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Creating Challenges for Auto-GPT

🏹 We're on the hunt for talented Challenge Creators! 🎯

Join us in shaping the future of Auto-GPT by designing challenges that test its limits. Your input will be invaluable in guiding our progress and ensuring that we're on the right track. We're seeking individuals with a diverse skill set, including:

🎨 UX Design: Your expertise will enhance the user experience for those attempting to conquer our challenges. With your help, we'll develop a dedicated section in our wiki, and potentially even launch a standalone website.

💻 Coding Skills: Proficiency in Python, pytest, and VCR (a library that records OpenAI calls and stores them) will be essential for creating engaging and robust challenges.

⚙️ DevOps Skills: Experience with CI pipelines in GitHub and possibly Google Cloud Platform will be instrumental in streamlining our operations.

Are you ready to play a pivotal role in Auto-GPT's journey? Apply now to become a Challenge Creator by opening a PR! 🚀

Getting Started

Clone the original Auto-GPT repo and checkout to master branch

The challenges are not written using a specific framework. They try to be very agnostic The challenges are acting like a user that wants something done: INPUT:

  • User desire
  • Files, other inputs

Output => Artifact (files, image, code, etc, etc...)

Defining your Agent

Go to

Create your agent fixture.

def kubernetes_agent(
    agent_test_config, memory_json_file, workspace: Workspace
    # Please choose the commands your agent will need to beat the challenges, the full list is available in the
    # (we 're working on a better way to design this, for now you have to look at
    command_registry = CommandRegistry()

    # Define all the settings of our challenged agent
    ai_config = AIConfig(
        ai_role="an autonomous agent that specializes in creating Kubernetes deployment templates.",
            "Write a simple kubernetes deployment file and save it as a kube.yaml.",
    ai_config.command_registry = command_registry

    system_prompt = ai_config.construct_full_prompt()
    agent = Agent(
        # We also give the AI a name 

    return agent

Creating your challenge

Go to tests/challengesand create a file that is called and add it to the appropriate folder. If no category exists you can create a new one.

Your test could look something like this

import contextlib
from functools import wraps
from typing import Generator

import pytest
import yaml

from autogpt.commands.file_operations import read_file, write_to_file
from tests.integration.agent_utils import run_interaction_loop
from tests.challenges.utils import run_multiple_times
from tests.utils import requires_api_key

def input_generator(input_sequence: list) -> Generator[str, None, None]:
    Creates a generator that yields input strings from the given sequence.

    :param input_sequence: A list of input strings.
    :return: A generator that yields input strings.
    yield from input_sequence

@pytest.mark.skip("This challenge hasn't been beaten yet.")
def test_information_retrieval_challenge_a(kubernetes_agent, monkeypatch) -> None:
    Test the challenge_a function in a given agent by mocking user inputs
    and checking the output file content.

    :param get_company_revenue_agent: The agent to test.
    :param monkeypatch: pytest's monkeypatch utility for modifying builtins.
    input_sequence = ["s", "s", "s", "s", "s", "EXIT"]
    gen = input_generator(input_sequence)
    monkeypatch.setattr("builtins.input", lambda _: next(gen))

    with contextlib.suppress(SystemExit):
        run_interaction_loop(kubernetes_agent, None)

    # here we load the output file
    file_path = str(kubernetes_agent.workspace.get_path("kube.yaml"))
    content = read_file(file_path)

    # then we check if it's including keywords from the kubernetes deployment config
    for word in ["apiVersion", "kind", "metadata", "spec"]:
        assert word in content, f"Expected the file to contain {word}"

    content = yaml.safe_load(content)
    for word in ["Service", "Deployment", "Pod"]:
        assert word in content["kind"], f"Expected the file to contain {word}"