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Accessing Localkube Resources From Inside A Pod: Example etcd

In order to access localkube resources from inside a pod, localkube's host ip address must be used. This can be obtained by running:

$ minikube ssh -- "sudo /usr/local/bin/localkube --host-ip"
localkube host ip:

You can use the host-ip: to access localkube's resources, for example its etcd cluster. In order to access etcd from within a pod, you can run the following command inside:

curl -L -X PUT -d value="Hello"

Accessing Host Resources From Inside A Pod

When you have a VirtualBox driver

In order to access host resources from inside a pod, run the following command to determine the host IP you can use:

ip addr

The IP address under vboxnet1 is the IP that you need to access the host from within a pod.