Display a knob in a card to visualize and control a quantifiable item
<!-- GENERATED /componentDescription -->
## Configuration
<!-- GENERATED props -->
### Card
Parameters of the card
Title of the card
-`footer`<small>TEXT</small>_Footer text_
Footer of the card
-`noBorder`<small>BOOLEAN</small>_No Border_
Do not render the card border
-`noShadow`<small>BOOLEAN</small>_No Shadow_
Do not render a shadow effect to the card
Show the card outline
### Knob
Parameters are passed to the underlying <atarget="_blank"class="external text-color-blue"href="https://github.com/kramer99/vue-knob-control#properties">Knob control</a>
Item to control
Minimum value (default 0)
Maximum value (default 100)
Minimum interval between values (default 1)
Disable the slider (usually set via an expression since the value will not be displayed when disabled)
Visual size of the control in px (or % if responsive is true)
-`primaryColor`<small>TEXT</small>_Primary Color_
Color of the value arc (HTML value, default #409eff)