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oh-plan-page - Floor plan oh-plan-page Floor plan Displays markers on an image overlay /docs/ui/components/

oh-plan-page - Floor plan


Displays markers on an image overlay



The URL of the image to display as background The width of the image (by default 1000 pixels). Please specify if the image is not square to compute the aspect ratio The height of the image (by default 1000 pixels). Please specify if the image is not square to compute the aspect ratio Disable the ability to zoom and drag Change zoom levels without animation, can also avoid graphic glitches with persistent tooltips Color outside the bounds of the image. "Black or White" means it will be black in dark mode and white in light mode Apply an invert filter to the image in dark mode - use with images in black & white or grayscale for best results Color of the tooltip. "Black or White" means it will be black in dark mode and white in light mode