Lower-level TreasureMap interaction: Bob just takes a quick peek.

jMyles 2018-06-29 19:27:14 -07:00
parent aab0e405a9
commit d49de7a028
1 changed files with 12 additions and 74 deletions

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@ -665,84 +665,22 @@ class Bob(Character):
from nucypher.policy.models import WorkOrderHistory # Need a bigger strategy to avoid circulars.
self._saved_work_orders = WorkOrderHistory()
def follow_treasure_map(self, hrac, using_dht=False):
def peek_at_treasure_map(self, hrac):
Take a quick gander at the TreasureMap matching hrac to see which
nodes are already kwown to us.
Don't do any learning, pinging, or anything other than just seeing
whether we know or don't know the nodes.
Return two sets: nodes that are unknown to us, nodes that are known to us.
treasure_map = self.treasure_maps[hrac]
number_of_known_treasure_ursulas = 0
if not using_dht:
for ursula_interface_id in treasure_map:
pubkey = UmbralPublicKey.from_bytes(ursula_interface_id)
if pubkey in self._known_nodes:
number_of_known_treasure_ursulas += 1
newly_discovered_nodes = {}
nodes_to_check = iter(self._known_nodes.values())
known_treasure_ursulas = treasure_map.node_ids.intersection(self._known_nodes)
unknown_treasure_ursulas = treasure_map.node_ids.difference(self._known_nodes)
while number_of_known_treasure_ursulas < treasure_map.m:
node_to_check = next(nodes_to_check)
except StopIteration:
raise self.NotEnoughUrsulas(
"Unable to follow the TreasureMap; we just don't know enough nodes to ask about this. Maybe try using the DHT instead.")
new_nodes = self.learn_about_nodes(node_to_check.ip_address,
for new_node_pubkey in new_nodes.keys():
if new_node_pubkey in treasure_map:
number_of_known_treasure_ursulas += 1
return newly_discovered_nodes, number_of_known_treasure_ursulas
for ursula_interface_id in self.treasure_maps[hrac]:
pubkey = UmbralPublicKey.from_bytes(ursula_interface_id)
if ursula_interface_id in self._known_nodes:
# If we already know about this Ursula,
# we needn't learn about it again.
if using_dht:
# TODO: perform this part concurrently.
value = self.dht_server.get_now(ursula_interface_id)
# TODO: Make this much prettier
header, signature, ursula_pubkey_sig, _hrac, (
port, interface, ttl) = dht_value_splitter(value, msgpack_remainder=True)
if header != constants.BYTESTRING_IS_URSULA_IFACE_INFO:
raise TypeError("Unknown DHT value. How did this get on the network?")
# TODO: If we're going to implement TTL, it will be here.
self._known_nodes[ursula_interface_id] = \
powers_and_keys=({SigningPower: ursula_pubkey_sig})
def get_treasure_map(self, alice_pubkey_sig, hrac, using_dht=False, verify_sig=True):
map_id = keccak_digest(alice_pubkey_sig + hrac)
if using_dht:
ursula_coro = self.dht_server.get(map_id)
event_loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
packed_encrypted_treasure_map = event_loop.run_until_complete(ursula_coro)
if not self._known_nodes:
# TODO: Try to find more Ursulas on the blockchain.
raise self.NotEnoughUrsulas
tmap_message_kit = self.get_treasure_map_from_known_ursulas(self.network_middleware,
if verify_sig:
alice = Alice.from_public_keys({SigningPower: alice_pubkey_sig})
verified, packed_node_list = self.verify_from(
alice, tmap_message_kit,
assert False
return unknown_treasure_ursulas, known_treasure_ursulas
if not verified:
return constants.NOT_FROM_ALICE