubeadm introduces the kubeadm reset phase command with the aim of making kubeadm more modular. This modularity enables you to invoke atomic sub-steps of the reset process. Hence, you can let kubeadm do some parts and fill in yourself where you need customizations.

kubeadm reset phase is consistent with the kubeadm reset workflow, and behind the scene both use the same code.

kubeadm reset phase

{{< tabs name="tab-phase" >}} {{< tab name="phase" include="generated/" />}} {{< /tabs >}}

kubeadm reset phase preflight

Using this phase you can execute preflight checks on a node that is being reset.

{{< tabs name="tab-preflight" >}} {{< tab name="preflight" include="generated/" />}} {{< /tabs >}}

kubeadm reset phase update-cluster-status

Using this phase you can remove this control-plane node from the ClusterStatus object.

{{< tabs name="tab-update-cluster-status" >}} {{< tab name="update-cluster-status" include="generated/" />}} {{< /tabs >}}

kubeadm reset phase remove-etcd-member

Using this phase you can remove this control-plane node's etcd member from the etcd cluster.

{{< tabs name="tab-remove-etcd-member" >}} {{< tab name="remove-etcd-member" include="generated/" />}} {{< /tabs >}}

kubeadm reset phase cleanup-node

Using this phase you can perform cleanup on this node.

{{< tabs name="tab-cleanup-node" >}} {{< tab name="cleanup-node" include="generated/" />}} {{< /tabs >}}

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