134 lines
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134 lines
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title: Metrics For The Kubernetes Control Plane
- brancz
- logicalhan
- RainbowMango
content_template: templates/concept
weight: 60
- controller-metrics.md
{{% capture overview %}}
System component metrics can give a better look into what is happening inside them. Metrics are particularly useful for building dashboards and alerts.
Metrics in Kubernetes control plane are emitted in [prometheus format](https://prometheus.io/docs/instrumenting/exposition_formats/) and are human readable.
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## Metrics in Kubernetes
In most cases metrics are available on `/metrics` endpoint of the HTTP server. For components that doesn't expose endpoint by default it can be enabled using `--bind-address` flag.
Examples of those components:
* {{< glossary_tooltip term_id="kube-controller-manager" text="kube-controller-manager" >}}
* {{< glossary_tooltip term_id="kube-proxy" text="kube-proxy" >}}
* {{< glossary_tooltip term_id="kube-apiserver" text="kube-apiserver" >}}
* {{< glossary_tooltip term_id="kube-scheduler" text="kube-scheduler" >}}
* {{< glossary_tooltip term_id="kubelet" text="kubelet" >}}
In a production environment you may want to configure [Prometheus Server](https://prometheus.io/) or some other metrics scraper
to periodically gather these metrics and make them available in some kind of time series database.
Note that {{< glossary_tooltip term_id="kubelet" text="kubelet" >}} also exposes metrics in `/metrics/cadvisor`, `/metrics/resource` and `/metrics/probes` endpoints. Those metrics do not have same lifecycle.
If your cluster uses {{< glossary_tooltip term_id="rbac" text="RBAC" >}}, reading metrics requires authorization via a user, group or ServiceAccount with a ClusterRole that allows accessing `/metrics`.
For example:
apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
kind: ClusterRole
name: prometheus
- nonResourceURLs:
- "/metrics"
- get
## Metric lifecycle
Alpha metric → Stable metric → Deprecated metric → Hidden metric → Deletion
Alpha metrics have no stability guarantees; as such they can be modified or deleted at any time.
Stable metrics can be guaranteed to not change; Specifically, stability means:
* the metric itself will not be deleted (or renamed)
* the type of metric will not be modified
Deprecated metric signal that the metric will eventually be deleted; to find which version, you need to check annotation, which includes from which kubernetes version that metric will be considered deprecated.
Before deprecation:
# HELP some_counter this counts things
# TYPE some_counter counter
some_counter 0
After deprecation:
# HELP some_counter (Deprecated since 1.15.0) this counts things
# TYPE some_counter counter
some_counter 0
Once a metric is hidden then by default the metrics is not published for scraping. To use a hidden metric, you need to override the configuration for the relevant cluster component.
Once a metric is deleted, the metric is not published. You cannot change this using an override.
## Show Hidden Metrics
As described above, admins can enable hidden metrics through a command-line flag on a specific binary. This intends to be used as an escape hatch for admins if they missed the migration of the metrics deprecated in the last release.
The flag `show-hidden-metrics-for-version` takes a version for which you want to show metrics deprecated in that release. The version is expressed as x.y, where x is the major version, y is the minor version. The patch version is not needed even though a metrics can be deprecated in a patch release, the reason for that is the metrics deprecation policy runs against the minor release.
The flag can only take the previous minor version as it's value. All metrics hidden in previous will be emitted if admins set the previous version to `show-hidden-metrics-for-version`. The too old version is not allowed because this violates the metrics deprecated policy.
Take metric `A` as an example, here assumed that `A` is deprecated in 1.n. According to metrics deprecated policy, we can reach the following conclusion:
* In release `1.n`, the metric is deprecated, and it can be emitted by default.
* In release `1.n+1`, the metric is hidden by default and it can be emitted by command line `show-hidden-metrics-for-version=1.n`.
* In release `1.n+2`, the metric should be removed from the codebase. No escape hatch anymore.
If you're upgrading from release `1.12` to `1.13`, but still depend on a metric `A` deprecated in `1.12`, you should set hidden metrics via command line: `--show-hidden-metrics=1.12` and remember to remove this metric dependency before upgrading to `1.14`
## Component metrics
### kube-controller-manager metrics
Controller manager metrics provide important insight into the performance and health of the controller manager.
These metrics include common Go language runtime metrics such as go_routine count and controller specific metrics such as
etcd request latencies or Cloudprovider (AWS, GCE, OpenStack) API latencies that can be used
to gauge the health of a cluster.
Starting from Kubernetes 1.7, detailed Cloudprovider metrics are available for storage operations for GCE, AWS, Vsphere and OpenStack.
These metrics can be used to monitor health of persistent volume operations.
For example, for GCE these metrics are called:
cloudprovider_gce_api_request_duration_seconds { request = "instance_list"}
cloudprovider_gce_api_request_duration_seconds { request = "disk_insert"}
cloudprovider_gce_api_request_duration_seconds { request = "disk_delete"}
cloudprovider_gce_api_request_duration_seconds { request = "attach_disk"}
cloudprovider_gce_api_request_duration_seconds { request = "detach_disk"}
cloudprovider_gce_api_request_duration_seconds { request = "list_disk"}
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{{% capture whatsnext %}}
* Read about the [Prometheus text format](https://github.com/prometheus/docs/blob/master/content/docs/instrumenting/exposition_formats.md#text-based-format) for metrics
* See the list of [stable Kubernetes metrics](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/blob/master/test/instrumentation/testdata/stable-metrics-list.yaml)
* Read about the [Kubernetes deprecation policy](https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/deprecation-policy/#deprecating-a-feature-or-behavior )
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