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documentation Bundle Management

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Bundle Management

The Karaf console offers various commands to manage bundles. Most of these commands are not needed in the normal (non-developer) use of openHAB. However some basic commands are needed when dealing with some expert user situations like testing a binding.

List Bundles

The bundle:list command returns a list of all currently installed bundles including their version.

openhab> bundle:list
START LEVEL 100 , List Threshold: 50
 ID | State    | Lvl | Version               | Name
 10 | Active   |  80 |    | JAX-RS Gson Provider
 11 | Active   |  80 |    | OSGi JAX-RS Connector
 12 | Active   |  80 | 2.3.1                 | Gson
 13 | Active   |  80 | 18.0.0                | Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java
 14 | Active   |  80 | 3.0.0.v201312141243   | Google Guice (No AOP)
209 | Active   |  80 | 2.0.0.b3              | Network Binding

Start/Stop Bundles

Stoping a bundle is done with the command stop and the ID of the bundle:

openhab> bundle:stop 209
openhab> bundle:list
209 | Resolved |  80 | 2.0.0.b3              | Network Binding

The start command works accordingly:

openhab> bundle:start 209
openhab> bundle:list
209 | Active   |  80 | 2.0.0.b3              | Network Binding

Naming Convention For Bundles

Bundles are named according to the following convention:



  • prefix is the first element to categorize the bundle. For addons this is often openhab or esh.
  • type is the add-on type, e.g. "binding" or "ui"
  • id is the identifier for this bundle

The naming convention has many effects you may not have noticed before, but used already. For example in the Paper UI the sorted tabs for all bindings are generated automatically based on the bundle naming.

In many places (e.g. logging) you will also have the package namespace as an identifier. You can find it as the Symbolic name of the bundle with the following command:

openhab> bundle:list -s
 ID | State    | Lvl | Version                | Name                        | Symbolic name
209 | Active   |  80 | 2.1.0                  | Network Binding             |