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Debugging Issues With Minikube

To debug issues with minikube (not Kubernetes but minikube itself), you can use the -v flag to see debug level info. The specified values for -v will do the following (the values are all encompassing in that higher values will give you all lower value outputs as well):

  • --v=0 will output INFO level logs
  • --v=1 will output WARNING level logs
  • --v=2 will output ERROR level logs
  • --v=3 will output libmachine logging
  • --v=7 will output libmachine --debug level logging

Example: minikube start --v=1 Will start minikube and output all warnings to stdout.

If you need to access additional tools for debugging, minikube also includes the CoreOS toolbox

You can ssh into the toolbox and access these additional commands using: minikube ssh toolbox