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documentation Runtime Commands

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Runtime Commands

It is possible to query and even change the state of entities like items or things. Therefore the console offers commands in various areas:

{::options toc_levels="3..4"/}

  • TOC {:toc}

Please note: Some of the described commands are executed on the internal database and could break your installation. Please use this functionality only if you know what you are doing!


Query an item's state:

openhab> smarthome:status Heating_GF_Corridor

Changing an item's state:

openhab> smarthome:send Heating_GF_Corridor ON
Command has been sent successfully.

Get help for a command:

openhab> help smarthome:send
Usage: smarthome:send <item> <command> - sends a command for an item


Command Description
smarthome:status <item> shows the current status of an item
smarthome:update <item> <state> sends a status update for an item
smarthome:send <item> <command> sends a command for an item
smarthome:items list [<pattern>] lists names and types of all items (matching the pattern, if given)
smarthome:items clear removes all items
smarthome:items remove <itemName> removes the given item


Command Description
smarthome:discovery start <thingTypeUID!bindingID> runs a discovery on a given thing type or binding
smarthome:discovery enableBackgroundDiscovery <PID> enables background discovery for the discovery service with the given PID
smarthome:discovery disableBackgroundDiscovery <PID> disables background discovery for the discovery service with the given PID


Command Description
smarthome:inbox lists all current inbox entries
smarthome:inbox listignored lists all ignored inbox entries
smarthome:inbox approve <thingUID> <label> creates a thing for an inbox entry
smarthome:inbox clear clears all current inbox entries
smarthome:inbox ignore <thingUID> ignores an inbox entry permanently


Command Description
smarthome:things list lists all things
smarthome:things clear removes all managed things
Command Description
smarthome:links list lists all links
smarthome:links addChannelLink <itemName> <channelUID> links an item with a channel
smarthome:links removeChannelLink <itemName> <thingUID> unlinks an item with a channel
smarthome:links clear removes all managed links


Command Description
smarthome:audio play [<sink>] <filename> plays a sound file from the conf/sounds folder through the optionally specified audio sink(s)
smarthome:audio play <sink> <filename> <volume> plays a sound file from the conf/sounds folder through the specified audio sink(s) with the specified volume
smarthome:audio stream [<sink>] <url> streams the sound from the url through the optionally specified audio sink(s)
smarthome:audio sources lists the audio sources
smarthome:audio sinks lists the audio sinks


Command Description
smarthome:voice say <text> speaks a text on the default audio sink with the default TTS and voice
smarthome:voice voices lists available voices of the active TTS services
smarthome:voice interpret <command> interprets a human language command


Command Description
smarthome:> <script to execute> Executes a script from the conf/scripts folder


Command Description
smarthome:firmware list <thingTypeUID> Lists the available firmwares for a thing type.
smarthome:firmware status <thingUID> lists the firmware status for a thing
smarthome:firmware update <thingUID> <firmware version> updates the firmware for a thing