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title: MEAN stack on Google Cloud Platform
**By: Sandeep Dinesh** - _July 29, 2015_
In [a recent post](, I talked about running a MEAN stack with [Docker Containers.](
Manually deploying Containers is all fine and dandy, but is rather fragile and clumsy. What happens if the app crashes? How can the app be updated? Rolled back?
Thankfully, there is a system we can use to manage our containers in a cluster environment called Kubernetes. Even better, Google has a managed version of Kubernetes called [Google Container Engine]( so you can get up and running in minutes.
## The Basics of Using Kubernetes
Before we jump in and start kube'ing it up, it's important to understand some of the fundamentals of Kubernetes.
* Containers: These are the Docker, rtk, AppC, or whatever Container you are running. You can think of these like subatomic particles; everything is made up of them, but you rarely (if ever) interact with them directly.
* Pods: Pods are the basic component of Kubernetes. They are a group of Containers that are scheduled, live, and die together. Why would you want to have a group of containers instead of just a single container? Let's say you had a log processor, a web server, and a database. If you couldn't use Pods, you would have to bundle the log processor in the web server and database containers, and each time you updated one you would have to update the other. With Pods, you can just reuse the same log processor for both the web server and database.
* Deployments: A Deployment provides declarative updates for Pods. You can define Deployments to create new Pods, or replace existing Pods. You only need to describe the desired state in a Deployment object, and the deployment controller will change the actual state to the desired state at a controlled rate for you. You can define Deployments to create new resources, or replace existing ones by new ones.
* Services: A service is the single point of contact for a group of Pods. For example, let's say you have a Deployment that creates four copies of a web server pod. A Service will split the traffic to each of the four copies. Services are "permanent" while the pods behind them can come and go, so it's a good idea to use Services.
## Step 1: Creating the Container
In my previous post, I used off-the-shelf containers to keep things simple.
I had a stock MongoDB container and a stock Node.js container. The Mongo container ran fine without any modification. However, I had to manually enter the Node container to pull and run the code. Obviously this isn't ideal in Kubernetes land, as you aren't supposed to log into your servers!
Instead, you have to build a custom container that has the code already inside it and runs automatically.
To do this, you need to use more Docker. Make sure you have the latest version installed for the rest of this tutorial.
Getting the code:
Before starting, let's get some code to run. You can follow along on your personal machine or a Linux VM in the cloud. I recommend using Linux or a Linux VM; running Docker on Mac and Windows is outside the scope of this tutorial.
$ git clone app
$ mv app/EmployeeDB/* app/
$ sed -i -- 's/localhost/mongo/g' ./app/app.js
This is the same sample app we ran before. The second line just moves everything from the `EmployeeDB` subfolder up into the app folder so it's easier to access. The third line, once again, replaces the hardcoded `localhost` with the `mongo` proxy.
Building the Docker image:
First, you need a `Dockerfile`. This is basically the list of instructions Docker uses to build a container image.
Here is the `Dockerfile` for the web server:
FROM node:4.4
RUN mkdir -p /usr/src/app
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
COPY ./app/ ./
RUN npm install
CMD ["node", "app.js"]
A `Dockerfile` is pretty self-explanatory, and this one is dead simple.
First, it uses the official Node.js LTS image as the base image.
Then, it creates a folder to store the code, `cd`s into that directory, copies the code in, and installs the dependencies with npm.
Finally, it specifies the command Docker should run when the container starts, which is to start the app.
## Step 2: Building our Container
Right now, the directory should look like this:
$ ls
Dockerfile app
Let's build.
$ docker build -t myapp .
This will build a new Docker image for your app. This might take a few minutes as it is downloading and building everything.
After that is done, test it out:
$ docker run myapp
At this point, you should have a server running on `http://localhost:3000` (or wherever Docker tells you). The website will error out as there is no database running, but we know it works!
## Step 3: Pushing our Container
Now you have a custom Docker image, you have to actually access it from the cloud.
As we are going to be using the image with Google Container Engine, the best place to push the image is the [Google Container Registry]( The Container Registry is built on top of [Google Cloud Storage](, so you get the advantage of scalable storage and very fast access from Container Engine.
First, make sure you have the latest version of the [Google Cloud SDK installed](
[Windows users click here.](
For Linux/Mac:
$ curl | bash
Then, make sure you log in and update.
$ gcloud auth login
$ gcloud components update
You're ready to push your container live, but you'll need a destination. Create a Project in [the Google Cloud Platform Console](, and leave it blank. Use the Project ID below, and push your project live.
$ docker tag myapp<YOUR-PROJECT-ID>/myapp
$ gcloud docker push<YOUR-PROJECT-ID>/myapp
After some time, it will finish. You can check the console to see the container has been pushed up.
## **Step 4: Creating the Cluster**
So now you have the custom container, let's create a cluster to run it.
Currently, a cluster can be as small as one machine to as big as 100 machines. You can pick any machine type you want, so you can have a cluster of a single `f1-micro` instance, 100 `n1-standard-32` instances (3,200 cores!), and anything in between.
For this tutorial I'm going to use the following:
* Create a cluster named `mean-cluster`
* Give it a size of 2 nodes
* Machine type will be `n1-standard-1`
* Zone will be `us-central-1f` (Use a zone close to you)
There are two ways to create this cluster. Take your pick.
**Command Line:**
$ gcloud beta container \
--project "<YOUR-PROJECT-ID>" \
clusters create "mean-cluster" \
--zone "us-central1-f" \
--machine-type "n1-standard-1" \
--num-nodes "2" \
--network "default"
After a few minutes, you should see this in the console.
## **Step 5: Creating the Database Service**
Three things need to be created:
1. Persistent Disk to store the data (pods are ephemeral, so we shouldn't save data locally)
2. Deployment running MongoDB
3. Service mapping to that Deployment
To create the disk, run this:
$ gcloud compute disks create \
--project "<YOUR-PROJECT-ID>" \
--zone "us-central1-f" \
--size 200GB \
Pick the same zone as your cluster and an appropriate disk size for your application.
Now, we need to create a Deployment that will run the database. I'm using a Deployment and not a Pod, because if a standalone Pod dies, it won't restart automatically.
### `db-deployment.yml`
apiVersion: apps/v1beta1
kind: Deployment
name: mongo-deployment
replicas: 1
name: mongo
- image: mongo
name: mongo
- name: mongo
containerPort: 27017
hostPort: 27017
- name: mongo-persistent-storage
mountPath: /data/db
- name: mongo-persistent-storage
pdName: mongo-disk
fsType: ext4
We call the deployment `mongo-deployment`, specify one replica, and open the appropriate ports. The image is `mongo`, which is the off the shelf MongoDB image.
The `volumes` section creates the volume for Kubernetes to use. There is a Google Container Engine-specific `gcePersistentDisk` section that maps the disk we made into a Kubernetes volume, and we mount the volume into the `/data/db` directory (as described in the MongoDB Docker documentation)
Now we have the Deployment, let's create the Service:
### `db-service.yml`
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: mongo
name: mongo
- port: 27017
targetPort: 27017
name: mongo
Again, pretty simple stuff. We "select" the mongo Deployment to be served, open up the ports, and call the service `mongo`.
This is just like the "link" command line option we used with Docker in my previous post. Instead of connecting to `localhost`, we connect to `mongo`, and Kubernetes redirects traffic to the mongo service!
At this point, the local directory looks like this:
$ ls
## Step 6: Running the Database
First, let's "log in" to the cluster
$ gcloud container clusters get-credentials mean-cluster
Now create the Deployment.
$ kubectl create -f db-deployment.yml
And the Service.
$ kubectl create -f db-service.yml
`kubectl` is the Kubernetes command line tool (automatically installed with the Google Cloud SDK). We are just creating the resources specified in the files.
At this point, the database is spinning up! You can check progress with the following command:
$ kubectl get pods
Once you see the mongo pod in running status, we are good to go!
$ kubectl get pods
mongo-deployment-xxxx 1/1 Running 0 3m
## Step 7: Creating the Web Server
Now the database is running, let's start the web server.
We need two things:
1. Deployment to spin up and down web server pods
2. Service to expose our website to the interwebs
Let's look at the Deployment configuration:
### `web-deployment.yml`
apiVersion: apps/v1beta1
kind: Deployment
name: web-deployment
replicas: 2
name: web
- image:<YOUR-PROJECT-ID>/myapp
name: web
- name: http-server
containerPort: 3000
Here, we create a deployment called `web-deployment`, and we tell it to create two replicas. Replicas of what you ask? You may notice the `template` section looks just like a Pod configuration, and that's because it is. We are creating a Pod with our custom Node.js container and exposing port 3000.
Now for the Service
### `web-service.yml`
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: web
name: web
type: LoadBalancer
- port: 80
targetPort: 3000
protocol: TCP
name: web
Notice two things here:
1. The type is *LoadBalancer*. This is a cool feature that will make Google Cloud Platform create an external network load balancer automatically for this service!
2. We map external port 80 to the internal port 3000, so we can serve HTTP traffic without messing with Firewalls.
At this point, the local directory looks like this
$ ls
## Step 8: Running the Web Server
Create the Deployment.
$ kubectl create -f web-deployment.yml
And the Service.
$ kubectl create -f web-service.yml
And check the status.
$ kubectl get pods
Once you see the web pods in running status, we are good to go!
$ kubectl get pods
mongo-deployment-xxxx 1/1 Running 0 4m
web-deployment-xxxx 1/1 Running 0 1m
web-deployment-xxxx 1/1 Running 0 1m
## Step 9: Accessing the App
At this point, everything is up and running. The architecture looks something like this:
![image](/images/docs/meanstack/MEANstack_architecture.svg){: style="max-width:25%"}
By default, port 80 should be open on the load balancer. In order to find the IP address of our app, run this command:
$ gcloud compute forwarding-rules list
abcdef us-central1 104.197.XXX.XXX TCP us-xxxx
If you go to the IP address listed, you should see the app up and running!
And the Database works!
#### **Final Thoughts**
By using Container Engine and Kubernetes, we have a very robust, container based MEAN stack running in production.
[In another post](, I cover how to setup a MongoDB replica set. This is very important for running in production.
Hopefully I can do some more posts about advanced Kubernetes topics such as changing the cluster size and number of Node.js web server replicas, using different environments (dev, staging, prod) on the same cluster, and doing rolling updates.
Thanks to [Mark Mandel](, [Aja Hammerly](, and [Jack Wilber]( [Some rights reserved]( by the author.