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podman 3


The podman driver is an alternative container runtime to the [Docker]({{< ref "/docs/drivers/" >}}) driver.


{{% readfile file="/docs/drivers/includes/" %}}

Known Issues

  • On Linux, Podman requires passwordless running of sudo. If you run into an error about sudo, do the following:
$ sudo visudo

Then append the following to the section at the very bottom of the file where username is your user account.

username ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/podman

Be sure this text is after #includedir /etc/sudoers.d. To confirm it worked, try:

sudo -k -n podman version
  • On all other operating systems, make sure to create and start the virtual machine that is needed for Podman.
podman machine init --cpus 2 --memory 2048 --disk-size 20
podman machine start
podman system connection default podman-machine-default-root
podman info


  • Run minikube start --alsologtostderr -v=7 to debug errors and crashes