
1.8 KiB

minikube ISO image

This includes the configuration for an alternative bootable ISO image meant to be used in conjection with minikube.

It includes:

  • systemd as the init system
  • rkt
  • docker



  • Linux
sudo apt-get install build-essential gnupg2 p7zip-full git wget cpio python \
	unzip bc gcc-multilib automake libtool locales

Either import your private key or generate a sign-only key using gpg2 --gen-key. Also be sure to have an UTF-8 locale set up in order to build the ISO.

Build instructions

$ git clone
$ cd minikube
$ make buildroot-image
$ make out/minikube.iso

The build will occurs inside a docker container, if you want to do this baremetal, replace make out/minikube.iso with IN_DOCKER=1 make out/minikube.iso. The bootable ISO image will be available in out/minikube.iso.

Testing local minikube-iso changes

$ ./out/minikube start \
    --container-runtime=rkt \
    --network-plugin=cni \

Buildroot configuration

To change the buildroot configuration, execute:

$ cd out/buildroot
$ make menuconfig
$ make

To save any buildroot configuration changes made with make menuconfig, execute:

$ cd out/buildroot
$ make savedefconfig

The changes will be reflected in the minikube-iso/configs/minikube_defconfig file.

$ git status
## master
 M deploy/iso/minikube-iso/configs/minikube_defconfig

Saving buildroot/kernel configuration changes

To make any kernel configuration changes and save them, execute:

$ make linux-menuconfig

This will open the kernel configuration menu, and then save your changes to our iso directory after they've been selected.