Overhaul of how scripts are written to allow programmatic access
This introduces a way for scripts to be easily called from within Python with command line arguments as function parameters To support this, prettyparse has been upgraded to the latest versionpull/102/head
@ -12,56 +12,56 @@
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from prettyparse import create_parser
from random import randint
from precise_runner import PreciseRunner
from precise_runner.runner import ListenerEngine
from prettyparse import Usage
from threading import Event
from precise.pocketsphinx.listener import PocketsphinxListener
from precise.scripts.base_script import BaseScript
from precise.util import activate_notify
from precise_runner import PreciseRunner
from precise_runner.runner import ListenerEngine
usage = '''
Run Pocketsphinx on microphone audio input
:key_phrase str
Key phrase composed of words from dictionary
:dict_file str
Filename of dictionary with word pronunciations
:hmm_folder str
Folder containing hidden markov model
:-th --threshold str 1e-90
Threshold for activations
:-c --chunk-size int 2048
Samples between inferences
session_id, chunk_num = '%09d' % randint(0, 999999999), 0
def main():
args = create_parser(usage).parse_args()
class PocketsphinxListenScript(BaseScript):
usage = Usage('''
Run Pocketsphinx on microphone audio input
def on_activation():
:key_phrase str
Key phrase composed of words from dictionary
def on_prediction(conf):
print('!' if conf > 0.5 else '.', end='', flush=True)
:dict_file str
Filename of dictionary with word pronunciations
runner = PreciseRunner(
args.key_phrase, args.dict_file, args.hmm_folder, args.threshold, args.chunk_size
), 3, on_activation=on_activation, on_prediction=on_prediction
Event().wait() # Wait forever
:hmm_folder str
Folder containing hidden markov model
:-th --threshold str 1e-90
Threshold for activations
:-c --chunk-size int 2048
Samples between inferences
def run(self):
def on_activation():
def on_prediction(conf):
print('!' if conf > 0.5 else '.', end='', flush=True)
args = self.args
runner = PreciseRunner(
args.key_phrase, args.dict_file, args.hmm_folder, args.threshold, args.chunk_size
), 3, on_activation=on_activation, on_prediction=on_prediction
Event().wait() # Wait forever
main = PocketsphinxListenScript.run_main
if __name__ == '__main__':
@ -13,80 +13,101 @@
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import wave
from prettyparse import create_parser
from prettyparse import Usage
from subprocess import check_output, PIPE
from precise.pocketsphinx.listener import PocketsphinxListener
from precise.scripts.test import show_stats, Stats
from precise.scripts.base_script import BaseScript
from precise.scripts.test import Stats
from precise.train_data import TrainData
usage = '''
Test a dataset using Pocketsphinx
:key_phrase str
Key phrase composed of words from dictionary
:dict_file str
Filename of dictionary with word pronunciations
:hmm_folder str
Folder containing hidden markov model
:-th --threshold str 1e-90
Threshold for activations
:-t --use-train
Evaluate training data instead of test data
:-nf --no-filenames
Don't show the names of files that failed
class PocketsphinxTestScript(BaseScript):
usage = Usage('''
Test a dataset using Pocketsphinx
def eval_file(filename) -> float:
transcription = check_output(
['pocketsphinx_continuous', '-kws_threshold', '1e-20', '-keyphrase', 'hey my craft',
'-infile', filename], stderr=PIPE)
return float(bool(transcription) and not transcription.isspace())
:key_phrase str
Key phrase composed of words from dictionary
:dict_file str
Filename of dictionary with word pronunciations
def test_pocketsphinx(listener: PocketsphinxListener, data_files) -> Stats:
def run_test(filenames, name):
:hmm_folder str
Folder containing hidden markov model
:-th --threshold str 1e-90
Threshold for activations
:-t --use-train
Evaluate training data instead of test data
:-nf --no-filenames
Don't show the names of files that failed
''') | TrainData.usage
def __init__(self, args):
self.listener = PocketsphinxListener(
args.key_phrase, args.dict_file, args.hmm_folder, args.threshold
self.outputs = []
self.targets = []
self.filenames = []
def get_stats(self):
return Stats(self.outputs, self.targets, self.filenames)
def run(self):
args = self.args
data = TrainData.from_both(args.tags_file, args.tags_folder, args.folder)
print('Data:', data)
ww_files, nww_files = data.train_files if args.use_train else data.test_files
self.run_test(ww_files, 'Wake Word', 1.0)
self.run_test(nww_files, 'Not Wake Word', 0.0)
stats = self.get_stats()
if not self.args.no_filenames:
fp_files = stats.calc_filenames(False, True, 0.5)
fn_files = stats.calc_filenames(False, False, 0.5)
print('=== False Positives ===')
print('=== False Negatives ===')
print('===', name, '===')
negatives, positives = [], []
for filename in filenames:
def eval_file(self, filename) -> float:
transcription = check_output(
['pocketsphinx_continuous', '-kws_threshold', '1e-20', '-keyphrase', 'hey my craft',
'-infile', filename], stderr=PIPE)
return float(bool(transcription) and not transcription.isspace())
def run_test(self, test_files, label_name, label):
print('===', label_name, '===')
for test_file in test_files:
with wave.open(filename) as wf:
with wave.open(test_file) as wf:
frames = wf.readframes(wf.getnframes())
except (OSError, EOFError):
print('?', end='', flush=True)
out = listener.found_wake_word(frames)
{False: negatives, True: positives}[out].append(filename)
out = int(self.listener.found_wake_word(frames))
print('!' if out else '.', end='', flush=True)
return negatives, positives
false_neg, true_pos = run_test(data_files[0], 'Wake Word')
true_neg, false_pos = run_test(data_files[1], 'Not Wake Word')
return Stats(false_pos, false_neg, true_pos, true_neg)
def main():
args = TrainData.parse_args(create_parser(usage))
data = TrainData.from_both(args.tags_file, args.tags_folder, args.folder)
data_files = data.train_files if args.use_train else data.test_files
listener = PocketsphinxListener(
args.key_phrase, args.dict_file, args.hmm_folder, args.threshold
print('Data:', data)
stats = test_pocketsphinx(listener, data_files)
show_stats(stats, not args.no_filenames)
main = PocketsphinxTestScript.run_main
if __name__ == '__main__':
@ -12,7 +12,6 @@
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from itertools import chain
from math import sqrt
import numpy as np
@ -20,40 +19,15 @@ import os
from glob import glob
from os import makedirs
from os.path import join, dirname, abspath, splitext
from pip._vendor.distlib._backport import shutil
from prettyparse import create_parser
import shutil
from prettyparse import Usage
from random import random
from precise.scripts.base_script import BaseScript
from precise.train_data import TrainData
from precise.util import load_audio
from precise.util import save_audio
usage = '''
Create a duplicate dataset with added noise
:folder str
Folder containing source dataset
:-tg --tags-file str -
Tags file to optionally load from
:noise_folder str
Folder with wav files containing noise to be added
:output_folder str
Folder to write the duplicate generated dataset
:-if --inflation-factor int 1
The number of noisy samples generated per single source sample
:-nl --noise-ratio-low float 0.0
Minimum random ratio of noise to sample. 1.0 is all noise, no sample sound
:-nh --noise-ratio-high float 0.4
Maximum random ratio of noise to sample. 1.0 is all noise, no sample sound
class NoiseData:
def __init__(self, noise_folder: str):
@ -92,42 +66,72 @@ class NoiseData:
return noise_ratio * adjusted_noise + (1.0 - noise_ratio) * audio
def main():
args = create_parser(usage).parse_args()
args.tags_file = abspath(args.tags_file) if args.tags_file else None
args.folder = abspath(args.folder)
args.output_folder = abspath(args.output_folder)
noise_min, noise_max = args.noise_ratio_low, args.noise_ratio_high
class AddNoiseScript(BaseScript):
usage = Usage(
Create a duplicate dataset with added noise
data = TrainData.from_both(args.tags_file, args.folder, args.folder)
noise_data = NoiseData(args.noise_folder)
print('Data:', data)
:folder str
Folder containing source dataset
def translate_filename(source: str, n=0) -> str:
assert source.startswith(args.folder)
relative_file = source[len(args.folder):].strip(os.path.sep)
if n > 0:
base, ext = splitext(relative_file)
relative_file = base + '.' + str(n) + ext
return join(args.output_folder, relative_file)
:-tg --tags-file str -
Tags file to optionally load from
all_filenames = sum(data.train_files + data.test_files, [])
for i, filename in enumerate(all_filenames):
print('{0:.2%} \r'.format(i / (len(all_filenames) - 1)), end='', flush=True)
:noise_folder str
Folder with wav files containing noise to be added
audio = load_audio(filename)
for n in range(args.inflation_factor):
altered = noise_data.noised_audio(audio, noise_min + (noise_max - noise_min) * random())
output_filename = translate_filename(filename, n)
:output_folder str
Folder to write the duplicate generated dataset
makedirs(dirname(output_filename), exist_ok=True)
save_audio(output_filename, altered)
:-if --inflation-factor int 1
The number of noisy samples generated per single source sample
:-nl --noise-ratio-low float 0.0
Minimum random ratio of noise to sample. 1.0 is all noise, no sample sound
if args.tags_file and args.tags_file.startswith(args.folder):
shutil.copy2(args.tags_file, translate_filename(args.tags_file))
:-nh --noise-ratio-high float 0.4
Maximum random ratio of noise to sample. 1.0 is all noise, no sample sound
tags_file=lambda args: abspath(args.tags_file) if args.tags_file else None,
folder=lambda args: abspath(args.folder),
output_folder=lambda args: abspath(args.output_folder)
def run(self):
args = self.args
noise_min, noise_max = args.noise_ratio_low, args.noise_ratio_high
data = TrainData.from_both(args.tags_file, args.folder, args.folder)
noise_data = NoiseData(args.noise_folder)
print('Data:', data)
def translate_filename(source: str, n=0) -> str:
assert source.startswith(args.folder)
relative_file = source[len(args.folder):].strip(os.path.sep)
if n > 0:
base, ext = splitext(relative_file)
relative_file = base + '.' + str(n) + ext
return join(args.output_folder, relative_file)
all_filenames = sum(data.train_files + data.test_files, [])
for i, filename in enumerate(all_filenames):
print('{0:.2%} \r'.format(i / (len(all_filenames) - 1)), end='', flush=True)
audio = load_audio(filename)
for n in range(args.inflation_factor):
altered = noise_data.noised_audio(audio, noise_min + (noise_max - noise_min) * random())
output_filename = translate_filename(filename, n)
makedirs(dirname(output_filename), exist_ok=True)
save_audio(output_filename, altered)
if args.tags_file and args.tags_file.startswith(args.folder):
shutil.copy2(args.tags_file, translate_filename(args.tags_file))
main = AddNoiseScript.run_main
if __name__ == '__main__':
@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
from abc import abstractmethod
from argparse import ArgumentParser, Namespace
from prettyparse import Usage
class BaseScript:
"""A class to standardize the way scripts are defined"""
usage = Usage()
def __init__(self, args):
self.args = args
def create(cls, **args):
values = {}
for arg_name, arg_data in cls.usage.arguments.items():
if arg_name in args:
values[arg_name] = args.pop(arg_name)
if 'default' not in arg_data and arg_name and not arg_data['_0'].startswith('-'):
raise TypeError('Calling script without required "{}" argument.'.format(arg_name))
typ = arg_data.get('type')
if arg_data.get('action', '').startswith('store_') and not typ:
typ = bool
if not typ:
typ = lambda x: x
values[arg_name] = typ(arg_data.get('default'))
args = Namespace(**values)
return cls(args)
def run(self):
def run_main(cls):
parser = ArgumentParser()
args = cls.usage.render_args(parser.parse_args())
script = cls(args)
except ValueError as e:
parser.error('Error parsing args: ' + str(e))
raise SystemExit(1)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
@ -12,76 +12,79 @@
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License
from math import atan, tan, log, exp, sqrt, pi
from math import sqrt
import math
from functools import partial
from os.path import basename, splitext
from prettyparse import create_parser
from prettyparse import Usage
from precise.params import inject_params, save_params
from precise.scripts.base_script import BaseScript
from precise.stats import Stats
usage = '''
Update the threshold values of a model for a dataset.
This makes the sensitivity more accurate and linear
:model str
Either Keras (.net) or TensorFlow (.pb) model to adjust
class CalcThresholdScript(BaseScript):
usage = Usage('''
Update the threshold values of a model for a dataset.
This makes the sensitivity more accurate and linear
:input_file str
Input stats file that was outputted from precise-graph
:-k --model-key str -
Custom model name to use from the stats.json
:-s --smoothing float 1.2
Amount of extra smoothing to apply
:-c --center float 0.2
Decoded threshold that is mapped to 0.5. Proportion of
false negatives at sensitivity=0.5
:model str
Either Keras (.net) or TensorFlow (.pb) model to adjust
:input_file str
Input stats file that was outputted from precise-graph
:-k --model-key str -
Custom model name to use from the stats.json
:-s --smoothing float 1.2
Amount of extra smoothing to apply
:-c --center float 0.2
Decoded threshold that is mapped to 0.5. Proportion of
false negatives at sensitivity=0.5
def __init__(self, args):
def run(self):
args = self.args
import numpy as np
model_data = {
name: Stats.from_np_dict(data) for name, data in np.load(args.input_file)['data'].item().items()
model_name = args.model_key or basename(splitext(args.model)[0])
if model_name not in model_data:
print("Could not find model '{}' in saved models in stats file: {}".format(model_name, list(model_data)))
raise SystemExit(1)
stats = model_data[model_name]
save_spots = (stats.outputs != 0) & (stats.outputs != 1)
if save_spots.sum() == 0:
print('No data (or all NaN)')
stats.outputs = stats.outputs[save_spots]
stats.targets = stats.targets[save_spots]
inv = -np.log(1 / stats.outputs - 1)
pos = np.extract(stats.targets > 0.5, inv)
pos_mu = pos.mean().item()
pos_std = sqrt(np.mean((pos - pos_mu) ** 2)) * args.smoothing
print('Peak: {:.2f} mu, {:.2f} std'.format(pos_mu, pos_std))
pr = inject_params(args.model)
(pos_mu, pos_std),
print('Saved params to {}.params'.format(args.model))
def main():
args = create_parser(usage).parse_args()
import numpy as np
model_data = {
name: Stats.from_np_dict(data) for name, data in np.load(args.input_file)['data'].item().items()
model_name = args.model_key or basename(splitext(args.model)[0])
if model_name not in model_data:
print("Could not find model '{}' in saved models in stats file: {}".format(model_name, list(model_data)))
raise SystemExit(1)
stats = model_data[model_name]
save_spots = (stats.outputs != 0) & (stats.outputs != 1)
if save_spots.sum() == 0:
print('No data (or all NaN)')
stats.outputs = stats.outputs[save_spots]
stats.targets = stats.targets[save_spots]
inv = -np.log(1 / stats.outputs - 1)
pos = np.extract(stats.targets > 0.5, inv)
pos_mu = pos.mean().item()
pos_std = sqrt(np.mean((pos - pos_mu) ** 2)) * args.smoothing
print('Peak: {:.2f} mu, {:.2f} std'.format(pos_mu, pos_std))
pr = inject_params(args.model)
(pos_mu, pos_std),
print('Saved params to {}.params'.format(args.model))
main = CalcThresholdScript.run_main
if __name__ == '__main__':
@ -16,52 +16,13 @@ from select import select
from sys import stdin
from termios import tcsetattr, tcgetattr, TCSADRAIN
import pyaudio
import tty
import wave
from os.path import isfile
from prettyparse import create_parser
from prettyparse import Usage
from pyaudio import PyAudio
usage = '''
Record audio samples for use with precise
:-w --width int 2
Sample width of audio
:-r --rate int 16000
Sample rate of audio
:-c --channels int 1
Number of audio channels
def key_pressed():
return select([stdin], [], [], 0) == ([stdin], [], [])
def termios_wrapper(main):
global orig_settings
orig_settings = tcgetattr(stdin)
tcsetattr(stdin, TCSADRAIN, orig_settings)
def show_input():
tcsetattr(stdin, TCSADRAIN, orig_settings)
def hide_input():
orig_settings = None
from precise.scripts.base_script import BaseScript
def record_until(p, should_return, args):
@ -88,74 +49,103 @@ def save_audio(name, data, args):
def next_name(name):
name += '.wav'
pos, num_digits = None, None
pos = name.index('#')
num_digits = name.count('#')
except ValueError:
print("Name must contain at least one # to indicate where to put the number.")
class CollectScript(BaseScript):
def get_name(i):
nonlocal name, pos
return name[:pos] + str(i).zfill(num_digits) + name[pos + num_digits:]
usage = Usage('''
Record audio samples for use with precise
i = 0
while True:
if not isfile(get_name(i)):
i += 1
:-w --width int 2
Sample width of audio
return get_name(i)
:-r --rate int 16000
Sample rate of audio
:-c --channels int 1
Number of audio channels
usage.add_argument('file_label', nargs='?', help='File label (Ex. recording-##)')
def __init__(self, args):
self.orig_settings = tcgetattr(stdin)
self.p = PyAudio()
def key_pressed(self):
return select([stdin], [], [], 0) == ([stdin], [], [])
def show_input(self):
tcsetattr(stdin, TCSADRAIN, self.orig_settings)
def hide_input(self):
def next_name(self, name):
name += '.wav'
pos, num_digits = None, None
pos = name.index('#')
num_digits = name.count('#')
except ValueError:
print("Name must contain at least one # to indicate where to put the number.")
def get_name(i):
nonlocal name, pos
return name[:pos] + str(i).zfill(num_digits) + name[pos + num_digits:]
i = 0
while True:
if not isfile(get_name(i)):
i += 1
return get_name(i)
def wait_to_continue(self):
while True:
c = stdin.read(1)
if c == self.RECORD_KEY:
return True
elif ord(c) == self.EXIT_KEY_CODE:
return False
def record_until_key(self):
def should_return():
return self.key_pressed() and stdin.read(1) == self.RECORD_KEY
return record_until(self.p, should_return, self.args)
def _run(self):
args = self.args
args.file_label = args.file_label or input("File label (Ex. recording-##): ")
args.file_label = args.file_label + ('' if '#' in args.file_label else '-##')
while True:
print('Press space to record (esc to exit)...')
if not self.wait_to_continue():
d = self.record_until_key()
name = self.next_name(args.file_label)
save_audio(name, d, args)
print('Saved as ' + name)
def run(self):
tcsetattr(stdin, TCSADRAIN, self.orig_settings)
def wait_to_continue():
while True:
c = stdin.read(1)
if c == RECORD_KEY:
return True
elif ord(c) == EXIT_KEY_CODE:
return False
def record_until_key(p, args):
def should_return():
return key_pressed() and stdin.read(1) == RECORD_KEY
return record_until(p, should_return, args)
def _main():
parser = create_parser(usage)
parser.add_argument('file_label', nargs='?', help='File label (Ex. recording-##)')
args = parser.parse_args()
args.file_label = args.file_label or input("File label (Ex. recording-##): ")
args.file_label = args.file_label + ('' if '#' in args.file_label else '-##')
p = pyaudio.PyAudio()
while True:
print('Press space to record (esc to exit)...')
if not wait_to_continue():
d = record_until_key(p, args)
name = next_name(args.file_label)
save_audio(name, d, args)
print('Saved as ' + name)
def main():
main = CollectScript.run_main
if __name__ == '__main__':
@ -15,73 +15,76 @@
# limitations under the License.
import os
from os.path import split, isfile
from prettyparse import create_parser
from prettyparse import Usage
from shutil import copyfile
usage = '''
Convert wake word model from Keras to TensorFlow
:model str
Input Keras model (.net)
:-o --out str {model}.pb
Custom output TensorFlow protobuf filename
from precise.scripts.base_script import BaseScript
def convert(model_path: str, out_file: str):
Converts an HD5F file from Keras to a .pb for use with TensorFlow
class ConvertScript(BaseScript):
usage = Usage('''
Convert wake word model from Keras to TensorFlow
model_path: location of Keras model
out_file: location to write protobuf
print('Converting', model_path, 'to', out_file, '...')
:model str
Input Keras model (.net)
import tensorflow as tf
from precise.model import load_precise_model
from keras import backend as K
:-o --out str {model}.pb
Custom output TensorFlow protobuf filename
out_dir, filename = split(out_file)
out_dir = out_dir or '.'
os.makedirs(out_dir, exist_ok=True)
def run(self):
args = self.args
model_name = args.model.replace('.net', '')
self.convert(args.model, args.out.format(model=model_name))
model = load_precise_model(model_path)
def convert(self, model_path: str, out_file: str):
Converts an HD5F file from Keras to a .pb for use with TensorFlow
out_name = 'net_output'
tf.identity(model.output, name=out_name)
print('Output node name:', out_name)
print('Output folder:', out_dir)
model_path: location of Keras model
out_file: location to write protobuf
print('Converting', model_path, 'to', out_file, '...')
sess = K.get_session()
import tensorflow as tf
from precise.model import load_precise_model
from keras import backend as K
# Write the graph in human readable
tf.train.write_graph(sess.graph.as_graph_def(), out_dir, filename + 'txt', as_text=True)
print('Saved readable graph to:', filename + 'txt')
out_dir, filename = split(out_file)
out_dir = out_dir or '.'
os.makedirs(out_dir, exist_ok=True)
# Write the graph in binary .pb file
from tensorflow.python.framework import graph_util
from tensorflow.python.framework import graph_io
model = load_precise_model(model_path)
cgraph = graph_util.convert_variables_to_constants(sess, sess.graph.as_graph_def(), [out_name])
graph_io.write_graph(cgraph, out_dir, filename, as_text=False)
out_name = 'net_output'
tf.identity(model.output, name=out_name)
print('Output node name:', out_name)
print('Output folder:', out_dir)
if isfile(model_path + '.params'):
copyfile(model_path + '.params', out_file + '.params')
sess = K.get_session()
print('Saved graph to:', filename)
# Write the graph in human readable
tf.train.write_graph(sess.graph.as_graph_def(), out_dir, filename + 'txt', as_text=True)
print('Saved readable graph to:', filename + 'txt')
del sess
# Write the graph in binary .pb file
from tensorflow.python.framework import graph_util
from tensorflow.python.framework import graph_io
cgraph = graph_util.convert_variables_to_constants(sess, sess.graph.as_graph_def(), [out_name])
graph_io.write_graph(cgraph, out_dir, filename, as_text=False)
if isfile(model_path + '.params'):
copyfile(model_path + '.params', out_file + '.params')
print('Saved graph to:', filename)
del sess
def main():
args = create_parser(usage).parse_args()
model_name = args.model.replace('.net', '')
convert(args.model, args.out.format(model=model_name))
main = ConvertScript.run_main
if __name__ == '__main__':
@ -15,50 +15,56 @@
import sys
import os
from prettyparse import create_parser
from prettyparse import Usage
from precise import __version__
from precise.network_runner import Listener
usage = '''
stdin should be a stream of raw int16 audio, written in
groups of CHUNK_SIZE samples. If no CHUNK_SIZE is given
it will read until EOF. For every chunk, an inference
will be given via stdout as a float string, one per line
:model_name str
Keras or TensorFlow model to read from
from precise.scripts.base_script import BaseScript
def main():
os.environ['TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL'] = '2'
stdout = sys.stdout
sys.stdout = sys.stderr
parser = create_parser(usage)
parser.add_argument('-v', '--version', action='version', version=__version__)
parser.add_argument('chunk_size', type=int, nargs='?', default=-1,
help='Number of bytes to read before making a prediction.'
'Higher values are less computationally expensive')
def add_audio_pipe_to_parser(parser):
parser.usage = parser.format_usage().strip().replace('usage: ', '') + ' < audio.wav'
args = parser.parse_args()
if sys.stdin.isatty():
parser.error('Please pipe audio via stdin using < audio.wav')
listener = Listener(args.model_name, args.chunk_size)
class EngineScript(BaseScript):
usage = Usage('''
stdin should be a stream of raw int16 audio, written in
groups of CHUNK_SIZE samples. If no CHUNK_SIZE is given
it will read until EOF. For every chunk, an inference
will be given via stdout as a float string, one per line
while True:
conf = listener.update(sys.stdin.buffer)
stdout.buffer.write((str(conf) + '\n').encode('ascii'))
except (EOFError, KeyboardInterrupt):
:model_name str
Keras or TensorFlow model to read from
usage.add_argument('-v', '--version', action='version', version=__version__)
usage.add_argument('chunk_size', type=int, nargs='?', default=-1,
help='Number of bytes to read before making a prediction. '
'Higher values are less computationally expensive')
def __init__(self, args):
if sys.stdin.isatty():
raise ValueError('Please pipe audio via stdin using < audio.wav')
def run(self):
os.environ['TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL'] = '2'
stdout = sys.stdout
sys.stdout = sys.stderr
listener = Listener(self.args.model_name, self.args.chunk_size)
while True:
conf = listener.update(sys.stdin.buffer)
stdout.buffer.write((str(conf) + '\n').encode('ascii'))
except (EOFError, KeyboardInterrupt):
main = EngineScript.run_main
if __name__ == '__main__':
@ -14,99 +14,110 @@
# limitations under the License.
import json
from os.path import isfile, isdir
from prettyparse import create_parser
from prettyparse import Usage
from precise.network_runner import Listener
from precise.params import inject_params
from precise.pocketsphinx.listener import PocketsphinxListener
from precise.pocketsphinx.scripts.test import test_pocketsphinx
from precise.pocketsphinx.scripts.test import PocketsphinxTestScript
from precise.scripts.base_script import BaseScript
from precise.stats import Stats
from precise.train_data import TrainData
usage = '''
Evaluate a list of models on a dataset
:-u --use-train
Evaluate training data instead of test data
:-t --threshold floaat 0.5
Network output to be considered an activation
:-pw --pocketsphinx-wake-word str -
Optional wake word used to
generate a Pocketsphinx data point
:-pd --pocketsphinx-dict str -
Optional word dictionary used to
generate a Pocketsphinx data point
Format: wake-word.yy-mm-dd.dict
:-pf --pocketsphinx-folder str -
Optional hmm folder used to
generate a Pocketsphinx data point.
:-pth --pocketsphinx-threshold float 1e-90
Optional threshold used to
generate a Pocketsphinx data point
:-o --output str stats.json
Output json file
class EvalScript(BaseScript):
usage = Usage('''
Evaluate a list of models on a dataset
:-u --use-train
Evaluate training data instead of test data
:-t --threshold float 0.5
Network output to be considered an activation
:-pw --pocketsphinx-wake-word str -
Optional wake word used to
generate a Pocketsphinx data point
:-pd --pocketsphinx-dict str -
Optional word dictionary used to
generate a Pocketsphinx data point
Format = wake-word.yy-mm-dd.dict
:-pf --pocketsphinx-folder str -
Optional hmm folder used to
generate a Pocketsphinx data point.
:-pth --pocketsphinx-threshold float 1e-90
Optional threshold used to
generate a Pocketsphinx data point
:-o --output str stats.json
Output json file
usage.add_argument('models', nargs='*',
help='List of model filenames in format: wake-word.yy-mm-dd.net')
usage |= TrainData.usage
def __init__(self, args):
if not (
bool(args.pocketsphinx_dict) ==
bool(args.pocketsphinx_folder) ==
raise ValueError('Must pass all or no Pocketsphinx arguments')
self.is_pocketsphinx = bool(args.pocketsphinx_dict)
if self.is_pocketsphinx:
if not isfile(args.pocketsphinx_dict):
raise ValueError('No such file: ' + args.pocketsphinx_dict)
if not isdir(args.pocketsphinx_folder):
raise ValueError('No such folder: ' + args.pocketsphinx_folder)
def run(self):
args = self.args
data = TrainData.from_both(args.tags_file, args.tags_folder, args.folder)
data_files = data.train_files if args.use_train else data.test_files
print('Data:', data)
metrics = {}
if self.is_pocketsphinx:
script = PocketsphinxTestScript.create(
key_phrase=args.pocketsphinx_wake_word, dict_file=args.pocketsphinx_dict,
hmm_folder=args.pocketsphinx_folder, threshold=args.pocketsphinx_threshold
ww_files, nww_files = data_files
script.run_test(ww_files, 'Wake Word', 1.0)
script.run_test(nww_files, 'Not Wake Word', 0.0)
stats = script.get_stats()
metrics[args.pocketsphinx_dict] = stats.to_dict(args.threshold)
for model_name in args.models:
print('Calculating', model_name + '...')
train, test = data.load(args.use_train, not args.use_train)
inputs, targets = train if args.use_train else test
predictions = Listener.find_runner(model_name)(model_name).predict(inputs)
stats = Stats(predictions, targets, sum(data_files, []))
print('----', model_name, '----')
metrics[model_name] = stats.to_dict(args.threshold)
print('Writing to:', args.output)
with open(args.output, 'w') as f:
json.dump(metrics, f)
def main():
parser = create_parser(usage)
parser.add_argument('models', nargs='*',
help='List of model filenames in format: wake-word.yy-mm-dd.net')
args = TrainData.parse_args(parser)
if not (
bool(args.pocketsphinx_dict) ==
bool(args.pocketsphinx_folder) ==
parser.error('Must pass all or no Pocketsphinx arguments')
data = TrainData.from_both(args.tags_file, args.tags_folder, args.folder)
data_files = data.train_files if args.use_train else data.test_files
print('Data:', data)
metrics = {}
if args.pocketsphinx_dict and args.pocketsphinx_folder and args.pocketsphinx_wake_word:
if not isfile(args.pocketsphinx_dict):
parser.error('No such file: ' + args.pocketsphinx_dict)
if not isdir(args.pocketsphinx_folder):
parser.error('No such folder: ' + args.pocketsphinx_folder)
listener = PocketsphinxListener(
args.pocketsphinx_wake_word, args.pocketsphinx_dict,
args.pocketsphinx_folder, args.pocketsphinx_threshold
stats = test_pocketsphinx(listener, data_files)
metrics[args.pocketsphinx_dict] = stats_to_dict(stats)
for model_name in args.models:
print('Calculating', model_name + '...')
train, test = data.load(args.use_train, not args.use_train)
inputs, targets = train if args.use_train else test
predictions = Listener.find_runner(model_name)(model_name).predict(inputs)
stats = Stats(predictions, targets, sum(data_files, []))
print('----', model_name, '----')
metrics[model_name] = stats.to_dict(args.threshold)
print('Writing to:', args.output)
with open(args.output, 'w') as f:
json.dump(metrics, f)
main = EvalScript.run_main
if __name__ == '__main__':
@ -12,47 +12,19 @@
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License
import numpy as np
from functools import partial
from os.path import basename, splitext
from prettyparse import create_parser
from prettyparse import Usage
from typing import Callable, Tuple
from precise.network_runner import Listener
from precise.params import inject_params, pr
from precise.scripts.base_script import BaseScript
from precise.stats import Stats
from precise.threshold_decoder import ThresholdDecoder
from precise.train_data import TrainData
usage = '''
Show ROC curves for a series of models
:-t --use-train
Evaluate training data instead of test data
:-nf --no-filenames
Don't print out the names of files that failed
:-r --resolution int 100
Number of points to generate
:-p --power float 3.0
Power of point distribution
:-l --labels
Print labels attached to each point
:-o --output-file str -
File to write data instead of displaying it
:-i --input-file str -
File to read data from and visualize
def get_thresholds(points=100, power=3) -> list:
"""Run a function with a series of thresholds between 0 and 1"""
@ -108,53 +80,86 @@ def calc_stats(model_files, loader, use_train, filenames):
return model_data
def main():
parser = create_parser(usage)
parser.add_argument('models', nargs='*', help='Either Keras (.net) or TensorFlow (.pb) models to test')
args = TrainData.parse_args(parser)
if not args.models and not args.input_file and args.folder:
args.input_file = args.folder
if bool(args.models) == bool(args.input_file):
parser.error('Please specify either a list of models or an input file')
class GraphScript(BaseScript):
usage = Usage('''
Show ROC curves for a series of models
if not args.output_file:
load_plt() # Error early if matplotlib not installed
import numpy as np
if args.models:
data = TrainData.from_both(args.tags_file, args.tags_folder, args.folder)
print('Data:', data)
filenames = sum(data.train_files if args.use_train else data.test_files, [])
loader = CachedDataLoader(partial(
data.load, args.use_train, not args.use_train, shuffle=False
model_data = calc_stats(args.models, loader, args.use_train, filenames)
model_data = {
name: Stats.from_np_dict(data) for name, data in np.load(args.input_file)['data'].item().items()
for name, stats in model_data.items():
print('=== {} ===\n{}\n\n{}\n'.format(name, stats.counts_str(), stats.summary_str()))
:-t --use-train
Evaluate training data instead of test data
if args.output_file:
np.savez(args.output_file, data={name: stats.to_np_dict() for name, stats in model_data.items()})
plt = load_plt()
decoder = ThresholdDecoder(pr.threshold_config, pr.threshold_center)
thresholds = [decoder.encode(i) for i in np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, args.resolution)[1:-1]]
for model_name, stats in model_data.items():
x = [stats.false_positives(i) for i in thresholds]
y = [stats.false_negatives(i) for i in thresholds]
plt.plot(x, y, marker='x', linestyle='-', label=model_name)
if args.labels:
for x, y, threshold in zip(x, y, thresholds):
plt.annotate('{:.4f}'.format(threshold), (x, y))
:-nf --no-filenames
Don't print out the names of files that failed
plt.xlabel('False Positives')
plt.ylabel('False Negatives')
:-r --resolution int 100
Number of points to generate
:-p --power float 3.0
Power of point distribution
:-l --labels
Print labels attached to each point
:-o --output-file str -
File to write data instead of displaying it
:-i --input-file str -
File to read data from and visualize
usage.add_argument('models', nargs='*', help='Either Keras (.net) or TensorFlow (.pb) models to test')
usage |= TrainData.usage
def __init__(self, args):
if not args.models and not args.input_file and args.folder:
args.input_file = args.folder
if bool(args.models) == bool(args.input_file):
raise ValueError('Please specify either a list of models or an input file')
if not args.output_file:
load_plt() # Error early if matplotlib not installed
def run(self):
args = self.args
if args.models:
data = TrainData.from_both(args.tags_file, args.tags_folder, args.folder)
print('Data:', data)
filenames = sum(data.train_files if args.use_train else data.test_files, [])
loader = CachedDataLoader(partial(
data.load, args.use_train, not args.use_train, shuffle=False
model_data = calc_stats(args.models, loader, args.use_train, filenames)
model_data = {
name: Stats.from_np_dict(data) for name, data in np.load(args.input_file)['data'].item().items()
for name, stats in model_data.items():
print('=== {} ===\n{}\n\n{}\n'.format(name, stats.counts_str(), stats.summary_str()))
if args.output_file:
np.savez(args.output_file, data={name: stats.to_np_dict() for name, stats in model_data.items()})
plt = load_plt()
decoder = ThresholdDecoder(pr.threshold_config, pr.threshold_center)
thresholds = [decoder.encode(i) for i in np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, args.resolution)[1:-1]]
for model_name, stats in model_data.items():
x = [stats.false_positives(i) for i in thresholds]
y = [stats.false_negatives(i) for i in thresholds]
plt.plot(x, y, marker='x', linestyle='-', label=model_name)
if args.labels:
for x, y, threshold in zip(x, y, thresholds):
plt.annotate('{:.4f}'.format(threshold), (x, y))
plt.xlabel('False Positives')
plt.ylabel('False Negatives')
main = GraphScript.run_main
if __name__ == '__main__':
@ -14,85 +14,86 @@
# limitations under the License.
import numpy as np
from os.path import join
from prettyparse import create_parser
from precise_runner import PreciseRunner
from precise_runner.runner import ListenerEngine
from prettyparse import Usage
from random import randint
from shutil import get_terminal_size
from threading import Event
from precise.network_runner import Listener
from precise.scripts.base_script import BaseScript
from precise.util import save_audio, buffer_to_audio, activate_notify
from precise_runner import PreciseRunner
from precise_runner.runner import ListenerEngine
usage = '''
Run a model on microphone audio input
:model str
Either Keras (.net) or TensorFlow (.pb) model to run
:-c --chunk-size int 2048
Samples between inferences
:-l --trigger-level int 3
Number of activated chunks to cause an activation
:-s --sensitivity float 0.5
Network output required to be considered activated
:-b --basic-mode
Report using . or ! rather than a visual representation
:-d --save-dir str -
Folder to save false positives
:-p --save-prefix str -
Prefix for saved filenames
session_id, chunk_num = '%09d' % randint(0, 999999999), 0
def main():
args = create_parser(usage).parse_args()
class ListenScript(BaseScript):
usage = Usage('''
Run a model on microphone audio input
def on_activation():
:model str
Either Keras (.net) or TensorFlow (.pb) model to run
:-c --chunk-size int 2048
Samples between inferences
:-l --trigger-level int 3
Number of activated chunks to cause an activation
:-s --sensitivity float 0.5
Network output required to be considered activated
:-b --basic-mode
Report using . or ! rather than a visual representation
:-d --save-dir str -
Folder to save false positives
:-p --save-prefix str -
Prefix for saved filenames
def __init__(self, args):
self.listener = Listener(args.model, args.chunk_size)
self.audio_buffer = np.zeros(self.listener.pr.buffer_samples, dtype=float)
self.engine = ListenerEngine(self.listener, args.chunk_size)
self.engine.get_prediction = self.get_prediction
self.runner = PreciseRunner(self.engine, args.trigger_level, sensitivity=args.sensitivity,
on_activation=self.on_activation, on_prediction=self.on_prediction)
self.session_id, self.chunk_num = '%09d' % randint(0, 999999999), 0
def on_activation(self):
if args.save_dir:
global chunk_num
nm = join(args.save_dir, args.save_prefix + session_id + '.' + str(chunk_num) + '.wav')
save_audio(nm, audio_buffer)
if self.args.save_dir:
nm = join(self.args.save_dir, self.args.save_prefix + self.session_id + '.' + str(self.chunk_num) + '.wav')
save_audio(nm, self.audio_buffer)
print('Saved to ' + nm + '.')
chunk_num += 1
self.chunk_num += 1
def on_prediction(conf):
if args.basic_mode:
def on_prediction(self, conf):
if self.args.basic_mode:
print('!' if conf > 0.7 else '.', end='', flush=True)
max_width = 80
width = min(get_terminal_size()[0], max_width)
units = int(round(conf * width))
bar = 'X' * units + '-' * (width - units)
cutoff = round((1.0 - args.sensitivity) * width)
cutoff = round((1.0 - self.args.sensitivity) * width)
print(bar[:cutoff] + bar[cutoff:].replace('X', 'x'))
listener = Listener(args.model, args.chunk_size)
audio_buffer = np.zeros(listener.pr.buffer_samples, dtype=float)
def get_prediction(chunk):
nonlocal audio_buffer
def get_prediction(self, chunk):
audio = buffer_to_audio(chunk)
audio_buffer = np.concatenate((audio_buffer[len(audio):], audio))
return listener.update(chunk)
self.audio_buffer = np.concatenate((self.audio_buffer[len(audio):], audio))
return self.listener.update(chunk)
engine = ListenerEngine(listener, args.chunk_size)
engine.get_prediction = get_prediction
runner = PreciseRunner(engine, args.trigger_level, sensitivity=args.sensitivity,
on_activation=on_activation, on_prediction=on_prediction)
Event().wait() # Wait forever
def run(self):
Event().wait() # Wait forever
main = ListenScript.run_main
if __name__ == '__main__':
@ -16,30 +16,14 @@ import attr
import numpy as np
from glob import glob
from os.path import join, basename
from prettyparse import create_parser
from precise_runner.runner import TriggerDetector
from prettyparse import Usage
from precise.network_runner import Listener
from precise.params import pr, inject_params
from precise.scripts.base_script import BaseScript
from precise.util import load_audio
from precise.vectorization import vectorize_raw
from precise_runner.runner import TriggerDetector
usage = '''
Simulate listening to long chunks of audio to find
unbiased false positive metrics
:model str
Either Keras (.net) or TensorFlow (.pb) model to test
:folder str
Folder with a set of long wav files to test against
:-c --chunk_size int 4096
Number of samples between tests
:-t --threshold float 0.5
Network output required to be considered an activation
@ -80,9 +64,26 @@ class Metric:
class Simulator:
def __init__(self):
self.args = create_parser(usage).parse_args()
class SimulateScript(BaseScript):
usage = Usage('''
Simulate listening to long chunks of audio to find
unbiased false positive metrics
:model str
Either Keras (.net) or TensorFlow (.pb) model to test
:folder str
Folder with a set of long wav files to test against
:-c --chunk_size int 4096
Number of samples between tests
:-t --threshold float 0.5
Network output required to be considered an activation
def __init__(self, args):
self.runner = Listener.find_runner(self.args.model)(self.args.model)
self.audio_buffer = np.zeros(pr.buffer_samples, dtype=float)
@ -127,9 +128,7 @@ class Simulator:
def main():
main = SimulateScript.run_main
if __name__ == '__main__':
@ -12,60 +12,62 @@
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from prettyparse import create_parser
from prettyparse import Usage
from precise.network_runner import Listener
from precise.params import inject_params
from precise.scripts.base_script import BaseScript
from precise.stats import Stats
from precise.train_data import TrainData
usage = '''
Test a model against a dataset
:model str
Either Keras (.net) or TensorFlow (.pb) model to test
:-u --use-train
Evaluate training data instead of test data
:-nf --no-filenames
Don't print out the names of files that failed
:-t --threshold float 0.5
Network output required to be considered an activation
class TestScript(BaseScript):
usage = Usage('''
Test a model against a dataset
def main():
args = TrainData.parse_args(create_parser(usage))
:model str
Either Keras (.net) or TensorFlow (.pb) model to test
:-u --use-train
Evaluate training data instead of test data
data = TrainData.from_both(args.tags_file, args.tags_folder, args.folder)
train, test = data.load(args.use_train, not args.use_train, shuffle=False)
inputs, targets = train if args.use_train else test
:-nf --no-filenames
Don't print out the names of files that failed
filenames = sum(data.train_files if args.use_train else data.test_files, [])
predictions = Listener.find_runner(args.model)(args.model).predict(inputs)
stats = Stats(predictions, targets, filenames)
:-t --threshold float 0.5
Network output required to be considered an activation
print('Data:', data)
''') | TrainData.usage
if not args.no_filenames:
fp_files = stats.calc_filenames(False, True, args.threshold)
fn_files = stats.calc_filenames(False, False, args.threshold)
print('=== False Positives ===')
def run(self):
args = self.args
data = TrainData.from_both(args.tags_file, args.tags_folder, args.folder)
train, test = data.load(args.use_train, not args.use_train, shuffle=False)
inputs, targets = train if args.use_train else test
filenames = sum(data.train_files if args.use_train else data.test_files, [])
predictions = Listener.find_runner(args.model)(args.model).predict(inputs)
stats = Stats(predictions, targets, filenames)
print('Data:', data)
if not args.no_filenames:
fp_files = stats.calc_filenames(False, True, args.threshold)
fn_files = stats.calc_filenames(False, False, args.threshold)
print('=== False Positives ===')
print('=== False Negatives ===')
print('=== False Negatives ===')
main = TestScript.run_main
if __name__ == '__main__':
@ -12,21 +12,21 @@
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from fitipy import Fitipy
from keras.callbacks import LambdaCallback
from os.path import splitext, isfile
from prettyparse import add_to_parser
from prettyparse import Usage
from typing import Any, Tuple
from precise.model import create_model, ModelParams
from precise.params import inject_params, save_params
from precise.scripts.base_script import BaseScript
from precise.train_data import TrainData
from precise.util import calc_sample_hash
class Trainer:
usage = '''
class TrainScript(BaseScript):
usage = Usage('''
Train a new model on a dataset
:model str
@ -60,26 +60,23 @@ class Trainer:
:-em --extra-metrics
Add extra metrics during training
:-f --freeze-till int 0
Freeze all weights up to this index (non-inclusive).
Can be negative to wrap from end
''') | TrainData.usage
def __init__(self, parser=None):
parser = parser or ArgumentParser()
add_to_parser(parser, self.usage, True)
args = TrainData.parse_args(parser)
self.args = args = self.process_args(args) or args
def __init__(self, args):
if args.invert_samples and not args.samples_file:
parser.error('You must specify --samples-file when using --invert-samples')
raise ValueError('You must specify --samples-file when using --invert-samples')
if args.samples_file and not isfile(args.samples_file):
parser.error('No such file: ' + (args.invert_samples or args.samples_file))
raise ValueError('No such file: ' + (args.invert_samples or args.samples_file))
if not 0.0 <= args.sensitivity <= 1.0:
parser.error('sensitivity must be between 0.0 and 1.0')
raise ValueError('sensitivity must be between 0.0 and 1.0')
@ -94,7 +91,7 @@ class Trainer:
epoch_fiti = Fitipy(splitext(args.model)[0] + '.epoch')
self.epoch = epoch_fiti.read().read(0, int)
def on_epoch_end(a, b):
def on_epoch_end(_a, _b):
self.epoch += 1
epoch_fiti.write().write(self.epoch, str)
@ -112,10 +109,6 @@ class Trainer:
), LambdaCallback(on_epoch_end=on_epoch_end)
def process_args(self, args: Any) -> Any:
"""Override to modify args"""
def load_sample_data(filename, train_data) -> Tuple[set, dict]:
samples = Fitipy(filename).read().set()
@ -163,20 +156,15 @@ class Trainer:
def run(self):
train_inputs, train_outputs = self.sampled_data
train_inputs, train_outputs, self.args.batch_size,
self.epoch + self.args.epochs, validation_data=self.test,
initial_epoch=self.epoch, callbacks=self.callbacks
except KeyboardInterrupt:
train_inputs, train_outputs = self.sampled_data
train_inputs, train_outputs, self.args.batch_size,
self.epoch + self.args.epochs, validation_data=self.test,
initial_epoch=self.epoch, callbacks=self.callbacks
def main():
main = TrainScript.run_main
if __name__ == '__main__':
@ -20,66 +20,66 @@ from contextlib import suppress
from fitipy import Fitipy
from keras.callbacks import LambdaCallback
from os.path import splitext, join, basename
from prettyparse import create_parser
from prettyparse import Usage
from random import random, shuffle
from typing import *
from precise.model import create_model, ModelParams
from precise.network_runner import Listener
from precise.params import pr, save_params
from precise.scripts.base_script import BaseScript
from precise.train_data import TrainData
from precise.util import load_audio, glob_all, save_audio, chunk_audio
usage = '''
Train a model on infinitely generated batches
:model str
Keras .net model file to load from and write to
class TrainGeneratedScript(BaseScript):
usage = Usage('''
Train a model on infinitely generated batches
:-e --epochs int 100
Number of epochs to train on
:model str
Keras .net model file to load from and write to
:-b --batch-size int 200
Number of samples in each batch
:-t --steps-per-epoch int 100
Number of steps that are considered an epoch
:-e --epochs int 100
Number of epochs to train on
:-c --chunk-size int 2048
Number of audio samples between generating a training sample
:-b --batch-size int 200
Number of samples in each batch
:-r --random-data-folder str data/random
Folder with properly encoded wav files of
random audio that should not cause an activation
:-t --steps-per-epoch int 100
Number of steps that are considered an epoch
:-s --sensitivity float 0.2
Weighted loss bias. Higher values decrease increase positives
:-c --chunk-size int 2048
Number of audio samples between generating a training sample
:-sb --save-best
Only save the model each epoch if its stats improve
:-r --random-data-folder str data/random
Folder with properly encoded wav files of
random audio that should not cause an activation
:-nv --no-validation
Disable accuracy and validation calculation
to improve speed during training
:-s --sensitivity float 0.2
Weighted loss bias. Higher values decrease increase positives
:-mm --metric-monitor str loss
Metric used to determine when to save
:-sb --save-best
Only save the model each epoch if its stats improve
:-em --extra-metrics
Add extra metrics during training
:-nv --no-validation
Disable accuracy and validation calculation
to improve speed during training
:-p --save-prob float 0.0
Probability of saving audio into debug/ww and debug/nww folders
:-mm --metric-monitor str loss
Metric used to determine when to save
:-em --extra-metrics
Add extra metrics during training
:-p --save-prob float 0.0
Probability of saving audio into debug/ww and debug/nww folders
class GeneratedTrainer:
''') | TrainData.usage
"""A trainer the runs on generated data by overlaying wakewords on background audio"""
def __init__(self):
parser = create_parser(usage)
self.args = args = TrainData.parse_args(parser)
def __init__(self, args):
self.audio_buffer = np.zeros(pr.buffer_samples, dtype=float)
self.vals_buffer = np.zeros(pr.buffer_samples, dtype=float)
@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ class GeneratedTrainer:
epoch_fiti = Fitipy(splitext(args.model)[0] + '.epoch')
self.epoch = epoch_fiti.read().read(0, int)
def on_epoch_end(a, b):
def on_epoch_end(_a, _b):
self.epoch += 1
epoch_fiti.write().write(self.epoch, str)
@ -228,7 +228,8 @@ class GeneratedTrainer:
_, test_data = self.data.load(train=False, test=True)
self.samples_to_batches(self.generate_samples(), self.args.batch_size), steps_per_epoch=self.args.steps_per_epoch,
self.samples_to_batches(self.generate_samples(), self.args.batch_size),
epochs=self.epoch + self.args.epochs, validation_data=test_data,
callbacks=self.callbacks, initial_epoch=self.epoch
@ -237,12 +238,7 @@ class GeneratedTrainer:
def main():
except KeyboardInterrupt:
main = TrainGeneratedScript.run_main
if __name__ == '__main__':
@ -15,40 +15,17 @@
import numpy as np
from os import makedirs
from os.path import basename, splitext, isfile, join
from prettyparse import create_parser
from prettyparse import Usage
from random import random
from typing import *
from precise.model import create_model, ModelParams
from precise.network_runner import Listener, KerasRunner
from precise.params import pr
from precise.scripts.train import TrainScript
from precise.train_data import TrainData
from precise.scripts.train import Trainer
from precise.util import load_audio, save_audio, glob_all, chunk_audio
usage = '''
Train a model to inhibit activation by
marking false activations and retraining
:-e --epochs int 1
Number of epochs to train before continuing evaluation
:-ds --delay-samples int 10
Number of false activations to save before re-training
:-c --chunk-size int 2048
Number of samples between testing the neural network
:-r --random-data-folder str data/random
Folder with properly encoded wav files of
random audio that should not cause an activation
:-th --threshold float 0.5
Network output to be considered activated
def load_trained_fns(model_name: str) -> list:
progress_file = model_name.replace('.net', '') + '.trained.txt'
@ -64,9 +41,32 @@ def save_trained_fns(trained_fns: list, model_name: str):
f.write('\n'.join(trained_fns).encode('utf8', 'surrogatepass'))
class IncrementalTrainer(Trainer):
def __init__(self):
class TrainIncrementalScript(TrainScript):
usage = Usage('''
Train a model to inhibit activation by
marking false activations and retraining
:-e --epochs int 1
Number of epochs to train before continuing evaluation
:-ds --delay-samples int 10
Number of false activations to save before re-training
:-c --chunk-size int 2048
Number of samples between testing the neural network
:-r --random-data-folder str data/random
Folder with properly encoded wav files of
random audio that should not cause an activation
:-th --threshold float 0.5
Network output to be considered activated
''') | TrainScript.usage
def __init__(self, args):
for i in (
join(self.args.folder, 'not-wake-word', 'generated'),
@ -153,12 +153,7 @@ class IncrementalTrainer(Trainer):
save_trained_fns(self.trained_fns, self.args.model)
def main():
except KeyboardInterrupt:
main = TrainIncrementalScript.run_main
if __name__ == '__main__':
@ -12,45 +12,41 @@
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import re
from glob import glob
from os import remove
from os.path import isfile, splitext, join
import numpy
# Optimizer blackhat
from bbopt import BlackBoxOptimizer
from glob import glob
from os import remove
from os.path import isfile, splitext, join
from pprint import pprint
from prettyparse import create_parser
from prettyparse import Usage
from shutil import rmtree
from typing import Any
from precise.model import ModelParams, create_model
from precise.scripts.train import TrainScript
from precise.train_data import TrainData
from precise.scripts.train import Trainer
usage = '''
Use black box optimization to tune model hyperparameters
:-t --trials-name str -
Filename to save hyperparameter optimization trials in
'.bbopt.json' will automatically be appended
:-c --cycles int 20
Number of cycles of optimization to run
:-m --model str .cache/optimized.net
Model to load from
class OptimizeTrainer(Trainer):
usage = re.sub(r'.*:model str.*\n.*\n', '', Trainer.usage)
class TrainOptimizeScript(TrainScript):
Use black box optimization to tune model hyperparameters
def __init__(self):
:-t --trials-name str -
Filename to save hyperparameter optimization trials in
'.bbopt.json' will automatically be appended
:-c --cycles int 20
Number of cycles of optimization to run
:-m --model str .cache/optimized.net
Model to load from
''') | TrainScript.usage
def __init__(self, args):
self.bb = BlackBoxOptimizer(file=self.args.trials_name)
if not self.test:
data = TrainData.from_both(self.args.tags_file, self.args.tags_folder, self.args.folder)
@ -128,9 +124,7 @@ class OptimizeTrainer(Trainer):
def main():
main = TrainOptimizeScript.run_main
if __name__ == '__main__':
@ -15,36 +15,35 @@
from itertools import islice
from fitipy import Fitipy
from prettyparse import create_parser
from prettyparse import Usage
from precise.scripts.train import Trainer
from precise.scripts.train import TrainScript
from precise.util import calc_sample_hash
usage = '''
Train a model, sampling data points with the highest loss from a larger dataset
:-c --cycles int 200
Number of sampling cycles of size {epoch} to run
:-n --num-sample-chunk int 50
Number of new samples to introduce at a time between training cycles
:-sf --samples-file str -
Json file to write selected samples to.
Default: {model_base}.samples.json
:-is --invert-samples
Unused parameter
class TrainSampledScript(TrainScript):
usage = Usage('''
Train a model, sampling data points with the highest loss from a larger dataset
:-c --cycles int 200
Number of sampling cycles of size {epoch} to run
class SampledTrainer(Trainer):
def __init__(self):
parser = create_parser(usage)
:-n --num-sample-chunk int 50
Number of new samples to introduce at a time between training cycles
:-sf --samples-file str -
Json file to write selected samples to.
Default = {model_base}.samples.json
:-is --invert-samples
Unused parameter
''') | TrainScript.usage
def __init__(self, args):
if self.args.invert_samples:
parser.error('--invert-samples should be left blank')
raise ValueError('--invert-samples should be left blank')
self.args.samples_file = (self.args.samples_file or '{model_base}.samples.json').format(
@ -90,9 +89,7 @@ class SampledTrainer(Trainer):
def main():
main = TrainSampledScript.run_main
if __name__ == '__main__':
@ -13,11 +13,10 @@
# limitations under the License.
import json
import numpy as np
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from glob import glob
from hashlib import md5
from os.path import join, isfile
from prettyparse import add_to_parser
from prettyparse import Usage
from pyache import Pyache
from typing import *
@ -27,6 +26,20 @@ from precise.vectorization import vectorize_delta, vectorize
class TrainData:
"""Class to handle loading of wave data from categorized folders and tagged text files"""
usage = Usage('''
:folder str
Folder to load wav files from
:-tf --tags-folder str {folder}
Specify a different folder to load file ids
in tags file from
:-tg --tags-file str -
Text file to load tags from where each line is
<file_id> TAB (wake-word|not-wake-word) and
{folder}/<file_id>.wav exists
''', tags_folder=lambda args: args.tags_folder.format(folder=args.folder))
def __init__(self, train_files: Tuple[List[str], List[str]],
test_files: Tuple[List[str], List[str]]):
@ -144,28 +157,6 @@ class TrainData:
def merge(data_a: tuple, data_b: tuple) -> tuple:
return np.concatenate((data_a[0], data_b[0])), np.concatenate((data_a[1], data_b[1]))
def parse_args(parser: ArgumentParser) -> Any:
"""Return parsed args from parser, adding options for train data inputs"""
extra_usage = '''
:folder str
Folder to load wav files from
:-tf --tags-folder str {folder}
Specify a different folder to load file ids
in tags file from
:-tg --tags-file str -
Text file to load tags from where each line is
<file_id> TAB (wake-word|not-wake-word) and
{folder}/<file_id>.wav exists
add_to_parser(parser, extra_usage)
args = parser.parse_args()
args.tags_folder = args.tags_folder.format(folder=args.folder)
return args
def __repr__(self) -> str:
string = '<TrainData wake_words={kws} not_wake_words={nkws}' \
' test_wake_words={test_kws} test_not_wake_words={test_nkws}>'
@ -203,6 +194,7 @@ class TrainData:
def on_loop():
on_loop.i += 1
print('\r{0:.2%} '.format(on_loop.i / len(filenames)), end='', flush=True)
on_loop.i = 0
new_inputs = cache.load(filenames, on_loop=on_loop)
Reference in New Issue