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#### Updating Kubernetes
To update Kubernetes, follow these steps:
1. Make a clean GOPATH, with minikube in it.
This isn't strictly necessary, but it usually helps.
mkdir -p $HOME/newgopath/src/
export GOPATH=$HOME/newgopath
cd $HOME/newgopath/src/
git clone
2. Copy your vendor directory back out to the new GOPATH.
cd minikube
godep restore ./...
3. Kubernetes should now be on your GOPATH. Check it out to the right version.
Make sure to also fetch tags, as Godep relies on these.
cd $GOPATH/src/
git fetch --tags
Then list all available Kubernetes tags:
git tag
Then checkout the correct one and update its dependencies with:
git checkout $DESIREDTAG
godep restore ./...
4. Build and test minikube, making any manual changes necessary to build.
5. Update godeps
cd $GOPATH/src/
rm -rf Godeps/ vendor/
godep save ./...
6. Verify that the correct tag is marked in the Godeps.json file by running this script:
python hack/
-X -X -X
The `-X` flag should contain the right tag.
Once you've build and started minikube, you can also run:
kubectl version
Client Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"2", GitVersion:"v1.2.4", GitCommit:"3eed1e3be6848b877ff80a93da3785d9034d0a4f", GitTreeState:"clean"}
Server Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"3+", GitVersion:"v1.3.0-beta.2", GitCommit:"caf9a4d87700ba034a7b39cced19bd5628ca6aa3", GitTreeState:"clean"}
The Server Version should contain the right tag in `version.Info.GitVersion`.
If any manual changes were required, please commit the vendor changes separately.
This makes the change easier to view in Github.
git add vendor/
git commit -m "Updating Kubernetes to foo"
git add --all
git commit -m "Manual changes to update Kubernetes to foo"
As a final part of updating kubernetes, a new version of localkube should be uploaded to GCS so that users can select this version of kubernetes/localkube in later minikube/localkube builds. For instructions on how to do this, see [](