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id label title type description source since install
nma NotifyMyAndroid NotifyMyAndroid - Actions action Sends push messages to your Android devices. 1x auto

{% include base.html %}

NotifyMyAndroid Actions

Sends push messages to your Android devices.


  • notifyMyAndroid(String event, String description): Send a message to the pre-configured api key (account) and use the configured or default values for the other parameters. Event is the notification title, and description the details.
  • notifyMyAndroid(String event, String description, int priority): Send a message to a the pre-configured api key (account) with priority level (-2 to 2, from very low to emergency) and use the configured or default values for the other parameters.
  • notifyMyAndroid(String apiKey, String event, String description): Send a message to another api key than the configured or use this method if you have not configured a default api key
  • notifyMyAndroid(String apiKey, String event, String description, int priority): Send a message to another api key than the configured or use this method if you have not configured a default api key
  • notifyMyAndroid(String apiKey, String event, String description, int priority, String url): Send a message to another api key than the configured or use this method if you have not configured a default api key
  • notifyMyAndroid(String apiKey, String event, String description, int priority, String url, boolean html): Send a message overwriting all configured parameters and using the specified values.


This action service can be configured via the services/nma.cfg file.

Property Default Required Description
timeout 10000 No Timeout for the communication with the NMA service
developerKey No An optional developer key from NMA
apiKey if using action calls without apiKey parameter Default API key to send messages to. API keys can be created in your account's dashboard.
appName openHAB No Application name which NMA will show
defaultPriority 0 No Priority to use for messages if not specified otherwise. Can range from -2 (lowest) to 2 (highest)
defaultUrl No URL to attach to NMA messages by default if not specified otherwise. Can be left empty.