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Eclipse SmartHome has a strict separation between the physical world (the "things", see below) and the application, which is built around the notion of "items" (also called the virtual layer).
Items represent functionality that is used by the application (mainly user interfaces or automation logic). Items have a state and are used through events.
The following item types are currently available (alphabetical order):
Item Name | Description | Command Types |
Color | Color information (RGB) | OnOff, IncreaseDecrease, Percent, HSB |
Contact | Item storing status of e.g. door/window contacts | OpenClose |
DateTime | Stores date and time | - |
Dimmer | Item carrying a percentage value for dimmers | OnOff, IncreaseDecrease, Percent |
Group | Item to nest other items / collect them in groups | - |
Image | Holds the binary data of an image | - |
Location | Stores GPS coordinates | Point |
Number | Stores values in number format | Decimal |
Player | Allows to control players (e.g. audio players) | PlayPause, NextPrevious, RewindFastforward |
Rollershutter | Typically used for blinds | UpDown, StopMove, Percent |
String | Stores texts | String |
Switch | Typically used for lights (on/off) | OnOff |
Group Items
Group items collect other items into groups. Group items can themselves be members of other group items. Cyclic membership is not forbidden but strongly not recommended. User interfaces might display group items as single entries and provide navigation to its members.
Example for a Group item as a simple collection of other items:
Group groundFloor
Switch kitchenLight (groundFloor)
Switch livingroomLight (groundFloor)
Derive Group State from Member Items
Group items can derive their own state from their member items. To derive a state the group item must be constructed using a base item and a group function. When calculating the state, group functions recursively traverse the group's members and also take members of subgroups into account. If a subgroup however defines a state on its own (having base item & group function set) traversal stops and the state of the subgroup member is taken.
Available group functions:
Function | Parameters | Base Item | Description |
EQUALITY | - | <all> | Sets the state of the members if all have equal state. Otherwise UNDEF is set. |
AND, OR, NAND, NOR | , | <all> (must match active & passive state) | Sets the <activeState>, if the member state <activeState> evaluates to true under the boolean term. Otherwise the <passiveState> is set. |
SUM, AVG, MIN, MAX | - | Number | Sets the state according to the arithmetic function over all member states. |
COUNT | Number | Sets the state to the number of members matching the given regular expression with their states. |
Examples for derived states on group items when declared in the item DSL:
counts all members of the group matching the given regular expression, here any character or state (simply count all members).Group:Number:AVG
calculates the average value over all member states which can be interpreted asDecimalTypes
sets the group state toON
if any of its members has the stateON
if all are off.Group:Switch:AND(ON,OFF)
sets the group state toON
if all of its members have the stateON
if any of the group members has a different state thanON
State and Command Type Formatting
objects store a simple Java String.
objects are parsed using Java's SimpleDateFormat.parse()
using the first matching pattern:
DecimalType, PercentType
and PercentType
objects use Java's BigDecimal
constructor for conversion.
values range from 0 to 100.
HSB string values consist of three comma-separated values for hue (0-360°), saturation (0-100%), and value (0-100%) respectively, e.g. 240,100,100
for blue.
strings consist of three DecimalType
s separated by commas, indicating latitude and longitude in degrees, and altitude in meters respectively.
Enum Types
Type | Supported Values |
IncreaseDecreaseType | INCREASE , DECREASE |
NextPreviousType | NEXT , PREVIOUS |
OnOffType | ON , OFF |
OpenClosedType | OPEN , CLOSED |
PlayPauseType | PLAY , PAUSE |
RewindFastforwardType | REWIND , FASTFORWARD |
StopMoveType | STOP , MOVE |
UpDownType | UP , DOWN |
A note on items which accept multiple state data types
There are a number of items which accept multiple state data types, for example DimmerItem
, which accepts OnOffType
and PercentType
, RollershutterItem
, which accepts PercentType
and UpDownType
, or ColorItem
, which accepts HSBType
, OnOffType
and PercentType
Since an item has a SINGLE state, these multiple data types can be considered different views to this state.
The data type carrying the most information about the state is usually used to keep the internal state for the item, and other datatypes are converted from this main data type.
This main data type is normally the first element in the list returned by Item.getAcceptedDataTypes()
Here is a short table demonstrating conversions for the examples above:
Item Name | Main Data Type | Additional Data Types Conversions |
Color | HSBType |
• OnOffType - OFF if the brightness level in the HSBType equals 0, ON otherwise • PercentType - the value for the brightness level in the HSBType |
Dimmer | PercentType |
OnOffType - OFF if the brightness level indicated by the percent type equals 0, ON otherwise |
Rollershutter | PercentType |
UpDownType - UP if the shutter level indicated by the percent type equals 0, DOWN if it equals 100, and UnDefType.UNDEF for any other value |