All new TreasureMap logic.

jMyles 2018-06-29 19:37:56 -07:00
parent d49de7a028
commit 5b094c544d
1 changed files with 69 additions and 20 deletions

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@ -682,14 +682,60 @@ class Bob(Character):
return unknown_treasure_ursulas, known_treasure_ursulas
if not verified:
return constants.NOT_FROM_ALICE
def follow_treasure_map(self, hrac, block=False, new_thread=False,
Follows a known TreasureMap, looking it up by hrac.
Determines which Ursulas are known and which are unknown.
If block, will block until either unknown nodes are discovered or until timeout seconds have elapsed.
After timeout seconds, if more than allow_missing nodes are still unknown, raises NotEnoughUrsulas.
If block and new_thread, does the same thing but on a different thread, returning a Deferred which
fires after the blocking has concluded.
Otherwise, returns (unknown_nodes, known_nodes).
# TODO: Check if nodes are up, declare them phantom if not.
unknown_ursulas, known_ursulas = self.peek_at_treasure_map(hrac)
if unknown_ursulas:
self._push_certain_newly_discovered_nodes_here(known_ursulas, unknown_ursulas)
if block:
if new_thread:
return threads.deferToThread(self.block_until_nodes_are_known, unknown_ursulas,
from nucypher.policy.models import TreasureMap
node_list = msgpack.loads(packed_node_list)
m = node_list.pop()
treasure_map = TreasureMap(m=m, ursula_interface_ids=node_list)
self.block_until_nodes_are_known(unknown_ursulas, timeout=timeout, allow_missing=allow_missing)
return unknown_ursulas, known_ursulas
def get_treasure_map(self, alice_pubkey_sig, hrac):
map_id = keccak_digest(alice_pubkey_sig + hrac).hex()
if not self._known_nodes and not self._learning_task.running:
# Quick sanity check - if we don't know of *any* Ursulas, and we have no
# plans to learn about any more, than this function will surely fail.
raise self.NotEnoughUrsulas
treasure_map = self.get_treasure_map_from_known_ursulas(self.network_middleware,
alice = Alice.from_public_keys({SigningPower: alice_pubkey_sig})
compass = partial(self.verify_from, alice, decrypt=True)
self.treasure_maps[hrac] = treasure_map
except treasure_map.InvalidPublicSignature:
raise # TODO: Maybe do something here?
return treasure_map
def get_treasure_map_from_known_ursulas(self, networky_stuff, map_id):
@ -702,14 +748,17 @@ class Bob(Character):
response = networky_stuff.get_treasure_map_from_node(node, map_id)
if response.status_code == 200 and response.content:
# TODO: Make this prettier
header, _signature_for_ursula, pubkey_sig_alice, hrac, encrypted_treasure_map = \
dht_with_hrac_splitter(response.content, return_remainder=True)
tmap_messaage_kit = UmbralMessageKit.from_bytes(encrypted_treasure_map)
return tmap_messaage_kit
from nucypher.policy.models import TreasureMap
treasure_map = TreasureMap.from_bytes(response.content)
continue # TODO: Actually, handle error case here.
# TODO: Work out what to do in this scenario - if Bob can't get the TreasureMap, he needs to rest on the learning mutex or something.
assert False
return treasure_map
def generate_work_orders(self, kfrag_hrac, *capsules, num_ursulas=None):
from nucypher.policy.models import WorkOrder # Prevent circular import
@ -726,19 +775,19 @@ class Bob(Character):
"Bob doesn't have a TreasureMap to match any of these capsules: {}".format(
for ursula_dht_key in treasure_map_to_use:
ursula = self._known_nodes[UmbralPublicKey.from_bytes(ursula_dht_key)]
for node_id in treasure_map_to_use:
ursula = self._known_nodes[node_id]
capsules_to_include = []
for capsule in capsules:
if not capsule in self._saved_work_orders[ursula_dht_key]:
if not capsule in self._saved_work_orders[node_id]:
if capsules_to_include:
work_order = WorkOrder.construct_by_bob(
kfrag_hrac, capsules_to_include, ursula, self)
generated_work_orders[ursula_dht_key] = work_order
self._saved_work_orders[ursula_dht_key][capsule] = work_order
generated_work_orders[node_id] = work_order
self._saved_work_orders[node_id][capsule] = work_order
if num_ursulas is not None:
if num_ursulas == len(generated_work_orders):
@ -753,7 +802,7 @@ class Bob(Character):
for counter, capsule in enumerate(work_order.capsules):
# TODO: Ursula is actually supposed to sign this. See #141.
# TODO: Maybe just update the work order here instead of setting it anew.
work_orders_by_ursula = self._saved_work_orders[bytes(work_order.ursula.stamp)]
work_orders_by_ursula = self._saved_work_orders[bytes(work_order.ursula.canonical_public_address)]
work_orders_by_ursula[capsule] = work_order
return cfrags