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Argo Rollouts Chart

A Helm chart for Argo Rollouts, progressive delivery for Kubernetes.

Source code can be found here

Additional Information

This is a community maintained chart. This chart installs argo-rollouts, progressive delivery for Kubernetes.

The default installation is intended to be similar to the provided Argo Rollouts releases.


  • Kubernetes 1.7+
  • Helm v3.0.0+

Installing the Chart

To install the chart with the release name my-release:

$ helm repo add argo
$ helm install my-release argo/argo-rollouts

Chart Values

Key Type Default Description
clusterInstall bool true false runs controller in namespaced mode (does not require cluster RBAC)
controller.component string "rollouts-controller" Value of label
controller.image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" Image pull policy
controller.image.registry string Registry to use
controller.image.repository string "argoproj/argo-rollouts" Repository to use
controller.image.tag string "" Overrides the image tag (default is the chart appVersion)
controller.resources object {} Resource limits and requests for the controller pods.
controller.tolerations list [] Tolerations for use with node taints
controller.affinity object {} Assign custom affinity rules to the deployment
controller.nodeSelector object {} Node selector
controller.metrics.serviceMonitor.enabled bool false Enable a prometheus ServiceMonitor
controller.metrics.serviceMonitor.additionalAnnotations object {} Annotations to be added to the ServiceMonitor
controller.metrics.serviceMonitor.additionalLabels object {} Labels to be added to the ServiceMonitor
imagePullSecrets list [] Registry secret names as an array
installCRDs bool true Install and upgrade CRDs
crdAnnotations object {} Annotations to be added to all CRDs
podAnnotations object {} Annotations to be added to the Rollout pods
podLabels object {} Labels to be added to the Rollout pods
serviceAccount.create bool true Specifies whether a service account should be created
serviceAccount.annotations object {} Annotations to add to the service account string "" The name of the service account to use. If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template
podSecurityContext object {"runAsNonRoot": true} Security Context to set on pod level
containerSecurityContext object {} Security Context to set on container level


To 1.0.0

  • This is a breaking change which only supports Helm v3.0.0+ now. If you still use Helm v2, please consider upgrading because v2 is EOL since November 2020.
    To migrate to Helm v3 please have a look at the Helm 2to3 Plugin. This tool will convert the existing ConfigMap used for Tiller to a Secret of type
  • is the default registry now
  • We introduce a template function for the labels here to reduce code duplication. This also affects the Deployment matchLabels selector.
    To upgrade an existing installation, please add the --force parameter to the helm upgrade command or delete the Deployment resource before you upgrade. This is necessary because Deployment's label selector is immutable.
  • All resources are now prefixed with the template "argo-rollouts.fullname". This enables the users to override resource names via the nameOverride and fullnameOverride parameters.
  • Breaking parameters update
    • securityContext was renamed to containerSecurityContext
    • Added controller.image.registry. Prior to this chart version you had to override the registry via controller.image.repository