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🚀 Auto-GPT-Forge: Build Your Own Auto-GPT Agent! 🧠

(Release date: very soon)

🌌 Dive into the Universe of Auto-GPT Creation! 🌌

Ever dreamt of becoming the genius behind an AI agent? Dive into the Forge, where you become the creator!

🛠️ Why Auto-GPT-Forge?

  • 💤 No More Boilerplate! Don't let the mundane tasks stop you. Fork and build without the headache of starting from scratch!
  • 🧠 Brain-centric Development! All the tools you need so you can spend 100% of your time on what matters - crafting the brain of your AI!
  • 🛠️ Tooling ecosystem! We work with the best in class tools to bring you the best experience possible!

🚀 Get Started!

Intial setup:

  1. Fork the Project
  2. Clone your repo
  3. run name changing name to the name you want to give your agent
  4. cd autogpts/name where name is the name you entered above
  5. Install Poetry if you haven't already
  6. Run poetry install to install the project dependencies
  7. Activate the virtual environment with poetry shell

🏃‍♂️ Running Your Agent

  1. Make sure you're in the poetry shell. If not, activate it with poetry shell.
  2. Copy the example environment file with cp .env.example .env.
  3. Open the .env file and add your OpenAI API key. You can get it from OpenAI API.
  4. Run your agent with ./run. This command runs the server and watches for changes.

📊 Benchmarking

To run the benchmark, use the agbenchmark start command. Here are some options you can use with this command:

  • --backend: If it's being run from the cli
  • -c, --category TEXT: Specific category to run
  • -s, --skip-category TEXT: Skips preventing the tests from this category from running
  • --test TEXT: Specific test to run
  • --maintain: Runs only regression tests
  • --improve: Run only non-regression tests
  • --explore: Only attempt challenges that have never been beaten
  • --mock: Run with mock
  • --no_dep: Run without dependencies
  • --nc: Run without cutoff
  • --keep-answers: Keep answers
  • --cutoff TEXT: Set or override tests cutoff (seconds)
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

For example, if you want to run a specific test, you can use the --test option like this: agbenchmark start --test your_test_name

If you want to run the benchmark without dependencies, you can use the --no_dep option like this: agbenchmark start --no_dep

You can combine multiple options as well. For example, to run a specific test without dependencies, you can do: agbenchmark start --test your_test_name --no_dep

Remember to replace your_test_name with the name of the test you want to run.