In previous commit, we have enabled showing the full group names for API
resources. However, in doing that, we broken links inside the reference
doc and links pointing to the api reference. This PR fixes this problem
using the revised doc generator.
* Add contrib guidelines for blog posts
* Add form guidelines
* Add TOC entry
* Renamed file
* Feedback from @heckj and @bradtopol
* Revised submission guidelines to include form
podtolerationrestriction does not encompass all the use cases of
podnodeselector, in a case where not all nodes are tainted, then
podtolerationrestriction can not ensure pods are scheduled on the
specific set of nodes.
Based on the discussion on kubernetes/kubernetes#40870, we'd better
clearly document that the endpoint IPs used by a service without
selectors cannot be virtual ones.
* Updated for adherence to style guide and the links to: /docs/user-guide/kubectl
Can someone please confirm what the "Coming soon" path to extend the API with custom resources is?
* Incorporated the changes suggested @heckj @zacharysarah
Could one of you please confirm What "Coming soon: " in line 82 stands for? Is there a name or definition or reference?
* Update
* Update
* fixed a typo
* Update
* hosting fonts locally
- issues with using hosted fonts: excessive page load times due to
periodic firewall impact
* move jquery from google CDN to jquery site
* getting the CSS too, just in case
* fixing layouts and assets
updating Gemfile.lock with bundle install (rvm use ruby-2.2.9)
Updated links in header and footer
switch to paginate v2 gem
comment sidebar logic
fixing css regression
retry paginate
updated local ruby version
reverting to original pagination gem
remove text, make heading roboto, next/prev as buttons
* reintoduce dir tree changes
format checking new posts
shrink fab-icons down to 33px
* reintoduce dir tree changes
format checking new posts
shrink fab-icons down to 33px
* next/prev buttons on posts and index
* Change "latest" to v1.10
* rename .md to match old blog and added explict permalinks for urls
* replacing a link to old blog
* fix image regression with {: .big-img} tag
* adding blog post
* formatting updates
* more formatting updates
* fixing numbering
* more number fixes
* list updates again
* changes based on Michelle's comment
* formatting update
* updated bullet points
* formatting fixes
* indentation fixes