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documentation Bindings

{% include base.html %}


Bindings connect your smart home's devices and technologies to openHAB.

Bindings developed for openHAB 2 use the Eclipse SmartHome APIs. They support things and channels, and many support automatic discovery of things. These newer bindings can be the easiest to use.

Most bindings developed for openHAB 1 can also be used in openHAB 2. These bindings are connected directly to items by editing text files.

A binding is considered legacy when another binding obsoletes it. For many openHAB 1 bindings, there is a new openHAB 2 binding to replace it. In order to install legacy bindings, enable "Include Legacy 1.x Bindings" through either the Paper UI or in the file services/addons.cfg.

Many openHAB 1 bindings have not yet completed validation for inclusion in the distribution; however, they may indeed work properly under openHAB 2. All openHAB 1 addons can be downloaded in a zip file (1.9.0). We need your help testing them so that they may be easily installed in a future distribution. Please see the compatibility layer documentation and also search the openHAB community forum for the latest information and steps for manual installation.

{% for binding in site.addons_bindings %} {% endfor %}
Name Description

{% if binding.logo %}{{ binding.label }}{% else %}{{ binding.label }}{% endif %}

{{ binding.description | markdownify }}