- Add module docstring
- Add comment in the init class method about setting up the log level
- Add mycroft.util.log to the readthedocs documentation
- Add comment in the config about the log_level
Pulling method originally implemented in the default Mycroft skill-alarm, but useful by many for
converting a different timezone to whatever the native timezone is on the host machine.
* Set default log level to INFO
* Restore echo functionality
- Make sure that the mycroft.debug.log message isn't removed by the
- whitelist now only checks the beginning of a message so a whitelisted
"mycroft.audio.service" will allow messages such as
* Make MycroftSkill.log track root logger
modify root logger when changing log level will now change the log level
of the skill logger.
* Changes for debugging
* Switched bus logging to use INFO instead of DEBUG so it always displays when turned on
* Add exception output
* Replaced multiple calls into a msg_type variable
Much of the code used "en-us" as the default value when not specified.
This limited the internationalization potential. Changing the default
to None and adds the ability to define the default lang code from other
locations in code. E.g.
from mycroft.util.lang import set_default_lang
print("English date: "+nice_date(dt))
print("German date: "+nice_date(dt))
This allows easier localization of Skills by having the framework set the default without any changes necessary by the Skill writers.
Other minor changes:
* Changed the default return value of get_gender*() to None instead of False
This commit add the initial translations of core functions for format
numbers: nice_number_es, pronounce_number_es and nice_time_es.
==== Localization Notes ====
NONE - Castillian (Spain's spanish)
* date and time - for tonight, weekdays
* Updating the previous commit test_extractdatetime_en
* Editing comments for extract_date_time_en
* Generalized as a marker
Expanded this from just handling "weekends" to any day or plural of the day, "weekend", "weekday" or "weekdays".
Several changes to the logging using in all processes:
* Disable logging of bus messages by default (massively cleans up the logs)
* Add "mycroft.debug.log" bus message. It supports the data={"bus": True/False} as well as
data={"log": LEVEL}, where level is a Python logging level.
CLI now supports several commands:
* ```:log level XXX``` where XXX is the name of a standard Python level (e.g. 'debug')
* ```:log bus on``` or ```:log bus off```
* Removed the requirement for "log" in ```:clear log```. ```:clear``` works now.
Ambiguous times previously used a generally unexpected rule about
when to jump 12 hours when parsing times. Now it follows the rule:
If a time is spoken without am/pm indicator, assume the next time
that hasn't passed was intended.
For example:
"at 7 o'clock"
Would mean 7:00am if spoken at 6:59am, but would mean 7:00pm
if spoken at 7:01am.
* New formatters: nice_duration() and join_list()
Adding two new formatting functions:
* nice_duration(duration, lang="en-us", speech=True)
Accept seconds or duration and produce a nice sounding duration.
Example: nice_duration(61) == "one minute one second"
nice_duration(61, speech=False) == "1:01"
* join_list(items, connector, sep=None, lang="en-us")
Example: join_list(["a", "b", "c"], "and") == "a, b and c"
This includes a translation helper that uses text files in the
mycroft/res/text/LANG/ directory, such as "second.word".
This extracts the logging logic that was being used in a few places to
indicate certain parcing functions are not supported in particular
languages, and adds the logging to extract_duration.