# This Docker method is only for integrated Database and simple volume mounts. For separate database and more elaborate installation please use this registry instead :
**Warning :** It is recommended that you have a dedicated machine for Shinobi even if you intend to use Docker. If you are willing to install directly on the operating system please consider installing Ubuntu 22.04 and using the Ninja Way.
> This method uses `docker-compose`. This will build your container from the images hosted on Gitlab. We no longer use Docker Hub and will not in the foreseeable future.
> This command only works on Linux because of the temporary directory used. This location must exist in RAM. `-v "/dev/shm/shinobiStreams":'/dev/shm/streams':'rw'`. The timezone is also acquired from the host by the volume declaration of `-v '/etc/localtime':'/etc/localtime':'ro'`.
| $HOME/Shinobi | Maps to the `/home/Shinobi` folder for the `customAutoLoad`, `plugins`, and `videos` folders inside and other files. Additionally you can edit the conf.json and super.json here. |
| $HOME/ShinobiDatabase | A map to `/var/lib/mysql` in the container. This is the database's core files. |
> You must add (to the docker container) `/config/ssl/server.key` and `/config/ssl/server.cert`. The `/config` folder is mapped to `$HOME/Shinobi/config` on the host by default with the quick run methods. Place `key` and `cert` in `$HOME/Shinobi/config/ssl`. If `SSL_ENABLED=true` and these files don't exist they will be generated with `openssl`.
> For those using `DB_DISABLE_INCLUDED=true` please remember to create a user in your databse first. The Docker image will create the `DB_DATABASE` under the specified connection information.
This seems to be an issue with using Docker on some linux OS' like Arch Linux. It is uncertain what the specific issue is but for now please use Docker on a consumer or enterprise supported distribution of linux, like Ubuntu 20.04.