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title: oh-knob-card - Knob Card
component: oh-knob-card
label: Knob Card
description: Display a knob in a card to visualize and control a quantifiable item
prev: /docs/ui/components/
# oh-knob-card - Knob & Rounded Slider Card
<!-- Note: you can overwrite the definition-provided description and add your own intro/additional sections instead -->
<!-- DO NOT REMOVE the following comments if you intend to keep the definition-provided description -->
<!-- GENERATED componentDescription -->
Display a knob or a rounded slider in a card to visualize and control a quantifiable item
<!-- GENERATED /componentDescription -->
## Configuration
Use the advanced properties to change the appearance from a knob to a rounded slider.
<!-- DO NOT REMOVE the following comments -->
<!-- GENERATED props -->
### Card
<div class="props">
<PropGroup name="card" label="Card">
Parameters of the card
<PropBlock type="TEXT" name="title" label="Title">
Title of the card
<PropBlock type="TEXT" name="footer" label="Footer text">
Footer of the card
<PropBlock type="BOOLEAN" name="noBorder" label="No Border">
Do not render the card border
<PropBlock type="BOOLEAN" name="noShadow" label="No Shadow">
Do not render a shadow effect to the card
<PropBlock type="BOOLEAN" name="outline" label="Outline">
Show the card outline
### Knob & Rounded Slider
<div class="props">
<PropGroup name="knob" label="Knob & Rounded Slider">
Parameters are passed to the underlying <a target="_blank" class="external text-color-blue" href="">round-slider control</a>
<PropBlock type="TEXT" name="item" label="Item" context="item">
Item to control
<PropBlock type="INTEGER" name="min" label="Min">
Minimum value (default 0)
<PropBlock type="INTEGER" name="max" label="Max">
Maximum value (default 100)
<PropBlock type="DECIMAL" name="step" label="Step">
Minimum interval between values (default 1)
<PropBlock type="DECIMAL" name="offset" label="Offset">
Offset to be applied to the Item's state (e.g. Item state = 2; offset = 20; knob/rounded slider behaves as Item state would be 22)
<PropBlock type="BOOLEAN" name="ignoreDisplayState" label="Ignore Display State">
Ignore the display state if available and always use the raw state.
<PropBlock type="BOOLEAN" name="releaseOnly" label="Send command only on release">
If enabled, no commands are sent during sliding
<PropBlock type="INTEGER" name="commandInterval" label="Command Interval">
Time to wait between subsequent commands in ms (default 200)
<PropBlock type="INTEGER" name="delayStateDisplay" label="Delay State Display">
Time to wait before switching from displaying user input to displaying Item state in ms (default 2000)
<PropBlock type="BOOLEAN" name="disabled" label="Disabled">
Disable the slider (usually set via an expression since the value will not be displayed when disabled)
<PropBlock type="INTEGER" name="size" label="Size">
Visual size of the control in px (or % if responsive is true)
<PropBlock type="BOOLEAN" name="responsive" label="Responsive">
Size the control using percentages instead of pixels
<PropBlock type="INTEGER" name="strokeWidth" label="Stroke Width">
Thickness of the arcs (default 18)
<PropBlock type="INTEGER" name="startAngle" label="Start Angle">
Angle of circle where the round slider should start (default -50); 0 is 9 o'clock; only if circleShape is not set
<PropBlock type="INTEGER" name="endAngle" label="End Angle">
Angle of circle where the round slider should start (default -130); 360 is 9 o'clock; only if circleShape is not set
<PropBlock type="TEXT" name="circleShape" label="Circle Shape">
Indicates the circle shape to be render
<PropOption value="full" label="full" />
<PropOption value="half-top" label="half top" />
<PropOption value="half-bottom" label="half bottom" />
<PropOption value="half-left" label="half left" />
<PropOption value="half-right" label="half right" />
<PropOption value="quarter-top-left" label="quarter top left" />
<PropOption value="quarter-top-right" label="quarter top right" />
<PropOption value="quarter-bottom-left" label="quarter bottom left" />
<PropOption value="quarter-bottom-right" label="quarter bottom right" />
<PropOption value="pie" label="pie" />
<PropBlock type="TEXT" name="lineCap" label="Line Cap">
Sets the shape of the end of the path; dotted path and line cap cannot be used together.
<PropOption value="square" label="square" />
<PropOption value="round" label="round" />
<PropBlock type="TEXT" name="dottedPath" label="Dotted Path">
Length of dotted path segments (using css stroke-dasharray); dotted path and line cap cannot be used together.
<PropBlock type="INTEGER" name="borderWidth" label="Border Width">
Sets the border width of the slider (px value)
<PropBlock type="TEXT" name="handleSize" label="Handle Size">
Sets the size of the slider handle (px value)
<PropBlock type="TEXT" name="handleShape" label="Handle Shape">
Sets the shape of the slider handle
<PropOption value="square" label="square" />
<PropOption value="round" label="round" />
<PropOption value="dot" label="dot" />
<PropBlock type="TEXT" name="borderColor" label="Border Color">
Sets the border color of the slider; set borderWidth as well! (HTML value)
<PropBlock type="TEXT" name="pathColor" label="Path Color">
Sets the path color of the slider (HTML value)
<PropBlock type="TEXT" name="rangeColor" label="Range Color">
Sets the range color of the slider (HTML value)
<PropBlock type="TEXT" name="tooltipColor" label="Tooltip Color">
Sets the tooltip color of the slider (HTML value)
<!-- GENERATED /props -->
### Inherited Properties
Properties are forwarded to the underlying [vue-round-slider]( component, which means you can set [these parameters](
A compatibility layer ensures backward compatibility with the [vue-knob-control]( component that was initially used.
<!-- If applicable describe the slots recognized by the component and what they represent:
### Slots
#### `default`
The contents of the oh-knob-card.
<!-- Add as many examples as desired - put the YAML in a details container when it becomes too long (~150/200+ lines):
## Examples
### Example 1
component: oh-knob-card
prop1: value1
prop2: value2
### Example 2
::: details YAML
component: oh-knob-card
prop1: value1
prop2: value2
<!-- Try to clean up URLs to the forum (<threadID>[/<postID>] should suffice)
## Community Resources
- [Community Post 1](
- [Community Post 2](