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# HAI by Leviton OmniLink Binding
This binding integrates the [Omni and Lumina](https://www.leviton.com/en/products/security-automation/automation-av-controllers/omni-security-systems) line of home automation systems.
At its core the Omni is a hardware board that provides security and access features.
It connects to many other devices through serial ports or wired contacts and exposes them through a single TCP based API.
## Supported Things
The OmniPro/Lumina controller acts as a "bridge" for accessing other connected devices.
| Omni type | Hardware Type | Things |
| :------------------------- | :----------------------------------------------- | :-------------------------------- |
| Controller | Omni (Pro II, IIe, LTe), Lumina | `controller` (omni, lumina) |
| Lights | Built-in, UPB, HLC | `unit`, `dimmable`, `upb`, `room` |
| Thermostats | Omnistat, Omnistat2 | `thermostat` |
| Temperature Sensors | 31A00-1/31A00-7 | `temp_sensor` |
| Humidity Sensors | 31A00-2 | `humidity_sensor` |
| Zones | Built-in/Hardwire, GE Wireless | `zone` |
| Audio Zones/Sources | HAI Hi-Fi, Russound, NuVo, Xantech, Speakercraft | `audio_zone`, `audio_source` |
| Consoles | HAI Omni Console, HAI Lumina Console | `console` |
| Areas | Built-in | `area`, `lumina_area` |
| Buttons | Built-in | `button` |
| Flags | Built-in | `flag` |
| Output | Built-in/Hardwire | `output` |
| Access Control Reader Lock | Leviton Access Control Reader | `lock` |
## Discovery
### Controller
Omni and Lumina controllers must be manually added using the IP and port of the controller as well as the 2 encryption keys required for network access.
### Devices
Once a connection can be established to a controller, all connected devices will be automatically discovered and added to the inbox.
## Thing Configuration
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An Omni or Lumina controller requires the IP address (`ipAddress`), optional port (`port` defaults to 4369), and 2 encryption keys (`key1`, `key2`).
The hexadecimal pairs in the encryption keys are typically delimited using a colon`:`, but dashes `-`, spaces ` ` or no delimiter may be used.
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In the thing file, this looks like:
Bridge omnilink:controller:home [ ipAddress="", port=4369, key1="XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", key2="XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" ] {
// Add your things here
The devices are identified by the device number that the OmniLink bridge assigns to them, see the [Full Example](#full-example) section below for a manual configuration example.
## Channels
The devices support some of the following channels:
| Channel Type ID | Item Type | Description | Thing types supporting this channel |
| --------------------------- | -------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------- |
| `activate_keypad_emergency` | Number | Activate a burglary, fire, or auxiliary keypad emergency alarm on Omni based models. | `area` |
| `alarm_burglary` | Switch | Indicates if a burglary alarm is active. | `area` |
| `alarm_fire` | Switch | Indicates if a fire alarm is active. | `area` |
| `alarm_gas` | Switch | Indicates if a gas alarm is active. | `area` |
| `alarm_auxiliary` | Switch | Indicates if an auxiliary alarm is active. | `area` |
| `alarm_freeze` | Switch | Indicates if a freeze alarm is active. | `area` |
| `alarm_water` | Switch | Indicates if a water alarm is active. | `area` |
| `alarm_duress` | Switch | Indicates if a duress alarm is active. | `area` |
| `alarm_temperature` | Switch | Indicates if a temperature alarm is active. | `area` |
| `mode` | Number | Represents the area security mode. | `area`, `lumina_area` |
| `disarm` | String | Send a 4 digit user code to disarm the system. | `area` |
| `day` | String | Send a 4 digit user code to arm the system to day. | `area` |
| `night` | String | Send a 4 digit user code to arm the system to night. | `area` |
| `away` | String | Send a 4 digit user code to arm the system to away. | `area` |
| `vacation` | String | Send a 4 digit user code to arm the system to vacation. | `area` |
| `day_instant` | String | Send a 4 digit user code to arm the system to day instant. | `area` |
| `night_delayed` | String | Send a 4 digit user code to arm the system to night delayed. | `area` |
| `home` | String | Send a 4 digit user code to set the system to home. | `lumina_area` |
| `sleep` | String | Send a 4 digit user code to set the system to sleep. | `lumina_area` |
| `away` | String | Send a 4 digit user code to set the system to away. | `lumina_area` |
| `vacation` | String | Send a 4 digit user code to set the system to vacation. | `lumina_area` |
| `party` | String | Send a 4 digit user code to set the system to party. | `lumina_area` |
| `special` | String | Send a 4 digit user code to set the system to special. | `lumina_area` |
| `source_text_{1,2,3,4,5,6}` | String | A line of metadata from this audio source. | `audio_source` |
| `polling` | Switch | Enable or disable polling of this audio source. | `audio_source` |
| `zone_power` | Switch | Power status of this audio zone. | `audio_zone` |
| `zone_mute` | Switch | Mute status of this audio zone. | `audio_zone` |
| `zone_volume` | Dimmer | Volume level of this audio zone. | `audio_zone` |
| `zone_source` | Number | Source for this audio zone. | `audio_zone` |
| `zone_control` | Player | Control the audio zone, e.g. start/stop/next/previous. | `audio_zone` |
| `system_date` | DateTime | Controller date/time. See [Rule Actions](#rule-actions) for how to set controller date/time. | `controller` |
| `last_log` | String | Last log message on the controller, represented in JSON. | `controller` |
| `enable_disable_beeper` | Switch | Enable/Disable the beeper for this/all console(s). | `controller`, `console` |
| `beep` | Switch | Send a beep command to this/all console(s). | `controller`, `console` |
| `press` | Switch | Sends a button event to the controller. | `button` |
| `low_setpoint` | Number | The current low setpoint for this humidity/temperature sensor. | `temp_sensor`, `humidity_sensor` |
| `high_setpoint` | Number | The current high setpoint for this humidity/temperature sensor. | `temp_sensor`, `humidity_sensor` |
| `temperature` | Number:Temperature | The current temperature at this thermostat/temperature sensor. | `thermostat`, `temp_sensor` |
| `humidity` | Number:Dimensionless | The current relative humidity at this thermostat/humidity sensor. | `thermostat`, `humidity_sensor` |
| `freeze_alarm` | Contact | Closed when freeze alarm is triggered by this thermostat. | `thermostat` |
| `comm_failure` | Contact | Closed during a communications failure with this thermostat. | `thermostat` |
| `outdoor_temperature` | Number:Temperature | The current outdoor temperature detected by this thermostat. | `thermostat` |
| `heat_setpoint` | Number:Temperature | The current low/heating setpoint of this thermostat. | `thermostat` |
| `cool_setpoint` | Number:Temperature | The current high/cooling setpoint of this thermostat. | `thermostat` |
| `humidify_setpoint` | Number:Dimensionless | The current low/humidify setpoint for this thermostat. | `thermostat` |
| `dehumidify_setpoint` | Number:Dimensionless | The current high/dehumidify setpoint for this thermostat. | `thermostat` |
| `system_mode` | Number | The current system mode of this thermostat. | `thermostat` |
| `fan_mode` | Number | The current fan mode of this thermostat. | `thermostat` |
| `hold_status` | Number | The current hold status of this thermostat. | `thermostat` |
| `status` | Number | The current numeric status of this thermostat. | `thermostat` |
| `level` | Dimmer | Increase/Decrease the level of this unit/dimmable unit/UPB unit. | `unit`, `dimmable`, `upb` |
| `switch` | Switch | Turn this unit/dimmable unit/flag/output/room on/off. | `unit`, `dimmable`, `upb`, `flag`, `output`, `room` |
| `on_for_seconds` | Number | Turn on this unit for a specified number of seconds. | `unit`, `dimmable`, `upb`, `flag`, `output` |
| `off_for_seconds` | Number | Turn off this unit for a specified number of seconds. | `unit`, `dimmable`, `upb`, `flag`, `output` |
| `on_for_minutes` | Number | Turn on this unit for a specified number of minutes. | `unit`, `dimmable`, `upb`, `flag`, `output` |
| `off_for_minutes` | Number | Turn off this unit for a specified number of minutes. | `unit`, `dimmable`, `upb`, `flag`, `output` |
| `on_for_hours` | Number | Turn on this unit for a specified number of hours. | `unit`, `dimmable`, `upb`, `flag`, `output` |
| `off_for_hours` | Number | Turn off this unit for a specified number of hours. | `unit`, `dimmable`, `upb`, `flag`, `output` |
| `upb_status` | String | Send a UPB status request message for this UPB unit to the controller. | `upb` |
| `value` | Number | Numeric value of this flag. | `flag` |
| `scene_{a,b,c,d}` | Switch | Turn this scene on/off. | `room` |
| `state` | Number | The current state of this room. | `room` |
| `contact` | Contact | Contact state information of this zone. | `zone` |
| `current_condition` | Number | Current condition of this zone. | `zone` |
| `latched_alarm_status` | Number | Latched alarm status of this zone. | `zone` |
| `arming_status` | Number | Arming status of this zone. | `zone` |
| `bypass` | String | Send a 4 digit user code to bypass this zone. | `zone` |
| `restore` | String | Send a 4 digit user code to restore this zone. | `zone` |
### Trigger Channels
The devices support some of the following trigger channels:
| Channel Type ID | Description | Thing types supporting this channel |
| ---------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------- |
| `all_on_off_event` | Event sent when an all on/off event occurs. | `area`, `lumina_area` |
| `phone_line_event` | Event sent when the phone line changes state. | `controller` |
| `ac_power_event` | Event sent when AC trouble conditions are detected. | `controller` |
| `battery_event` | Event sent when battery trouble conditions are detected. | `controller` |
| `dcm_event` | Event sent when digital communicator trouble conditions are detected. | `controller` |
| `energy_cost_event` | Event sent when the cost of energy changes. | `controller` |
| `camera_trigger_event` | Event sent when a camera trigger is detected. | `controller` |
| `upb_link_activated_event` | Event sent when a UPB link is activated. | `controller` |
| `upb_link_deactivated_event` | Event sent when a UPB link is deactivated. | `controller` |
| `activated_event` | Event sent when a button is activated. | `button` |
| `switch_press_event` | Event sent when an ALC, UPB, Radio RA, or Starlite switch is pressed. | `dimmable`, `upb` |
## Rule Actions
This binding includes a rule action, which allows synchronizing the controller time to match the openHAB system time with a user specified zone.
There is a separate instance for each contoller, which can be retrieved through:
:::: tabs
::: tab DSL
val omnilinkActions = getActions("omnilink", "omnilink:controller:home")
::: tab JavaScript
var omnilinkActions = actions.get("omnilink", "omnilink:controller:home");
::: tab JRuby
In JRuby, Action methods are available directly on the Thing object.
omni_link = things["omnilink:controller:home"]
where the first parameter always has to be `omnilink` and the second is the full Thing UID of the controller that should be used.
Once this action instance is retrieved, you can invoke the `synchronizeControllerTime(String zone)` method on it:
:::: tabs
::: tab DSL
::: tab JavaScript
::: tab JRuby
## Full Example
### Example `omnilink.things`
Bridge omnilink:controller:home [ ipAddress="", port=4369, key1="XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", key2="XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" ] {
Thing area MainArea "Main Area" @ "Home" [ number=1 ]
Thing upb UpKitTable "Table Lights" @ "Upstairs Kitchen" [ number=4 ]
Thing upb UpOfcDesk "Desk Lights" @ "Upstairs Office" [ number=10 ]
Thing thermostat UpstrsThermo "Upstairs Temperature" @ "Upstairs Entry" [ number=1 ]
Thing zone FrontDoor "Front Door" @ "Upstairs Entry" [ number=2 ]
Thing zone GarageDoor "Garage Door" @ "Laundry Room" [ number=3 ]
Thing zone BackDoor "Back Door" @ "Upstairs Kitchen" [ number=4 ]
Thing zone OneCarGarageDo "One Car Garage" @ "Garage" [ number=5 ]
Thing zone TwoCarGarageDo "Two Car Garage" @ "Garage" [ number=6 ]
Thing zone BsmtBackDoor "Back Door" @ "Basement Workout Room" [ number=8 ]
Thing zone MBRDeckDoor "Deck Door" @ "Master Bedroom" [ number=9 ]
Thing zone MBRMotion "Motion" @ "Master Bedroom" [ number=10 ]
Thing zone PorchDoor "Porch Door" @ "Upstairs Office" [ number=11 ]
Thing zone UpOffMotion "Motion" @ "Upstairs Office" [ number=12 ]
Thing zone UpLivMotion "Motion" @ "Upstairs Living Room" [ number=13 ]
Thing zone BsmtWORMotion "Motion" @ "Basement Workout Room" [ number=14 ]
Thing zone GarageMotion "Motion" @ "Garage" [ number=15 ]
Thing console UpstrsConsole "Console" @ "Laundry Room" [ number=1 ]
Thing button MainButton "Button" @ "Home" [ number=1 ]
### Example `omnilink.items`
* Alarms / Areas
Group:Switch:OR(ON, OFF) Alarms "All Alarms [%s]"
String AlarmMode "Alarm [%s]" <alarm> {channel="omnilink:area:home:MainArea:mode" [profile="transform:MAP", function="area-modes.map", sourceFormat="%s"]}
Switch AlarmBurglary "Burglary Alarm [%s]" (Alarms) {channel="omnilink:area:home:MainArea:alarm_burglary"}
Switch AlarmFire "Fire Alarm [%s]" (Alarms) {channel="omnilink:area:home:MainArea:alarm_fire"}
Switch alarm_gas "Gas Alarm [%s]" (Alarms) {channel="omnilink:area:home:MainArea:alarm_gas"}
Switch AlarmAuxiliary "Auxiliary Alarm [%s]" (Alarms) {channel="omnilink:area:home:MainArea:alarm_auxiliary"}
Switch AlarmFreeze "Freeze Alarm [%s]" (Alarms) {channel="omnilink:area:home:MainArea:alarm_freeze"}
Switch AlarmWater "Water Alarm [%s]" (Alarms) {channel="omnilink:area:home:MainArea:alarm_water"}
Switch AlarmDuress "Duress Alarm [%s]" (Alarms) {channel="omnilink:area:home:MainArea:alarm_duress"}
Switch AlarmTemperature "Temperature Alarm [%s]" (Alarms) {channel="omnilink:area:home:MainArea:alarm_temperature"}
Number AlarmModeDisarm {channel="omnilink:area:home:MainArea:disarm"}
Number AlarmModeDay {channel="omnilink:area:home:MainArea:day"}
Number AlarmModeNight {channel="omnilink:area:home:MainArea:night"}
Number AlarmModeAway {channel="omnilink:area:home:MainArea:away"}
Number AlarmModeVacation {channel="omnilink:area:home:MainArea:vacation"}
Number AlarmModeDayInstant {channel="omnilink:area:home:MainArea:day_instant"}
Number AlarmModeNightDelayed {channel="omnilink:area:home:MainArea:night_delayed"}
* Lights
Switch UpKitTable "Table Lights [%s]" <switch> {channel="omnilink:upb:home:UpKitTable:level"}
Dimmer UpOfcDesk "Desk Lights [%d]" <slider> {channel="omnilink:upb:home:UpOfcDesk:level"}
* Thermostat
Group UpstrsThermo "Upstairs Thermostat"
Number:Temperature UpstrsThermo_Temp "Temperature [%.1f %unit%]" <temperature> (UpstrsThermo) {channel="omnilink:thermostat:home:UpstrsThermo:temperature"}
Number UpstrsThermo_Status "Status [MAP(therm-status.map):%s]" <heating> (UpstrsThermo) {channel="omnilink:thermostat:home:UpstrsThermo:status"}
Number UpstrsThermo_System "System Mode [MAP(therm-tempmode.map):%s]" <temperature> (UpstrsThermo) {channel="omnilink:thermostat:home:UpstrsThermo:system_mode"}
Number UpstrsThermo_Fan "Fan Mode [MAP(therm-fanmode.map):%s]" <fan> (UpstrsThermo) {channel="omnilink:thermostat:home:UpstrsThermo:fan_mode"}
Number UpstrsThermo_Hold "Hold Mode [MAP(therm-holdmode.map):%s]" <fan> (UpstrsThermo) {channel="omnilink:thermostat:home:UpstrsThermo:hold_mode"}
Number UpstrsThermo_HeatPoint "System HeatPoint [%d]" <temperature_hot> (UpstrsThermo) {channel="omnilink:thermostat:home:UpstrsThermo:heat_setpoint"}
Number UpstrsThermo_CoolPoint "System CoolPoint [%d]" <temperature_cool> (UpstrsThermo) {channel="omnilink:thermostat:home:UpstrsThermo:cool_setpoint"}
* Motion and Doors
Group:Contact:OR(OPEN, CLOSED) Doors "All Doors [%s]"
Contact FrontDoor "Front Door" <door> (Doors) {channel="omnilink:zone:home:FrontDoor:contact"}
Contact GarageDoor "Garage Door" <door> (Doors) {channel="omnilink:zone:home:GarageDoor:contact"}
Contact BackDoor "Back Door" <door> (Doors) {channel="omnilink:zone:home:BackDoor:contact"}
Contact BsmtBackDoor "Back Door" <door> (Doors) {channel="omnilink:zone:home:BsmtBackDoor:contact"}
Contact MBRDeckDoor "Deck Door" <door> (Doors) {channel="omnilink:zone:home:MBRDeckDoor:contact"}
Contact PorchDoor "Porch Door" <door> (Doors) {channel="omnilink:zone:home:PorchDoor:contact"}
Group:Contact:OR(OPEN, CLOSED) GarageDoors "All Garage Doors [%s]"
Contact TwoCarGarageDo "Two Car Garage Door" <garagedoor> (GarageDoors) {channel="omnilink:zone:home:TwoCarGarageDo:contact"}
Contact OneCarGarageDo "One Car Garage Door" <garagedoor> (GarageDoors) {channel="omnilink:zone:home:OneCarGarageDo:contact"}
Group:Contact:OR(OPEN, CLOSED) Motion "All Motion Sensors [%s]"
Contact MBRMotion "Motion" <presence> (Motion) {homekit="MotionSensor", channel="omnilink:zone:home:MBRMotion:contact"}
Contact UpOffMotion "Motion" <presence> (Motion) {homekit="MotionSensor", channel="omnilink:zone:home:UpOffMotion:contact"}
Contact UpLivMotion "Motion" <presence> (Motion) {homekit="MotionSensor", channel="omnilink:zone:home:UpLivMotion:contact"}
Contact BsmtWORMotion "Motion" <presence> (Motion) {homekit="MotionSensor", channel="omnilink:zone:home:BsmtWORMotion:contact"}
Contact GarageMotion "Motion" <presence> (Motion) {homekit="MotionSensor", channel="omnilink:zone:home:GarageMotion:contact"}
* Console
String UpstrsConsole_Beeper "Enable/Disable Beeper [%s]" {channel="omnilink:console:home:UpstrsConsole:enable_disable_beeper"}
Number UpstrsConsole_Beep "Beep Console" {channel="omnilink:console:home:UpstrsConsole:beep"}
* Button
Switch MainButton "Toggle button [%s]" <switch> {channel="omnilink:button:home:MainButton:press"}
* Other OmniPro items
DateTime OmniProTime "Last Time Update [%1$ta %1$tR]" <time> {channel="omnilink:controller:home:system_date"}
### Example `therm-status.map`
### Example `therm-tempmode.map`
5=Emergency heat
### Example `therm-fanmode.map`
### Example `therm-holdmode.map`
2=Vacation hold
### Example `area-modes.map`
5=Day instant
6=Night delayed
9=Arming day
10=Arming night
11=Arming away
12=Arming vacation
13=Arming day instant
14=Arming night delay