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Firewalls, VPN's, and proxies

minikube may require access from the host to the following IP ranges:,, and These networks can be changed in minikube using --host-only-cidr and --service-cluster-ip-range.

  • To use minikube with a proxy, see Using HTTP/HTTPS proxies.

  • If you are using minikube with a VPN, you may need to configure the VPN to allow local routing for traffic to the afforementioned IP ranges.

  • If you are using minikube with a local firewall, you will need to allow access from the host to the afforementioned IP ranges on TCP ports 22 and 8443. You will also need to add access from these IP's to TCP ports 443 and 53 externally to pull images.

Access to NodePort services

The minikube VM is exposed to the host system via a host-only IP address, that can be obtained with the minikube ip command. Any services of type NodePort can be accessed over that IP address, on the NodePort.

To determine the NodePort for your service, you can use a kubectl command like this (note that nodePort begins with lowercase n in JSON output):

kubectl get service $SERVICE --output='jsonpath="{.spec.ports[0].nodePort}"'

We also have a shortcut for fetching the minikube IP and a service's NodePort:

minikube service --url $SERVICE

Increasing the NodePort range

By default, minikube only exposes ports 30000-32767. If this is not enough, you can configure the apiserver to allow all ports using:

minikube start --extra-config=apiserver.service-node-port-range=1-65535

This flag also accepts a comma separated list of ports and port ranges.

Access to LoadBalancer services using minikube tunnel

Services of type LoadBalancer can be exposed via the minikube tunnel command.

minikube tunnel

Will output:

out/minikube tunnel
Password: *****
        machine: minikube
        pid: 59088
        route: ->
        minikube: Running
        services: []
                minikube: no errors
                router: no errors
                loadbalancer emulator: no errors

Tunnel might ask you for password for creating and deleting network routes.

Cleaning up orphaned routes

If the minikube tunnel shuts down in an unclean way, it might leave a network route around. This case the ~/.minikube/tunnels.json file will contain an entry for that tunnel. To cleanup orphaned routes, run:

minikube tunnel --cleanup

Tunnel: Avoid entering password multiple times

minikube tunnel runs as a separate daemon, creates a network route on the host to the service CIDR of the cluster using the cluster's IP address as a gateway. Adding a route requires root privileges for the user, and thus there are differences in how to run minikube tunnel depending on the OS.

If you want to avoid entering the root password, consider setting NOPASSWD for "ip" and "route" commands: