
1.9 KiB

What is these scripts

These scripts are for the benchmark of cpu usage, minikube vs kind vs k3d.

  • take benchmark for cpu usage. This will take long to take place
  • create one summary csv file of each drivers and products
  • chart.go: create bar chart graph as a png file

In, we compare minikube drivers(hyperkit, virtualbox, docker with auto-pause addon) and kind, k3d, Docker for Mac Kubernetes in case of macOS.
In, we compare minikube drivers(kvm2, virtualbox, docker with auto-pause addon) and kind, k3d in case of Linux. take these steps to measure auto-pause vs. non auto-pause.

  1. start each local kubernetes tool
  2. deploy sample application(nginx deployment) to each tool
  3. wait 1 minute without anything
  4. measure No.3 idle CPU usage with cstat
  5. if tool is minikube, enable auto-pause addon which pause control plane
  6. if tool is minikube, wait 1 minute so that control plane will become Paused status(It takes 1 minute to become Pause status from Stopped status)
  7. if tool is minikube, verify if minikube control plane is paused
  8. if tool is minikube, wait 3 minute without anything
  9. if tool is minikube, measure No.8 idle CPU usage with cstat

No.1-4: Initial start CPU usage with sample(nginx) deployment
No.5-9: Auto Paused CPU usage with sample(nginx) deployment

How to use these scripts

cd <Top of minikube directory>
make cpu-benchmark-benchmark-autopause

After running make cpu-benchmark-autopause, the png file of the bar chart graph will be generated.
If you update the benchmark results to our website, please commit this change.

git status
git add <Changed png file>
git commit