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MfFan Binding
This binding is used to enable communications between openHAB and "Modern Forms" or "WAC Lighting" WIFI connected, smart, ceiling fans.
Supported Things
The binding currently supports the following thing:
Thing | ID | |
mffan | mffan | Smart fans consisting of fan and optional integrated LED light |
Auto discovery is not supported at this time.
Thing Configuration
Name | Type | Description | Default | Required | Advanced |
hostname | text | Hostname or IP address of the device | N/A | yes | no |
refreshInterval | integer | Interval the device is polled in sec. | 120 | no | yes |
Channel | Type | Read/Write | Description |
fan-on | Switch | RW | Channel that turns the fan on/off. |
fan-speed | String | RW | Controls the fan's rate of rotation. |
fan-direction | String | RW | Controls the direction of the fan. |
wind-on | Switch | RW | Turn the fan's "wind mode" on/off. |
wind-level | String | RW | The amount of wind produced. |
light-on | Switch | RW | Turns the light on/off |
light-intensity | Number:Dimensionless | RW | Controls the intensity of the light |
Full Example
Thing Configuration
mffan:mffan:db0bd2eb4d [label="Greatroom Fan", ipAddress="fan.greatroom.local", pollingPeriod = "120"]
Item Configuration
Switch Greatroom_Fan_Fan { channel="mffan:mffan:db0bd2eb4d:fan-on" }
String Greatroom_Fan_Fan_Direction {channel="mffan:mffan:db0bd2eb4d:fan-direction" }
String Greatroom_Fan_Fan_Speed {channel="mffan:mffan:db0bd2eb4d:fan-speed" }
Switch Greatroom_Fan_Light {channel="mffan:mffan:db0bd2eb4d:light-on" }
Dimmer Greatroom_Fan_Light_Intensity {channel="mffan:mffan:db0bd2eb4d:light-intensity" }
Switch Greatroom_Fan_Wind {channel="mffan:mffan:db0bd2eb4d:wind-on" }
String Greatroom_Fan_Wind_Level {channel="mffan:mffan:db0bd2eb4d:wind-level" }
Sitemap Configuration
Group icon=fan_ceiling label="Fan" item=Greatroom_Fan {
Switch icon=switch label="Fan On/Off" item=Greatroom_Fan_Fan
Selection label="Fan Speed" item=Greatroom_Fan_Fan_Speed
Selection label="Fan Direction" item=Greatroom_Fan_Fan_Direction
Switch icon=switch label="Window On/Off" item=Greatroom_Fan_Wind
Selection label="Wind Level" item=Greatroom_Fan_Wind_Level
Switch icon=switch label="Light On/Off" item=Greatroom_Fan_Light
Slider label="Light Intensity" item=Greatroom_Fan_Light_Intensity