Move the language specific functions and constants into separate files.
This will avoid many unnecessary conflicts due to involuntary encoding
Add Python 2/3 compatibility
==== Tech Notes ====
This allows the main bus, skills and cli to be run in both python 2.7 and
Mainly trivial changes
- syntax for exceptions
- logic for importing correct Queue module
- .iteritems -> future.utils.iteritems when accessing dicts key value
* Allow audio service to be run in python 3
* Make speech client work with python 3
* Importing of Queue version dependent
* Exception syntax corrected
* Creating sound buffer is version dependant
- Adapt context use range from builtins
- Use compatible next() instead of .next() when walking the skill
* Make CLI Python 3 Compatible
- Use compatible BytesIO instead of StringsIO
- Open files as text instead of binary
- Make sure integer divisions are used
* Make messagebus send compatible
* Fix failing travis
Re-add future 0.16.0
* Make string checks compatible
* basestring doesn't exist in python 3 so it's imported from the "past"
* Fix latest compatibility issues in speech client
- handle urllib
- handle encoding before calling md5
* Make Api.build_json() python 2/3 compatible
- "tonight" is re-interpreted as PM
- check is performed to check if previous word exist before accessing it
to handle sentences containing only a simple date
In code like this:
It was possible that the speaking of "something" would take longer to
start than the 0.1 seconds that was built into the wait_while_speaking().
The definition of this behavior is slightly fuzzy, but this is definitely
a case where the expectation is that previous request for speech would
start and complete. For now, I have just bumped the minimum wait to
0.3 seconds.
In the long run we might consider tracking specific speak requests and
generating a notification when that request has been serviced. Then the
skill could automatically hold off until that request has been serviced.
But the basic skill code won't have to change to make this happen, so
this additional sleep is adequate for today.
Also snuck in a minor change to a comment.
PR 1049 introduced several cosmetic PEP8 errors that were easily fixed.
Additionally there are unittests that include non-ASCII characters which are
failing. As Pt-PT support is a work-in-progress, I just commented them out
with TODOs next to them.
==== Fixed Issues ====
==== Tech Notes ====
Curate cache now only removes cache files if the diskspace is below the
set percentage AND if below a set amount of free disk space
==== Tech Notes ====
Since the voice is a quite large download stalling download is a real
possibility. Using wget allows for resume and retry of download in a
simple way.
Fix log autocomplete
==== Tech Notes ====
Due to the use of setattr(), IDEs like PyCharm couldn't use autocomplete on the LOG class. This unrolls the loop so that the logging attributes appear in the autocomplete menu.
This commit officially switches the mycroft-core repository from
GPLv3.0 licensing to Apache 2.0. All dependencies on GPL'ed code
have been removed and we have contacted all previous contributors
with still-existing code in the repository to agree to this change.
Going forward, all contributors will sign a Contributor License
Agreement (CLA) by visiting, then they will
be included in the Mycroft Project's overall Contributor list,
found at: This cleanly
protects the project, the contributor and all who use the technology
to build upon.
Futher discussion can be found at this blog post:
This commit also removes all __author__="" from the code. These
lines are painful to maintain and the etiquette surrounding their
maintainence is unclear. Do you remove a name from the list if the
last line of code the wrote gets replaced? Etc. Now all
contributors are publicly acknowledged in the aforementioned repo,
and actual authorship is maintained by Github in a much more
effective and elegant way!
Finally, a few references to "Mycroft AI" were changed to the correct
legal entity name "Mycroft AI Inc."
==== Fixed Issues ====
#403 Update and file headers to Apache 2.0
#400 Update
==== Documentation Notes ====
Deprecated the ScheduledSkill and ScheduledCRUDSkill classes.
These capabilities have been superceded by the more flexible MycroftSkill
class methods schedule_event(), schedule_repeating_event(), update_event(),
and cancel_event().
==== Tech Notes ====
Downloader() is a Thread subclass starting and handling a download. The
property done and status is set when the download is completed or
download manager ensuring continuation of started downloads (per process)
complete_action, a function to be called after download is complete can be
supplied to the downloader
Some exception code was attempting to use the LOGGER, but one had
not been created for this file. So when the exception occurred
it caused a crash.
NOTE: We need to standardize on log/LOG/LOGGER!
Adds the ExtractDateTime parse function from Christopher. When imported from mycroft/util/, it'll take a sentence like "What's the weather like 5 weeks from next Wednesday?" and will extract a python datetime object for that date.
* Added requirements.txt change for importing dateutil
* BUGFIX: The big bug was calling is_paired() during wake_word_in_audio(). When not paired, that call hit the server, taking about a second. Since it happened multiple times a second, the audio buffers got backed up hugely. This resulted in weird behavior later as the buffers get cleared out.
* Added mycroft.api.has_been_paired(), which just looks for the pairing key (it does not validate it is still active with the server, like is_paired())
* The enclosure now checks for internet connectivity and kicks off the wifisetup process, not the wifisetup client itself.
* During the "onboarding" process, the microphone is muted using the new "mycroft.mic.mute" message. After pairing completes, the "mycroft.mic.unmute" is expected to be sent from the pairing skill. Unmuting again after a re-pairing is harmless.
* mute_and_speak() is smart enough to not unmute itself when complete if muted before
* util.check_for_signal() now accepts -1 as the lifetime. This means it never times out.
* util.stop_speaking() is more intelligent about shutting down the spoken text (including text that has been split at periods) and visemes
* The wifi setup no longer stops after 5 minutes unless already paired (i.e. still onboarding)
* The mouth resets on wifisetup stop (clearing the scrolling
* Changed several ConfigurationManager.get() calls to ConfigurationManager.instance(). Exactly the same, but .instance() is clearer/preferred.
* Added a mycroft.util.stop_speaking() method. Not perfect, but works for now and can be replaced later when AudioManager is in place.
A forthcoming change to the pairing skill will utilize the stop_speaking method.
* Added a mycroft.api.is_paired() method
* Added mycroft.util.is_speaking and mycroft.util.wait_while_speaking() methods
* RESET now waits for the spoken notice to complete
* Stopped the "Checking for updates" and "Skills updated" prompts (commented out for now, probably will eliminate)
* Wifi setup filters out hidden ("x00") networks
* Visemes should keep up better if they get behind (will skip)
* Mimic is now searched for on the users path
* Onboarding process:
- wifi setup starts automatically
- User is walked through the process
- wake word and button pressing are ignored
- At end, a short tutorial is given
This addresses this in several ways:
* Created mechanism to load 'commented' JSON (using '//' or '#' comments on a single line)
* Embedded comments into the mycroft.conf, indicating use, legal values, and where they get overridden
* Create ConfigurationManager.instance() static method to replace ConfigurationManager.get(). This produces more readable code like:
ConfigurationManager.instance().get("value") instead of ConfigurationManager.get().get("value")
* Made _ConfigurationListener 'private'
* docstring'ed things
The TTS audio is now cached. If the same TTS is requested again, the cached WAV and phoneme sequence is reused.
Major points:
* Created mycroft.util.get_cache_directory(). You can give this a domain, also. The mycroft.conf can define where this directory resides, so enclosures can have this reside on a ramdisk, for instance.
* Created mycroft.util.curate_cache(). This retains a percentage of the disk size free.
* intent_failure message now carries along the utterance's lang code
* normalizing query for Wolfram Alpha
* added normalization of "whats" to "what is". This is technically incorrect ("whats" means more than one instance of "what", as in "the whats and whys of open source"), but that is a rare phrase. Unfortunately, several STT engines incorrectly output things like "whats 8 + 4", which is grammatically incorrect. So we'll handle the common and potentially screw up the uncommon.
* more parsing test cases, including a few corrections
The utterance is now placed on the bus along with its language code. If not specified, it uses "en-us".
Added a new mycroft.util.parse module. It contains the normalize() function. Normalization currently does two things:
* Expands contractions ("they're" -> "they are", etc)
* Optionally removes articles ("a", "an", "the"). Removing is the default.
* Textual numbers become digits, up to 20. E.g. "What is the weather in four days" becomes "What is weather in 4 days".
NOTE: This is potentially a breaking change! Remove "the", "a" and "an" from your .voc files!
Skill changes:
* I cleaned up the .voc files for the default Skills.
* Split the date_time keyword into an extra entity. Now a "QueryKeyword.voc" exists, with "what|tell" instead of combing that into "what is time" in the TimeKeyword.voc.
* Volume skill now accepts 1-11, e.g. "turn volume to 11"
Main CLI enhancements:
* Microphone meter
* Long log line left/right scrolling
* Eliminated flicker
* VT100 ESC key code support (used by some terms)
In addition, to achieve the meter it was necessary to implement a mechanism for local Inter Process Communication (IPC). This is achieved using the file-system. By default a folder structure is created under /tmp/mycroft/ipc, but it can be directed to somewhere else by setting the config value in mycroft.conf:
"ipc_path" : "/path/to/somewhere"
In the future, Mark 1 and Picroft will get RAM disks to avoid burning out the SD card. This is also a very fast communication mechanism. This is all hidden under util.get_ipc_directory()
Further, the named signal mechanism was changed to use the IPC folder. The signal can have a lifetime now (not just one shot).
This adds several refinements to the listening sound mechanism added by:
* Added a default sound file
* Allowing various ways to override "resource files" for customization
* Moved the sound configuration path from "confirm_ding" to
"sounds" > "start_listening"
* Also added "sounds" > "end_listening" configuration for the future
This submission adds the new mycroft.util.resolve_resource_file(res_name)
method. This method takes a name such as "snd/start_listening.wav" and
looks (in order):
* For an absolute path <res_name>
* For ~/.mycroft/<res_name>
* For /opt/mycroft/<res_name>
* For mycroft/res/<res_name> within the source package
This adds several refinements to the listening sound mechanism added by:
* Added a default sound file
* Allowing various ways to override "resource files" for customization
* Moved the sound configuration path from "confirm_ding" to
"sounds" > "start_listening"
* Also added "sounds" > "end_listening" configuration for the future
This submission adds the new mycroft.util.resolve_resource_file(res_name)
method. This method takes a name such as "snd/start_listening.wav" and
looks (in order):
* For an absolute path <res_name>
* For ~/.mycroft/<res_name>
* For /opt/mycroft/<res_name>
* For mycroft/res/<res_name> within the source package
* Several changes related to button pressing on the Mycroft unit:
- Pressing the button when it isn't listening starts it listening
- Pressing the button when listening will stop the listen
- Added a mycroft.util.signal() mechanism for out-of-thread communication
- Pressing the button now creates an "buttonPress" signal from the Enclosure
- The viseme playback and aplay check for the 'buttonPress' signal to abort
- Removed "Sorry I didn't catch that", irritating during false activations
* Fixed spacing that pep8 yelled about
The 1980s birthed a new form of interaction between computers and users. For the first time computers became capable of understanding the most basic form of human communication - pointing and grunting. The mouse and the GUI revolutionized computing and made computers accessible to the masses.
We have now entered a third era. We are rapidly approaching a time when computer systems will understand human language and respond using the most natural form of human communication – speech.
This is an important development. Some might even call it revolutionary.
Despite its importance, however, the technologies that will underpin this new method of interaction are the property of major tech firms who don't necessarily have the public's best interests at heart.
Not anymore.
Meet Mycroft – the worlds first open source natural language platform. Mycroft understands human language and responds with speech. It is being designed to run on anything from a phone to an automobile and will change the way we interact with open source technologies in profound ways.
Our goal here at Mycroft is to improve this technology to the point that when you interact with the software it is impossible to tell if you are talking to a human or a machine.
This initial release of the Mycroft software represents a significant effort by the Mycroft community to give the open source world access to this important technology. We are all hoping that the software will be useful to the public and will help to usher in a new era of human machine interaction.
Our community welcomes everyone to use Mycroft, improve the software and contribute back to the project. With your help and support we can truly make Mycroft an AI for everyone.
Joshua W Montgomery – May 17, 2016