
37 KiB

Xiaomi Wifi devices (Mi IO) Binding

This binding is used to control Xiaomi products implementing the Mi IO protocol. This protocol is used for most of Xiaomi Mi Ecosystem wifi devices which is branded as MiJia. If your Xiaomi wifi device is controlled by the mihome app, most likely it communicates using the Mi IO protocol and can communicate with openHAB using this binding.

MIIO logo

Supported Things

The following things types are available:

ThingType Description
miio:generic Generic type for discovered devices. Once the token is available and the device model is determined, this ThingType will automatically change to the appropriate ThingType
miio:vacuum For Xiaomi/RoboRock Robot Vacuum products
miio:basic For most other devices like yeelights, airpurifiers. Channels and commands are determined by database configuration
miio:gateway Similar to basic, but with the Bridge feature, it can support to forward commands for connected devices
miio:lumi Thing type for subdevices connected to the gateway. Note, these devices require a defined gateway to function
miio:unsupported For experimenting with other devices which use the Mi IO protocol or to build experimental support


The binding has 2 methods for discovering devices. Depending on your network setup and the device model, your device may be discovered by one or both methods. If both methods discover your device, 2 discovery results may be in your inbox for the same device.

The mDNS discovery method will discover your device type, but will not discover a (required) token. The basic discovery will not discovery the type, but will discover a token for models that support it. Accept only one of the 2 discovery results, the alternate one can further be ignored.


The binding needs a token from the Xiaomi Mi Device in order to be able to control it. The binding can retrieve the needed tokens from the Xiaomi cloud. Go to the binding config page and enter your cloud username and password. The server(s) to which your devices are connected need to be entered as well. Use the one of the regional servers: cn,de,i2,tw,ru,sg,us. Multiple servers can be separated with comma, or leave blank to test all known servers. See binding configuration for more details about the binding config.

Tokens without cloud access

Some devices provide the token upon discovery. This may depends on the firmware version. If the device does not discover your token, it needs to be retrieved from the Mi Home app.

The easiest way to obtain tokens is to browse through log files of the Mi Home app version 5.4.49 for Android. It seems that version was released with debug messages turned on by mistake. An APK file with the old version can be easily found using one of the popular web search engines. After downgrading use a file browser to navigate to directory SmartHome/logs/plug_DeviceManager, then open the most recent file and search for the token. When finished, use Google Play to get the most recent version back.

For iPhone, use an un-encrypted iTunes-Backup and unpack it and use a sqlite tool to view the files in it: Then search in "RAW, com.xiaomi.home," for "USERID_mihome.sqlite" and look for the 32-digit-token or 96 digit encrypted token.

Note. The Xiaomi devices change the token when inclusion is done. Hence if you get your token after reset and than include it with the Mi Home app, the token will change.

Binding Configuration

No binding configuration is required. However to enable cloud functionality enter your Xiaomi username, password and server(s). The list of the known countries and related severs is here.

After successful Xiaomi cloud login, the binding will use the connection to retrieve the required device tokens from the cloud. For Xiaomi vacuums the map can be visualized in openHAB using the cloud connection.

To enter your cloud details go to the bindings page, click the Xiaomi Mi IO binding and than configure. Binding Config

In the configuration page, enter your userID /passwd and county(s) or leave the countries servers blank. Binding Config

The binding also supports the discovery of devices via the cloud. This may be useful if the device is on a separate subnet. (note, after accepting such a device on a different subnet, the communication needs to be set to cloud in order to have it working.)

Thing Configuration

Each Xiaomi device (thing) needs the IP address and token configured to be able to communicate. See discovery for details. Optional configuration is the refresh interval and the deviceID. Note that the deviceID is automatically retrieved when it is left blank. The configuration for model is automatically retrieved from the device in normal operation. However, for devices that are unsupported, you may override the value and try to use a model string from a similar device to experimentally use your device with the binding.

Parameter Type Required Description
host text true Device IP address
token text true Token for communication (in Hex)
deviceId text true Device Id (typically a number for normal devices) for communication
model text false Device model string, used to determine the subtype
refreshInterval integer false Refresh interval for refreshing the data in seconds. (0=disabled)
timeout integer false Timeout time in milliseconds
communication text false Communicate direct or via cloud (options values: 'direct', 'cloud')
cloudServer text false Identifies the country server to use in case of cloud communication

Note: Suggest to use the cloud communication only for devices that require it. It is unknown at this time if Xiaomi has a rate limit or other limitations on the cloud usage. e.g. if having many devices would trigger some throttling from the cloud side. Note2: communications parameter is not available for lumi devices. Lumi devices communicate using the bridge/gateway.

Example Thing file

Thing miio:basic:light "My Light" [ host="192.168.x.x", token="put here your token", deviceId="326xxxx", model="philips.light.bulb", communication="direct" ]

or in case of unknown models include the model information of a similar device that is supported:

Thing miio:vacuum:s50 "vacuum" @ "livingroom" [ host="", token="xxxxxxx", deviceId="326xxxx", model="roborock.vacuum.s4", communication="direct", cloudServer="de" ]

in case of gateway, instead of defining it as a Thing, use Bridge

Bridge miio:gateway:lumigateway "Mi Smarter Gateway" [ host="10.10.x.x", token="put here your token", deviceId="326xxxx", model="lumi.gateway.mieu01", communication="direct", cloudServer="de" ]

Advanced: Getting unsupported devices to work with the binding

Newer devices may not yet be supported. However, many devices share large similarities with existing devices. The binding allows to try/test if your new device is working with database files of older devices as well.

There are 3 ways to get unsupported devices working:

Substitute model for unsupported devices

Replace the model with the model which is already supported. For this, first remove your unsupported thing. Manually add a miio:basic thing. Besides the regular configuration (like ip address, token) the modelId needs to be provided. Normally the modelId is populated with the model of your device, however in this case, use the modelId of a similar device. Look at the openHAB forum, or the openHAB GitHub repository or this readme for the modelId of similar devices.

Create support for new devices based on online published spec database

The unsupported device has a (experimental) Create channels for new/unsupported devices (MIOT protocol) channel. When switching on, it will try to build support based on the published spec from It will test all properties are in the spec for your device, which may take few minutes. A test report will be shown in the log and is saved in the userdata/miio folder with a filename test-[your model]-[timestamp].txt. The experimental database file is saved to the conf/misc/miio folder (see below chapter). The thing will go offline and will come back online as basic device, supporting the found channels. If this does not happen automatically, restart the binding or restart openHAB in order to have the new database file picked up.

Please validate and feedback if all channels and actions are working, and share the logfile and json files on the openHAB forum or the openHAB GitHub to build future support for this model.

Supported property test for unsupported devices

The unsupported device has a test channel with switch. When switching on, all known properties are tested, this may take few minutes. A test report will be shown in the log and is saved in the userdata/miio folder with a filename test-[your model]-[timestamp].txt. If supported properties are found, an experimental database file is saved to the conf/misc/miio folder (see below chapter). The thing will go offline and will come back online as basic device, supporting the found channels. The database file may need to be modified to display the right channel names. After validation, please share the logfile and json files on the openHAB forum or the openHAB GitHub to build future support for this model.

Advanced: adding local database files to support new devices

Things using the basic handler (miio:basic things) are driven by json 'database' files. This instructs the binding which channels to create, which properties and actions are associated with the channels etc. The conf/misc/miio (e.g. in Linux /opt/openhab/conf/misc/miio/) is scanned for database files and will be used for your devices. During the start of the binding the exact path used in your system will be printed in the debug log. Watch for a line containing Started miio basic devices local databases watch service. Watching for database files at path: … ( If this folder is created after the start of the binding, you may need to restart the binding (or openHAB) to be able to use the local files. Note that local database files take preference over build-in ones, hence if a json file is local and in the database the local file will be used. For format, please check the current database files in openHAB GitHub.

FAQ.. what to do in case of problems

If your device is not getting online:

Are you using text config? Make sure you define all the fields as per above example. Or, better, try to get it going first without text config.

The token is wrong The most common cause of non responding devices is a wrong token. When you reset, or change wifi or update firmware, and possibly other cases as well, the token may change. You'll need to get a refreshed token.

My token is coming from the cloud... how can it be wrong? Is not very likely but still can happen._ This can happen e.g. if your device is defined on multiple country servers. The binding may pull the token from the wrong country server. First try to get the token from all country servers by leave the county setting empty. If that does not solve it, you define only the country that the device is on in the binding config page (where the cloud userid/pwd is entered) this should pull the right token.

You have the same device added multiple times. The communication each time send a sequential number. If the device is twice defined, the numbers received by the device are no longer sequential and it will stop responding for some time.

The connection is not too good, so you have timeouts etc. Position your device closer to wifi / check in the mihome app if the wifi strength is good enough. Alternatively as described above, double check for multiple connections for single device.

Your device is on a different subnet? This is in most cases not working. Firmware of the device don't accept commands coming from other subnets. Set the communication in the thing configuration to 'cloud'.

Cloud connectivity is not working The most common problem is a wrong or missing userId/password. Update your Xiaomi cloud userId & password in the miio binding configuration screen. If the problem persists you can try the following:

  • Xiaomi Account verification might be needed. For some users login by the binding is unsuccessful as account verification is required, but the binding currently has no possibilities to handle this. In order to pass validation your (openHAB server) ip need to be validated/confirmed. Browse to and logon to your account. Note: use the same external ip address as your openHAB server, e.g. you may need to disable your VPN.
  • If above is not possible or fails, You can try to find in the binding debug logging a location url. Try to login using this url (just after it fails) with your browser.
  • Several users also reported success by resetting their Xiaomi password.

If it still fails, you're bit out of luck. You may try to restart openHAB (not just the binding) to clean the cookies. As the cloud logon process is still little understood, your only luck might be to enable trace logging and see if you can translate the Chinese error code that it returns.

My Roborock vacuum is not found or not reacting Did you link the vacuum with the Roborock app? This won't work, the Roborock app is using a different communication method. Reset your vacuum and connect it to the Xiaomi MiHome app. This will change the communication method and the Mi IO binding can communicate with the vacuum.

Mi IO Devices

!!!devices note: Supported means we received feedback from users this device is working with the binding. For devices with experimental support, we did not yet confirmation that channels are correctly working. Please feedback your findings for these devices (e.g. Are all channels working, do they contain the right information, is controlling the devices working etc.)


Depending on the device, different channels are available.

All devices have available the following channels (marked as advanced) besides the device specific channels

Channel Type Description
network#ssid String Network SSID
network#bssid String Network BSSID
network#rssi Number Network RSSI
network#life Number Network Life
actions#commands String send commands direct. see below
actions#rpc String send commands via cloud. see below

note: the ADVANCED actions#commands and actions#rpc channels can be used to send commands that are not automated via the binding. This is available for all devices e.g. openhab:send actionCommand 'upd_timer["1498595904821", "on"]' would enable a pre-configured timer. See for all known available commands.

Robo Rock vacuum Channels

Type Channel Description
Number status#segment_status Segment Status
Number status#map_status Map Box Status
Number status#led_status Led Box Status
String info#carpet_mode Carpet Mode details
String info#fw_features Firmware Features
String info#room_mapping Room Mapping details
String info#multi_maps_list Maps Listing details

Additionally depending on the capabilities of your robot vacuum other channels may be enabled at runtime

Type Channel Description
Switch status#water_box_status Water Box Status
Switch status#lock_status Lock Status
Number status#water_box_mode Water Box Mode
Number status#mop_mode Mop Mode
Switch status#water_box_carriage_status Water Box Carriage Status
Switch status#mop_forbidden_enable Mop Forbidden
Switch status#is_locating Robot is locating
Number actions#segment Room Clean (enter room #)
Switch actions#collect_dust Start collecting dust
Switch actions#clean_mop_start Start mop wash
Switch actions#clean_mop_stop Stop mop wash
Number status#mop_drying_time Mop drying Time
Switch status#is_mop_drying Mop cleaning active
Number status#dock_state_id Dock status id
String status#dock_state Dock status message

Note: cleaning map is only available with cloud access.

There are several advanced channels, which may be useful in rules (e.g. for individual room cleaning etc) In case your vacuum does not support one of these commands, it will show "unsupported_method" for string channels or no value for numeric channels.

Advanced: Vacuum Map Customization

In case the default rendering of the vacuum map is not meeting your integration needs, the rendering can be tailored. The way to customize this is to create a file with the name mapConfig.json in the userdata/miio folder. If the binding finds this file it will read the map rendering preferences from there. If the file is available but invalid json, it will create a new file with all the default values for you to customize. This allows you to control the colors, if logo is displayed, if and what text is rendered etc. To (re-)read the file either restart openHAB, restart the binding or alternatively edit the thing and make (any) minor change. Note, cropping is disabled (hence showing like the maps in OH3.1 and earlier) for any cropBorder value < 0. Note, not all the values need to be in the json file, e.g. a subset of the parameters also works, the parameters not in the mapConfig.json will take the default values.

Basic, gateway and lumi Things channels


Example item file Rockrobo vacuum

Group  gVac     "Xiaomi Robot Vacuum"      <fan>
Group  gVacStat "Status Details"           <status> (gVac)
Group  gVacCons "Consumables Usage"        <line-increase> (gVac)
Group  gVacDND  "Do Not Disturb Settings"  <moon> (gVac)
Group  gVacHist "Cleaning History"         <calendar> (gVac)
Group  gVacLast "Last Cleaning Details"       <calendar> (gVac)

String actionControl  "Vacuum Control"          {channel="miio:vacuum:034F0E45:actions#control" }
String actionCommand  "Vacuum Command"          {channel="miio:vacuum:034F0E45:actions#commands" }

Number statusBat    "Battery Level [%1.0f%%]" <battery>   (gVac,gVacStat) {channel="miio:vacuum:034F0E45:status#battery" }
Number statusArea    "Cleaned Area [%1.0fm²]" <zoom>   (gVac,gVacStat) {channel="miio:vacuum:034F0E45:status#clean_area" }
Number statusTime    "Cleaning Time [%1.0f']" <clock>   (gVac,gVacStat) {channel="miio:vacuum:034F0E45:status#clean_time" }
String  statusError    "Error [%s]"  <error>  (gVac,gVacStat) {channel="miio:vacuum:034F0E45:status#error_code" }
Number statusFanPow    "Fan Power [%1.0f%%]"  <signal>   (gVacStat) {channel="miio:vacuum:034F0E45:status#fan_power" }
Number statusClean    "In Cleaning Status [%1.0f]"   <switch>  (gVacStat) {channel="miio:vacuum:034F0E45:status#in_cleaning" }
Switch statusDND    "DND Activated"    (gVacStat) {channel="miio:vacuum:034F0E45:status#dnd_enabled" }
Number statusStatus    "Status [%1.0f]"  <status>  (gVacStat) {channel="miio:vacuum:034F0E45:status#state"}
Switch isLocating    "Locating"    (gVacStat) {channel="miio:vacuum:034F0E45:status#is_locating" }

Number consumableMain    "Main Brush [%1.0f]"    (gVacCons) {channel="miio:vacuum:034F0E45:consumables#main_brush_time"}
Number consumableSide    "Side Brush [%1.0f]"    (gVacCons) {channel="miio:vacuum:034F0E45:consumables#side_brush_time"}
Number consumableFilter    "Filter Time[%1.0f]"    (gVacCons) {channel="miio:vacuum:034F0E45:consumables#filter_time" }
Number consumableSensor    "Sensor [%1.0f]"    (gVacCons) {channel="miio:vacuum:034F0E45:consumables#sensor_dirt_time"}

Switch dndFunction   "DND Function" <moon>   (gVacDND) {channel="miio:vacuum:034F0E45:dnd#dnd_function"}
String dndStart   "DND Start Time [%s]" <clock>   (gVacDND) {channel="miio:vacuum:034F0E45:dnd#dnd_start"}
String dndEnd   "DND End Time [%s]"   <clock-on>  (gVacDND) {channel="miio:vacuum:034F0E45:dnd#dnd_end"}

Number historyArea    "Total Cleaned Area [%1.0fm²]" <zoom>    (gVacHist) {channel="miio:vacuum:034F0E45:history#total_clean_area"}
String historyTime    "Total Clean Time [%s]"   <clock>     (gVacHist) {channel="miio:vacuum:034F0E45:history#total_clean_time"}
Number historyCount    "Total # Cleanings [%1.0f]"  <office>  (gVacHist) {channel="miio:vacuum:034F0E45:history#total_clean_count"}

String lastStart   "Last Cleaning Start time [%s]" <clock> (gVacLast) {channel="miio:vacuum:034F0E45:cleaning#last_clean_start_time"}
String lastEnd     "Last Cleaning End time [%s]" <clock> (gVacLast) {channel="miio:vacuum:034F0E45:cleaning#last_clean_end_time"}
Number lastArea    "Last Cleaned Area [%1.0fm²]" <zoom>    (gVacLast) {channel="miio:vacuum:034F0E45:cleaning#last_clean_area"}
Number lastTime    "Last Clean Time [%1.0f']"   <clock>     (gVacLast) {channel="miio:vacuum:034F0E45:cleaning#last_clean_duration"}
Number lastError    "Error [%s]"  <error>  (gVacLast) {channel="miio:vacuum:034F0E45:cleaning#last_clean_error" }
Switch lastCompleted  "Last Cleaning Completed"    (gVacLast) {channel="miio:vacuum:034F0E45:cleaning#last_clean_finish" }

Image map "Cleaning Map" (gVacLast) {channel="miio:vacuum:034F0E45:cleaning#map"}

Basic, gateway and lumi Things item files examples


Country Servers

Known country Servers: cn, de, i2, ru, sg, us

Mapping of countries in mihome app to server:

Country Country Code Server
Afghanistan AF sg
Albania AL de
Algeria DZ sg
American Samoa AS sg
Andorra AD de
Angola AO sg
Anguilla AI us
Antarctica AQ sg
Antigua and Barbuda AG us
Argentina AR us
Armenia AM sg
Aruba AW us
Ascension Island AC sg
Australia AU sg
Austria AT de
Azerbaijan AZ sg
Bahamas BS us
Bahrain BH sg
Bangladesh BD sg
Barbados BB us
Belarus BY de
Belgium BE de
Belize BZ us
Benin BJ sg
Bermuda BM us
Bhutan BT sg
Bolivia BO us
Bosnia and Herzegovina BA de
Botswana BW sg
Bouvet Island BV sg
Brazil BR us
British Indian Ocean Territory IO sg
British Virgin Islands VG us
Brunei BN sg
Bulgaria BG de
Burkina Faso BF sg
Burundi BI sg
Cambodia KH sg
Cameroon CM sg
Canada CA us
Canary Islands IC sg
Cape Verde CV sg
Cayman Islands KY us
Central African Republic CF sg
Ceuta and Melilla EA de
Chad TD sg
Chile CL us
Chinese mainland CN cn
Christmas Island CX sg
Cocos Islands CC sg
Colombia CO us
Comoros KM sg
Congo - Brazzaville CG sg
Congo - Kinshasa CD sg
Cook Islands CK sg
Costa Rica CR us
Croatia HR de
Curaçao CW us
Cyprus CY de
Czechia CZ de
Côte d'Ivoire CI sg
Denmark DK de
Diego Garcia DG sg
Djibouti DJ sg
Dominica DM us
Dominican Republic DO us
Dutch Caribbean BQ us
Ecuador EC us
Egypt EG sg
El Salvador SV us
Equatorial Guinea GQ sg
Eritrea ER sg
Estonia EE de
Ethiopia ET sg
Falkland Islands FK us
Faroe Islands FO de
Fiji FJ sg
Finland FI de
France FR de
French Guiana GF de
French Southern Territories TF sg
French polynesia PF sg
Gabon GA sg
Gambia GM sg
Georgia GE sg
Germany DE de
Ghana GH sg
Gibraltar GI de
Greece GR de
Greenland GL us
Grenada GD us
Guadeloupe GP us
Guam GU sg
Guatemala GT us
Guernsey GG de
Guinea GN sg
Guinea-Bissau GW sg
Guyana GY us
Haiti HT us
Honduras HN us
Hong Kong HK sg
Hungary HU de
Iceland IS de
India IN i2
Indonesia ID sg
Iraq IQ sg
Ireland IE de
Isle of Man IM de
Israel IL sg
Italy IT de
Jamaica JM us
Japan JP sg
Jersey JE de
Jordan JO sg
Kazakhstan KZ sg
Kenya KE sg
Kiribati KI sg
Kosovo XK de
Kuwait KW sg
Kyrgyzstan KG sg
Laos LA sg
Latvia LV de
Lebanon LB sg
Lesotho LS sg
Liberia LR sg
Libya LY sg
Liechtenstein LI de
Lithuania LT de
Luxembourg LU de
Macao MO sg
Macedonia MK de
Madagascar MG sg
Malawi MW sg
Malaysia MY sg
Maldives MV sg
Mali ML sg
Malta MT de
Marshall islands MH sg
Martinique MQ us
Mauritania MR sg
Mauritius MU sg
Mayotte YT sg
Mexico MX us
Micronesia FM sg
Moldova MD de
Monaco MC de
Mongolia MN sg
Montenegro ME de
Montserrat MS us
Morocco MA sg
Mozambique MZ sg
Myanmar (Burma) MM sg
Namibia NA sg
Nauru NR sg
Nepal NP sg
Netherlands NL de
New Caledonia NC sg
New Zealand NZ sg
Nicaragua NI us
Niger NE sg
Nigeria NG sg
Niue NU sg
Norfolk Island NF sg
Northern Mariana Islands MP sg
Norway NO de
Oman OM sg
Pakistan PK sg
Palau PW sg
Palestinian Territories PS sg
Panama PA us
Papua New Guinea PG sg
Paraguay PY us
Peru PE us
Philippines PH sg
Pitcairn Islands PN sg
Poland PL de
Portugal PT de
Puerto Rico PR us
Qatar QA sg
Romania RO de
Russia RU ru
Rwanda RW sg
Réunion RE sg
Saint Barthélemy BL us
Saint Helena SH sg
Saint Kitts and Nevis KN us
Saint Lucia LC us
Saint Martin MF de
Saint Pierre and Miquelon PM us
Saint Vincent and The Grenadines VC us
Samoa WS sg
San Marino SM de
Saudi Arabia SA sg
Senegal SN sg
Serbia RS de
Seychelles SC sg
Sierra Leone SL sg
Singapore SG sg
Slovakia SK de
Slovenia SI de
Solomon Islands SB sg
Somalia SO sg
South Africa ZA sg
South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands GS us
South Korea KR sg
South Sudan SS sg
Spain ES de
Sri Lanka LK sg
Suriname SR us
Svalbard and Jan Mayen SJ de
Swaziland SZ sg
Sweden SE de
Switzerland CH de
São Tomé and Príncipe ST sg
Taiwan TW sg
Tajikistan TJ sg
Tanzania TZ sg
Thailand TH sg
Timor-Leste TL sg
Togo TG sg
Tokelau TK sg
Tonga TO sg
Trinidad and Tobago TT us
Tristan da Cunha TA sg
Tunisia TN sg
Turkey TR sg
Turkmenistan TM sg
Turks and Caicos Islands TC us
Tuvalu TV sg
U.S. Virgin Islands VI us
Uganda UG sg
Ukraine UA de
United Arab Emirates AE sg
United Kingdom GB de
United States US us
United States Minor Outlying Islands UM us
Uruguay UY us
Uzbekistan UZ sg
Vanuatu VU sg
Vatican VA de
Vietnam VN sg
Wallis and Futuna WF sg
Western Sahara EH sg
Yemen YE sg
Zambia ZM sg
Zimbabwe ZW sg
Åland Islands AX de