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oh-card - Card oh-card Card The basic structure of all card widgets, providing title and footer and requiring a content slot /docs/ui/components/

oh-card - Card


The oh-card component provides the basic structure for all other card widgets. It is providing a default implementation for both title and footer, and requires the content to be defined in the content slot. Optionally, header and footer can be overwritten by providing the header and footer slots (see Slots). oh-card also provides full control over its style as well as header, content and footer style (see Style).



Parameters of the card Title of the card Footer of the card Do not render the card border Do not render a shadow effect to the card Show the card outline


Action to perform when the element is clicked Type of action to perform URL to navigate to or to send HTTP request to Open the URL in the same tab/window instead of a new one. This will exit the app. HTTP method to use for the request Body to send with the request Item to perform the action on Command to send to the Item. If "Toogle Item" is selected as the action, only send the command when the state is different Command to send to the Item when "Toggle Item" is selected as the action, and the Item's state is equal to the command above Comma-separated list of options; if omitted, retrieve the command options from the Item dynamically. Use value=label format to provide a label different than the option. Scene, Script or Rule to run Object representing the optional context to pass. Edit in YAML or provide a JSON object, e.g. { "param1": "value1", "param2": { "subkey1": "testing", "subkey2": 123 } }. Page to navigate to Use a specific page transition animation Page or widget to display in the modal Configuration (prop values) for the target modal page or widget Array of URLs or objects representing the images. Auto-refresh is not supported.
Edit in YAML, e.g.
- item: ImageItem1
caption: Camera
or provide a JSON array, e.g.
[ "url1", { "item": "ImageItem1", "caption": "Camera" } ]
Objects are in the photos array format with an additional item property to specify an item to view. Configuration for the photo browser.
Edit in YAML or provide a JSON object, e.g.
{ "exposition": false, "type": "popup", "theme": "dark" }
See photo browser parameters (not all are supported). Group Item whose members to show in a popup Start analyzing with the specified (set of) Item(s) The initial analyzing period - dynamic or a predefined fixed period: day, week, month or year The initial coordinate system of the analyzer - time, aggregate or calendar (only time is supported for dynamic periods) Shows a dialog or sheet to ask for confirmation before the action is executed. Can either be a text to show in the dialog or a JSON object { type: "dialog", title: "Confirm", text: "Are you sure?" } or { type: "sheet", text: "Confirm", color: "green" } Shows a toast popup when the action has been executed. Can either be a text to show or a JSON object including some of the supported parameters The variable name to set The value to set the variable to Consider the variable value is an object and set the corresponding deep property within that object using a key syntax. Examples:, user[0].address[1].street, [0], [0].label. The inner property and its parent hierarchy will be created if missing.

Tap Hold

Action performed when tapping and holding card (or calling contextual menu on desktop) Type of action to perform URL to navigate to or to send HTTP request to Open the URL in the same tab/window instead of a new one. This will exit the app. HTTP method to use for the request Body to send with the request Item to perform the action on Command to send to the Item. If "Toogle Item" is selected as the action, only send the command when the state is different Command to send to the Item when "Toggle Item" is selected as the action, and the Item's state is equal to the command above Comma-separated list of options; if omitted, retrieve the command options from the Item dynamically. Use value=label format to provide a label different than the option. Scene, Script or Rule to run Object representing the optional context to pass. Edit in YAML or provide a JSON object, e.g. { "param1": "value1", "param2": { "subkey1": "testing", "subkey2": 123 } }. Page to navigate to Use a specific page transition animation Page or widget to display in the modal Configuration (prop values) for the target modal page or widget Array of URLs or objects representing the images. Auto-refresh is not supported.
Edit in YAML, e.g.
- item: ImageItem1
caption: Camera
or provide a JSON array, e.g.
[ "url1", { "item": "ImageItem1", "caption": "Camera" } ]
Objects are in the photos array format with an additional item property to specify an item to view. Configuration for the photo browser.
Edit in YAML or provide a JSON object, e.g.
{ "exposition": false, "type": "popup", "theme": "dark" }
See photo browser parameters (not all are supported). Group Item whose members to show in a popup Start analyzing with the specified (set of) Item(s) The initial analyzing period - dynamic or a predefined fixed period: day, week, month or year The initial coordinate system of the analyzer - time, aggregate or calendar (only time is supported for dynamic periods) Shows a dialog or sheet to ask for confirmation before the action is executed. Can either be a text to show in the dialog or a JSON object { type: "dialog", title: "Confirm", text: "Are you sure?" } or { type: "sheet", text: "Confirm", color: "green" } Shows a toast popup when the action has been executed. Can either be a text to show or a JSON object including some of the supported parameters The variable name to set The value to set the variable to Consider the variable value is an object and set the corresponding deep property within that object using a key syntax. Examples:, user[0].address[1].street, [0], [0].label. The inner property and its parent hierarchy will be created if missing.


You need to define either one of these two slots:

  • content: The default slot for content, which will then be rendered inside a f7-card-content element.
  • content-root: The slot for content that should be rendered directly inside the card, without any additional wrapping element. If this slot is defined, the content slot will be ignored, and you have to implement the handling of config.contentStyle and config.contentClass yourself.

Optionally, you can define these slots:

  • header: The slot for the header content, which will replace the default header.
  • footer: The slot for the footer content, which will replace the default footer.


oh-card provides full control over the style of itself as well as the header, content and footer.

The card itself can be styled through the style and class config properties, while the header, content and footer can be styled through the headerStyle, headerClass, contentStyle, contentClass, footerStyle and footerClass properties.


This card can be created using the following YAML definition:

component: oh-card
  title: Title
  footer: Footer
  style: {} # Card style
  class: [] # Card classes
  headerStyle: {} # Header style
  headerClass: [] # Header classes
  contentStyle: {} # Content style
  contentClass: [] # Content classes
  footerStyle: {} # Footer style
  footerClass: [] # Footer classes
    - component: oh-button
        text: Content

Without using the oh-card component, the same card can be created by directly using the Framework7 components:

component: f7-card
  style: {} # Card style
  class: [] # Card classes
    - component: f7-card-header
        style: {} # Header style
        class: [] # Header classes
          - component: Label
              text: Title
    - component: f7-card-content
        style: {} # Content style
        class: [] # Content classes
          - component: oh-button
              text: Content
    - component: f7-card-footer
        style: {} # Footer style
        class: [] # Footer classes
          - component: Label
              text: Footer