title: CRI-O
id: cri-o
date: 2019-05-14
full_link: https://cri-o.io/#what-is-cri-o
short_description: >
专用于 Kubernetes 的轻量级容器运行时软件
- tool
A lightweight container runtime specifically for Kubernetes
A tool that lets you use OCI container runtimes with Kubernetes CRI.
该工具可让你通过 Kubernetes CRI 使用 OCI 容器运行时。
CRI-O is an implementation of the {{< glossary_tooltip term_id="cri" >}}
to enable using {{< glossary_tooltip text="container" term_id="container" >}}
runtimes that are compatible with the Open Container Initiative (OCI)
[runtime spec](https://www.github.com/opencontainers/runtime-spec).
CRI-O 是 {{< glossary_tooltip text="CRI" term_id="cri" >}} 的一种实现,
使得你可以使用与开放容器倡议(Open Container Initiative;OCI)
兼容的{{< glossary_tooltip text="容器" term_id="container" >}}。
Deploying CRI-O allows Kubernetes to use any OCI-compliant runtime as the container
runtime for running {{< glossary_tooltip text="Pods" term_id="pod" >}}, and to fetch
OCI container images from remote registries.
部署 CRI-O 允许 Kubernetes 使用任何符合 OCI 要求的运行时作为容器运行时
去运行 {{< glossary_tooltip text="Pod" term_id="pod" >}},
并从远程容器仓库获取 OCI 容器镜像。