Add contribution guidelines for blog posts (#7646)
* Add contrib guidelines for blog posts * Add form guidelines * Add TOC entry * Renamed file * Feedback from @heckj and @bradtopol * Revised submission guidelines to include formpull/8048/head
@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ toc:
- docs/home/contribute/
- docs/home/contribute/
- docs/home/contribute/
- docs/home/contribute/
- title: Updating Automatically Generated Reference Pages
@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
title: Writing a Blog Post
- zacharysarah
- kbarnard10
- sarahkconway
{% capture overview %}
This page shows you how to submit a post for the [Kubernetes blog](
You’ll receive a response within 5 business days on whether your submission is approved and information about next steps, if any.
{% endcapture %}
{% capture prerequisites %}
To create a new blog post, you can either:
- Fill out the [Kubernetes Blog Submission]( form.
- Open a pull request against this repository as described in
[Creating a Documentation Pull Request](/docs/home/contribute/create-pull-request/)
{% endcapture %}
{% capture steps %}
## Kubernetes blog guidelines
All content must be original. The Kubernetes blog does not post material previously published elsewhere.
Suitable Content (with examples):
- User case studies (Yahoo Japan, Bitmovin)
- New Kubernetes capabilities (5-days-of-k8s)
- Kubernetes projects updates (kompose)
- Updates from Special Interest Groups (SIG-OpenStack)
- Tutorials and walkthroughs (PostgreSQL w/ StatefulSets)
- Thought leadership around Kubernetes (CaaS, the foundation for next generation PaaS)
- Kubernetes Partner OSS integration (Fission)
Unsuitable Content:
- Vendor product pitches
- Partner updates without an integration and customer story
- Syndicated posts (language translations are permitted)
## Create a blog post with a form
Open the [Kubernetes Blog Submission]( form, fill it out, and click Submit.
## Create a post by opening a pull request
### Add a new Markdown file
Add a new Markdown (`*.md`) to `/blog/_posts/`.
Name the file using the following format:
For example:
### Add front matter to the file
Add the following block to the top of the new file:
layout: blog
title: <title>
date: <date>
For example:
layout: blog
title: Welcome to the Kubernetes Blog!
date: Saturday, March 20, 2015
### Create a new pull request (PR)
When you [create a new pull request](/docs/home/contribute/create-pull-request/), include the following in the PR description:
- Desired publishing date
**Note:** PRs must include complete drafts no later than 15 days prior to the desired publication date.
{: .note}
- Author information:
- Name
- Title
- Company
- Contact email
### Add content to the file
Write your post using the following guidelines.
### Add images
Add any image files the post contains to `/images/blog/`.
The preferred image format is SVG.
Add the proposed date of your blog post to the title of any image files the post contains:
For example:
Please use [reference-style image links][ref-style] to keep posts readable.
Here's an example of how to include an image in a blog post:
Check out the ![CNCF logo][cncf-logo].
[cncf-logo]: /images/blog/2018-03-01-cncf-color.svg
{% endcapture %}
{% include templates/ %}
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