average node size in order to provide for more uniform scheduling and to limit waste.
This example demonstrates how limits can be applied to a Kubernetes [namespace](/docs/admin/namespaces/walkthrough/) to control
min/max resource limits per pod. In addition, this example demonstrates how you can
apply default resource limits to pods in the absence of an end-user specified value.
See [LimitRange design doc](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/blob/{{page.githubbranch}}/docs/design/admission_control_limit_range.md) for more information. For a detailed description of the Kubernetes resource model, see [Resources](/docs/user-guide/compute-resources/)
## Step 0: Prerequisites
This example requires a running Kubernetes cluster. See the [Getting Started guides](/docs/getting-started-guides/) for how to get started.
Change to the `<kubernetes>` directory if you're not already there.
## Step 1: Create a namespace
This example will work in a custom namespace to demonstrate the concepts involved.
Let's create a new namespace called limit-example:
$ kubectl create namespace limit-example
namespace "limit-example" created
Note that `kubectl` commands will print the type and name of the resource created or mutated, which can then be used in subsequent commands:
Let's first spin up a [Deployment](/docs/user-guide/deployments) that creates a single container Pod to demonstrate
how default values are applied to each pod.
$ kubectl run nginx --image=nginx --replicas=1 --namespace=limit-example
deployment "nginx" created
Note that `kubectl run` creates a Deployment named "nginx" on Kubernetes cluster >= v1.2. If you are running older versions, it creates replication controllers instead.
If you want to obtain the old behavior, use `--generator=run/v1` to create replication controllers. See [`kubectl run`](/docs/user-guide/kubectl/kubectl_run/) for more details.
The Deployment manages 1 replica of single container Pod. Let's take a look at the Pod it manages. First, find the name of the Pod:
$ kubectl get pods --namespace=limit-example
nginx-2040093540-s8vzu 1/1 Running 0 11s
Let's print this Pod with yaml output format (using `-o yaml` flag), and then `grep` the `resources` field. Note that your pod name will be different.
Error from server: error when creating "docs/admin/limitrange/invalid-pod.yaml": Pod "invalid-pod" is forbidden: [Maximum cpu usage per Pod is 2, but limit is 3., Maximum cpu usage per Container is 2, but limit is 3.]
Let's create a pod that falls within the allowed limit boundaries.