==== Tech Notes ====
queue command will start playback if no playback is running.
mpg123 and vlc services updated support queueing tracks while playing
==== Protocol Notes ====
mycroft.audio.service.queue message added
Remove usage of bash subshell in MSM for invocation of the
mycroft.message.send module. The virtualenv wouldn't be created in that
subshell, breaking Github-style installs of Mycroft.
==== Tech Notes ====
As soon as mycroft, mycroft.api or mycroft.skills.core were imported the
configuration was loaded (including reaching out to the web config).
This will reduce unneccessary configuration loadings and make it easier
to handle configuration in the tests.
A recent PR (#1192) eliminated the requirements that only applied to default
skills, not to the core itself. However this caused problems for skills that
were previously installed and had their PIP requirements satisfied by the
packages that came along with the mycroft-core Debian package previously.
As a hackinfix, we now re-run PIP on each skill during the MSM update, but
to limit the performance impact this only happens once per session. We
shouldn't to removing packages again in the future, so this should be a
one-time act that gets removed from MSM in the future (like at 18.02).
Add optional skill announcement message
==== Tech Notes ====
- A Skill can now implement the get_intro_message() method, which can return a
string to be spoken the very first time a skill is run. This is intended to
be an announcement, such as further steps necessary to setup the skill.
- Stopped generation of the Error message when the expected StopIteration
occurs on a intent failure. This confused new developers and poluted the logs.
A Skill can now implement the get_intro_message() method, which can return a
string to be spoken the very first time a skill is run. This is intended to
be an announcement, such as further steps necessary to setup the skill.
Also stopped generation of the Error message when the expected StopIteration
occurs on a intent failure. This confused new developers and poluted the logs.
Finally, corrected some documentation typos.
==== Tech Notes ====
Before the refactoring of the configuration system the
ConfigurationManager allowed loading config files directly from strings.
This commit restores that functionality