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My Service is not working - how to debug

An issue that comes up rather frequently for new installations of Kubernetes is that Services are not working properly. You've run all your Pods and ReplicationControllers, but you get no response when you try to access them. This document will hopefully help you to figure out what's going wrong.

Table of Contents


Throughout this doc you will see various commands that you can run. Some commands need to be run within Pod, others on a Kubernetes Node, and others can run anywhere you have kubectl and credentials for the cluster. To make it clear what is expected, this document will use the following conventions.

If the command "COMMAND" is expected to run in a Pod and produce "OUTPUT":

{% highlight console %} {% raw %} u@pod$ COMMAND OUTPUT {% endraw %} {% endhighlight %}

If the command "COMMAND" is expected to run on a Node and produce "OUTPUT":

{% highlight console %} {% raw %} u@node$ COMMAND OUTPUT {% endraw %} {% endhighlight %}

If the command is "kubectl ARGS":

{% highlight console %} {% raw %} $ kubectl ARGS OUTPUT {% endraw %} {% endhighlight %}

Running commands in a Pod

For many steps here you will want to see what a Pod running in the cluster sees. Kubernetes does not directly support interactive Pods (yet), but you can approximate it:

{% highlight console %} {% raw %} $ cat <<EOF | kubectl create -f - apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: busybox-sleep spec: containers:

  • name: busybox image: busybox args:
    • sleep
    • "1000000" EOF pods/busybox-sleep {% endraw %} {% endhighlight %}

Now, when you need to run a command (even an interactive shell) in a Pod-like context, use:

{% highlight console %} {% raw %} $ kubectl exec busybox-sleep -- {% endraw %} {% endhighlight %}


{% highlight console %} {% raw %} $ kubectl exec -ti busybox-sleep sh / # {% endraw %} {% endhighlight %}


For the purposes of this walk-through, let's run some Pods. Since you're probably debugging your own Service you can substitute your own details, or you can follow along and get a second data point.

{% highlight console %} {% raw %} $ kubectl run hostnames
--replicas=3 CONTROLLER CONTAINER(S) IMAGE(S) SELECTOR REPLICAS hostnames hostnames app=hostnames 3 {% endraw %} {% endhighlight %}

Note that this is the same as if you had started the ReplicationController with the following YAML:

{% highlight yaml %} {% raw %} apiVersion: v1 kind: ReplicationController metadata: name: hostnames spec: selector: app: hostnames replicas: 3 template: metadata: labels: app: hostnames spec: containers: - name: hostnames image: ports: - containerPort: 9376 protocol: TCP {% endraw %} {% endhighlight %}

Confirm your Pods are running:

{% highlight console %} {% raw %} $ kubectl get pods -l app=hostnames NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE hostnames-0uton 1/1 Running 0 12s hostnames-bvc05 1/1 Running 0 12s hostnames-yp2kp 1/1 Running 0 12s {% endraw %} {% endhighlight %}

Does the Service exist?

The astute reader will have noticed that we did not actually create a Service yet - that is intentional. This is a step that sometimes gets forgotten, and is the first thing to check.

So what would happen if I tried to access a non-existent Service? Assuming you have another Pod that consumes this Service by name you would get something like:

{% highlight console %} {% raw %} u@pod$ wget -qO- hostnames wget: bad address 'hostname' {% endraw %} {% endhighlight %}


{% highlight console %} {% raw %} u@pod$ echo $HOSTNAMES_SERVICE_HOST {% endraw %} {% endhighlight %}

So the first thing to check is whether that Service actually exists:

{% highlight console %} {% raw %} $ kubectl get svc hostnames Error from server: service "hostnames" not found {% endraw %} {% endhighlight %}

So we have a culprit, let's create the Service. As before, this is for the walk-through - you can use your own Service's details here.

{% highlight console %} {% raw %} $ kubectl expose rc hostnames --port=80 --target-port=9376 service "hostnames" exposed {% endraw %} {% endhighlight %}

And read it back, just to be sure:

{% highlight console %} {% raw %} $ kubectl get svc hostnames NAME CLUSTER_IP EXTERNAL_IP PORT(S) SELECTOR AGE hostnames 80/TCP run=hostnames 1h {% endraw %} {% endhighlight %}

As before, this is the same as if you had started the Service with YAML:

{% highlight yaml %} {% raw %} apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: hostnames spec: selector: app: hostnames ports:

  • name: default protocol: TCP port: 80 targetPort: 9376 {% endraw %} {% endhighlight %}

Now you can confirm that the Service exists.

Does the Service work by DNS?

From a Pod in the same Namespace:

{% highlight console %} {% raw %} u@pod$ nslookup hostnames Server: Address:

Name: hostnames Address: {% endraw %} {% endhighlight %}

If this fails, perhaps your Pod and Service are in different Namespaces, try a namespace-qualified name:

{% highlight console %} {% raw %} u@pod$ nslookup hostnames.default Server: Address:

Name: hostnames.default Address: {% endraw %} {% endhighlight %}

If this works, you'll need to ensure that Pods and Services run in the same Namespace. If this still fails, try a fully-qualified name:

{% highlight console %} {% raw %} u@pod$ nslookup hostnames.default.svc.cluster.local Server: Address:

Name: hostnames.default.svc.cluster.local Address: {% endraw %} {% endhighlight %}

Note the suffix here: "default.svc.cluster.local". The "default" is the Namespace we're operating in. The "svc" denotes that this is a Service. The "cluster.local" is your cluster domain.

You can also try this from a Node in the cluster (note: is my DNS Service):

{% highlight console %} {% raw %} u@node$ nslookup hostnames.default.svc.cluster.local Server: Address:

Name: hostnames.default.svc.cluster.local Address: {% endraw %} {% endhighlight %}

If you are able to do a fully-qualified name lookup but not a relative one, you need to check that your kubelet is running with the right flags. The --cluster-dns flag needs to point to your DNS Service's IP and the --cluster-domain flag needs to be your cluster's domain - we assumed "cluster.local" in this document, but yours might be different, in which case you should change that in all of the commands above.

Does any Service exist in DNS?

If the above still fails - DNS lookups are not working for your Service - we can take a step back and see what else is not working. The Kubernetes master Service should always work:

{% highlight console %} {% raw %} u@pod$ nslookup kubernetes.default Server: Address 1:

Name: kubernetes Address 1: {% endraw %} {% endhighlight %}

If this fails, you might need to go to the kube-proxy section of this doc, or even go back to the top of this document and start over, but instead of debugging your own Service, debug DNS.

Does the Service work by IP?

The next thing to test is whether your Service works at all. From a Node in your cluster, access the Service's IP (from kubectl get above).

{% highlight console %} {% raw %} u@node$ curl hostnames-0uton

u@node$ curl hostnames-yp2kp

u@node$ curl hostnames-bvc05 {% endraw %} {% endhighlight %}

If your Service is working, you should get correct responses. If not, there are a number of things that could be going wrong. Read on.

Is the Service correct?

It might sound silly, but you should really double and triple check that your Service is correct and matches your Pods. Read back your Service and verify it:

{% highlight console %} {% raw %} $ kubectl get service hostnames -o json { "kind": "Service", "apiVersion": "v1", "metadata": { "name": "hostnames", "namespace": "default", "selfLink": "/api/v1/namespaces/default/services/hostnames", "uid": "428c8b6c-24bc-11e5-936d-42010af0a9bc", "resourceVersion": "347189", "creationTimestamp": "2015-07-07T15:24:29Z", "labels": { "app": "hostnames" } }, "spec": { "ports": [ { "name": "default", "protocol": "TCP", "port": 80, "targetPort": 9376, "nodePort": 0 } ], "selector": { "app": "hostnames" }, "clusterIP": "", "type": "ClusterIP", "sessionAffinity": "None" }, "status": { "loadBalancer": {} } } {% endraw %} {% endhighlight %}

Is the port you are trying to access in spec.ports[]? Is the targetPort correct for your Pods? If you meant it to be a numeric port, is it a number (9376) or a string "9376"? If you meant it to be a named port, do your Pods expose a port with the same name? Is the port's protocol the same as the Pod's?

Does the Service have any Endpoints?

If you got this far, we assume that you have confirmed that your Service exists and resolves by DNS. Now let's check that the Pods you ran are actually being selected by the Service.

Earlier we saw that the Pods were running. We can re-check that:

{% highlight console %} {% raw %} $ kubectl get pods -l app=hostnames NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE hostnames-0uton 1/1 Running 0 1h hostnames-bvc05 1/1 Running 0 1h hostnames-yp2kp 1/1 Running 0 1h {% endraw %} {% endhighlight %}

The "AGE" column says that these Pods are about an hour old, which implies that they are running fine and not crashing.

The -l app=hostnames argument is a label selector - just like our Service has. Inside the Kubernetes system is a control loop which evaluates the selector of every Service and save the results into an Endpoints object.

{% highlight console %} {% raw %} $ kubectl get endpoints hostnames NAME ENDPOINTS hostnames,, {% endraw %} {% endhighlight %}

This confirms that the control loop has found the correct Pods for your Service. If the hostnames row is blank, you should check that the spec.selector field of your Service actually selects for metadata.labels values on your Pods.

Are the Pods working?

At this point, we know that your Service exists and has selected your Pods. Let's check that the Pods are actually working - we can bypass the Service mechanism and go straight to the Pods.

{% highlight console %} {% raw %} u@pod$ wget -qO- hostnames-0uton

pod $ wget -qO- hostnames-bvc05

u@pod$ wget -qO- hostnames-yp2kp {% endraw %} {% endhighlight %}

We expect each Pod in the Endpoints list to return its own hostname. If this is not what happens (or whatever the correct behavior is for your own Pods), you should investigate what's happening there. You might find kubectl logs to be useful or kubectl exec directly to your Pods and check service from there.

Is the kube-proxy working?

If you get here, your Service is running, has Endpoints, and your Pods are actually serving. At this point, the whole Service proxy mechanism is suspect. Let's confirm it, piece by piece.

Is kube-proxy running?

Confirm that kube-proxy is running on your Nodes. You should get something like the below:

{% highlight console %} {% raw %} u@node$ ps auxw | grep kube-proxy root 4194 0.4 0.1 101864 17696 ? Sl Jul04 25:43 /usr/local/bin/kube-proxy --master=https://kubernetes-master --kubeconfig=/var/lib/kube-proxy/kubeconfig --v=2 {% endraw %} {% endhighlight %}

Next, confirm that it is not failing something obvious, like contacting the master. To do this, you'll have to look at the logs. Accessing the logs depends on your Node OS. On some OSes it is a file, such as /var/log/kube-proxy.log, while other OSes use journalctl to access logs. You should see something like:

{% highlight console %} {% raw %} I0707 17:34:53.945651 30031 server.go:88] Running in resource-only container "/kube-proxy" I0707 17:34:53.945921 30031 proxier.go:121] Setting proxy IP to and initializing iptables I0707 17:34:54.053023 30031 roundrobin.go:262] LoadBalancerRR: Setting endpoints for default/kubernetes: to [] I0707 17:34:54.053175 30031 roundrobin.go:262] LoadBalancerRR: Setting endpoints for default/hostnames:default to [] I0707 17:34:54.053284 30031 roundrobin.go:262] LoadBalancerRR: Setting endpoints for default/kube-dns:dns to [] I0707 17:34:54.053310 30031 roundrobin.go:262] LoadBalancerRR: Setting endpoints for default/kube-dns:dns-tcp to [] I0707 17:34:54.054780 30031 proxier.go:306] Adding new service "default/kubernetes:" at I0707 17:34:54.054903 30031 proxier.go:247] Proxying for service "default/kubernetes:" on TCP port 40074 I0707 17:34:54.079181 30031 proxier.go:306] Adding new service "default/hostnames:default" at I0707 17:34:54.079273 30031 proxier.go:247] Proxying for service "default/hostnames:default" on TCP port 48577 I0707 17:34:54.113665 30031 proxier.go:306] Adding new service "default/kube-dns:dns" at I0707 17:34:54.113776 30031 proxier.go:247] Proxying for service "default/kube-dns:dns" on UDP port 34149 I0707 17:34:54.120224 30031 proxier.go:306] Adding new service "default/kube-dns:dns-tcp" at I0707 17:34:54.120297 30031 proxier.go:247] Proxying for service "default/kube-dns:dns-tcp" on TCP port 53476 I0707 17:34:54.902313 30031 proxysocket.go:130] Accepted TCP connection from to I0707 17:34:54.903107 30031 proxysocket.go:130] Accepted TCP connection from to I0707 17:35:46.015868 30031 proxysocket.go:246] New UDP connection from I0707 17:35:46.017061 30031 proxysocket.go:246] New UDP connection from {% endraw %} {% endhighlight %}

If you see error messages about not being able to contact the master, you should double-check your Node configuration and installation steps.

Is kube-proxy writing iptables rules?

One of the main responsibilities of kube-proxy is to write the iptables rules which implement Services. Let's check that those rules are getting written.

{% highlight console %} {% raw %} u@node$ iptables-save | grep hostnames -A KUBE-PORTALS-CONTAINER -d -p tcp -m comment --comment "default/hostnames:default" -m tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 48577 -A KUBE-PORTALS-HOST -d -p tcp -m comment --comment "default/hostnames:default" -m tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to-destination {% endraw %} {% endhighlight %}

There should be 2 rules for each port on your Service (just one in this example) - a "KUBE-PORTALS-CONTAINER" and a "KUBE-PORTALS-HOST". If you do not see these, try restarting kube-proxy with the -V flag set to 4, and then look at the logs again.

Is kube-proxy proxying?

Assuming you do see the above rules, try again to access your Service by IP:

{% highlight console %} {% raw %} u@node$ curl hostnames-0uton {% endraw %} {% endhighlight %}

If this fails, we can try accessing the proxy directly. Look back at the iptables-save output above, and extract the port number that kube-proxy is using for your Service. In the above examples it is "48577". Now connect to that:

{% highlight console %} {% raw %} u@node$ curl localhost:48577 hostnames-yp2kp {% endraw %} {% endhighlight %}

If this still fails, look at the kube-proxy logs for specific lines like:

{% highlight console %} {% raw %} Setting endpoints for default/hostnames:default to [] {% endraw %} {% endhighlight %}

If you don't see those, try restarting kube-proxy with the -V flag set to 4, and then look at the logs again.

Seek help

If you get this far, something very strange is happening. Your Service is running, has Endpoints, and your Pods are actually serving. You have DNS working, iptables rules installed, and kube-proxy does not seem to be misbehaving. And yet your Service is not working. You should probably let us know, so we can help investigate!

Contact us on Slack or email or GitHub.

More information

Visit troubleshooting document for more information.
