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# Install Shinobi with Docker
1. Download Repo
git clone ShinobiSource
2. Enter Repo and Build Image.
cd ShinobiSource
docker build --tag shinobi-image:1.0 .
3. This command only works on Linux because of the temporary directory used. This location must exist in RAM. `-v "/dev/shm/shinobiStreams":'/dev/shm/streams':'rw'`.
docker run -d --name='Shinobi' -p '8080:8080/tcp' -v "/dev/shm/shinobiStreams":'/dev/shm/streams':'rw' \
-v "$HOME/shinobiConfig":'/config':'rw' \
-v "$HOME/shinobiCustomAutoLoad":'/home/Shinobi/libs/customAutoLoad':'rw' \
-v "$HOME/shinobiDatabase":'/var/lib/mysql':'rw' \
-v "$HOME/shinobiVideos":'/home/Shinobi/videos':'rw' \
-v "$HOME/shinobiPlugins":'/home/Shinobi/plugins':'rw' \
### Volumes
| Volumes | Description |
| /dev/shm/shinobiStreams | **IMPORTANT!** This must be mapped to somewhere in the host's RAM. When running this image on Windows you will need to select a different location. |
| $HOME/shinobiConfig | Put `conf.json` or `super.json` files in here to override default values. |
| $HOME/shinobiCustomAutoLoad | Maps to the `libs/customAutoLoad` folder for loading your own modules into Shinobi. |
| $HOME/shinobiDatabase | A map to `/var/lib/mysql` in the container. This is the database's core files. |
| $HOME/shinobiVideos | A map to `/home/Shinobi/videos`. The storage location of your recorded videos. |
| $HOME/shinobiPlugins | A map to `/home/Shinobi/plugins`. Mapped so that plugins can easily be modified or swapped. |
### Tips
Modifying `conf.json` or Superuser credentials.
> Please read **Volumes** table in this README. conf.json is for general configuration. super.json is for Superuser credential management.
Get Docker Containers
docker ps -a
Get Images
docker images
Container Logs
docker logs CONTAINER_ID