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title: " Kubernetes 中自动缩放 "
date: 2017-11-17
slug: autoscaling-in-kubernetes
title: " Autoscaling in Kubernetes "
date: 2017-11-17
slug: autoscaling-in-kubernetes
url: /blog/2017/11/Autoscaling-In-Kubernetes
Kubernetes allows developers to automatically adjust cluster sizes and the number of pod replicas based on current traffic and load. These adjustments reduce the amount of unused nodes, saving money and resources. In this talk, Marcin Wielgus of Google walks you through the current state of pod and node autoscaling in Kubernetes: .how it works, and how to use it, including best practices for deployments in production applications.
Kubernetes 允许开发人员根据当前的流量和负载自动调整集群大小和 pod 副本的数量。这些调整减少了未使用节点的数量,节省了资金和资源。
在这次演讲中,谷歌的 Marcin Wielgus 将带领您了解 Kubernetes 中 pod 和 node 自动调焦的当前状态:它是如何工作的,以及如何使用它,包括在生产应用程序中部署的最佳实践。
Enjoyed this talk? Join us for more exciting sessions on scaling and automating your Kubernetes clusters at KubeCon in Austin on December 6-8. [Register Now](https://www.eventbrite.com/e/kubecon-cloudnativecon-north-america-registration-37824050754?_ga=2.9666039.317115486.1510003873-1623727562.1496428006)
喜欢这个演讲吗? 12 月 6 日至 8 日,在 Austin 参加 KubeCon 关于扩展和自动化您的 Kubernetes 集群的更令人兴奋的会议。[现在注册](https://www.eventbrite.com/e/kubecon-cloudnativecon-north-america-registration-37824050754?_ga=2.9666039.317115486.1510003873-1623727562.1496428006)。
Be sure to check out [Automating and Testing Production Ready Kubernetes Clusters in the Public Cloud](http://sched.co/CU64) by Ron Lipke, Senior Developer, Platform as a Service, Gannet/USA Today Network.
一定要查看由 Ron Lipke, Gannet/USA Today Network, 平台即服务高级开发人员,在[公共云中自动化和测试产品就绪的 Kubernetes 集群](http://sched.co/CU64)。