2018-01-22 09:48:59 +00:00
import os
import sys
import glob
import time
import shutil
import datetime
2018-01-22 16:20:20 +00:00
import json
2018-01-26 10:07:07 +00:00
import torch
2018-01-22 09:48:59 +00:00
import numpy as np
2018-01-22 16:20:20 +00:00
class AttrDict(dict):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(AttrDict, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.__dict__ = self
def load_config(config_path):
config = AttrDict()
config.update(json.load(open(config_path, "r")))
return config
2018-01-22 09:48:59 +00:00
def create_experiment_folder(root_path):
""" Create a folder with the current date and time """
date_str = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%B-%d-%Y_%I:%M%p")
output_folder = os.path.join(root_path, date_str)
os.makedirs(output_folder, exist_ok=True)
print(" > Experiment folder: {}".format(output_folder))
return output_folder
def remove_experiment_folder(experiment_path):
"""Check folder if there is a checkpoint, otherwise remove the folder"""
checkpoint_files = glob.glob(experiment_path+"/*.pth.tar")
2018-01-22 16:29:27 +00:00
if len(checkpoint_files) < 1:
2018-01-24 16:17:49 +00:00
if os.path.exists(experiment_path):
print(" ! Run is removed from {}".format(experiment_path))
2018-01-22 09:48:59 +00:00
print(" ! Run is kept in {}".format(experiment_path))
def copy_config_file(config_file, path):
config_name = os.path.basename(config_file)
out_path = os.path.join(path, config_name)
shutil.copyfile(config_file, out_path)
def save_checkpoint(state, filename='checkpoint.pth.tar'):
torch.save(state, filename)
2018-02-01 16:26:40 +00:00
def lr_decay(init_lr, global_step):
warmup_steps = 4000.0
step = global_step + 1.
lr = init_lr * warmup_steps**0.5 * np.minimum(step * warmup_steps**-1.5,
return lr
2018-01-22 09:48:59 +00:00
class Progbar(object):
"""Displays a progress bar.
# Arguments
target: Total number of steps expected, None if unknown.
interval: Minimum visual progress update interval (in seconds).
def __init__(self, target, width=30, verbose=1, interval=0.05):
self.width = width
self.target = target
self.sum_values = {}
self.unique_values = []
self.start = time.time()
self.last_update = 0
self.interval = interval
self.total_width = 0
self.seen_so_far = 0
self.verbose = verbose
self._dynamic_display = ((hasattr(sys.stdout, 'isatty') and
sys.stdout.isatty()) or
'ipykernel' in sys.modules)
def update(self, current, values=None, force=False):
"""Updates the progress bar.
# Arguments
current: Index of current step.
values: List of tuples (name, value_for_last_step).
The progress bar will display averages for these values.
force: Whether to force visual progress update.
values = values or []
for k, v in values:
if k not in self.sum_values:
self.sum_values[k] = [v * (current - self.seen_so_far),
current - self.seen_so_far]
self.sum_values[k][0] += v * (current - self.seen_so_far)
self.sum_values[k][1] += (current - self.seen_so_far)
self.seen_so_far = current
now = time.time()
info = ' - %.0fs' % (now - self.start)
if self.verbose == 1:
if (not force and (now - self.last_update) < self.interval and
self.target is not None and current < self.target):
prev_total_width = self.total_width
if self._dynamic_display:
sys.stdout.write('\b' * prev_total_width)
if self.target is not None:
numdigits = int(np.floor(np.log10(self.target))) + 1
barstr = '%%%dd/%d [' % (numdigits, self.target)
bar = barstr % current
prog = float(current) / self.target
prog_width = int(self.width * prog)
if prog_width > 0:
bar += ('=' * (prog_width - 1))
if current < self.target:
bar += '>'
bar += '='
bar += ('.' * (self.width - prog_width))
bar += ']'
bar = '%7d/Unknown' % current
self.total_width = len(bar)
if current:
time_per_unit = (now - self.start) / current
time_per_unit = 0
if self.target is not None and current < self.target:
eta = time_per_unit * (self.target - current)
if eta > 3600:
eta_format = '%d:%02d:%02d' % (
eta // 3600, (eta % 3600) // 60, eta % 60)
elif eta > 60:
eta_format = '%d:%02d' % (eta // 60, eta % 60)
eta_format = '%ds' % eta
info = ' - ETA: %s' % eta_format
if time_per_unit >= 1:
info += ' %.0fs/step' % time_per_unit
elif time_per_unit >= 1e-3:
info += ' %.0fms/step' % (time_per_unit * 1e3)
info += ' %.0fus/step' % (time_per_unit * 1e6)
for k in self.unique_values:
info += ' - %s:' % k
if isinstance(self.sum_values[k], list):
avg = np.mean(
self.sum_values[k][0] / max(1, self.sum_values[k][1]))
if abs(avg) > 1e-3:
info += ' %.4f' % avg
info += ' %.4e' % avg
info += ' %s' % self.sum_values[k]
self.total_width += len(info)
if prev_total_width > self.total_width:
info += (' ' * (prev_total_width - self.total_width))
if self.target is not None and current >= self.target:
info += '\n'
elif self.verbose == 2:
if self.target is None or current >= self.target:
for k in self.unique_values:
info += ' - %s:' % k
avg = np.mean(
self.sum_values[k][0] / max(1, self.sum_values[k][1]))
if avg > 1e-3:
info += ' %.4f' % avg
info += ' %.4e' % avg
info += '\n'
self.last_update = now
def add(self, n, values=None):
self.update(self.seen_so_far + n, values)