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v2.0.0-alpha.5 [unreleased]


  1. 12096: Add labels to cloned tasks

Bug Fixes

UI Improvements

v2.0.0-alpha.4 [2019-02-21]


  1. 11954: Add the ability to run a task manually from tasks page
  2. 11990: Add the ability to select a custom time range in explorer and dashboard
  3. 12009: Display the version information on the login page
  4. 12011: Add the ability to update a Variable's name and query.
  5. 12026: Add labels to cloned dashboard
  6. 12018: Add ability filter resources by label name
  7. 11973: Add ability to create or add labels to a resource from labels editor

Bug Fixes

  1. 11997: Update the bucket retention policy to update the time in seconds

UI Improvements

  1. 12016: Update the preview in the label overlays to be shorter
  2. 12012: Add notifications to scrapers page for created/deleted/updated scrapers
  3. 12023: Add notifications to buckets page for created/deleted/updated buckets
  4. 12072: Update the admin page to display error for password length

v2.0.0-alpha.3 [2019-02-15]


  1. 11809: Add the ability to name a scraper target
  2. 11821: Display scraper name as the first and only updatable column in scrapers list
  3. 11804: Add the ability to view runs for a task
  4. 11824: Display last completed run for tasks list
  5. 11836: Add the ability to view the logs for a specific task run

Bug Fixes

  1. 11819: Update the inline edit for resource names to guard for empty strings
  2. 11852: Prevent a new template dashboard from being created on every telegraf config update
  3. 11848: Fix overlapping buttons in the telegrafs verify data step

UI Improvements

  1. 11764: Move the download telegraf config button to view config overlay
  2. 11879: Combine permissions for user by type
  3. 11938: Add ordering to UI list items

v2.0.0-alpha.2 [2019-02-07]


  1. 11677: Add instructions button to view $INFLUX_TOKEN setup for telegraf configs
  2. 11693: Save the $INFLUX_TOKEN environmental variable in telegraf configs
  3. 11700: Update Tasks tab on Org page to look like Tasks Page
  4. 11740: Add view button to view the telegraf config toml
  5. 11522: Add plugin information step to allow for config naming and configure one plugin at a time
  6. 11758: Update Dashboards tab on Org page to look like Dashboards Page
  7. 11810: Add tab for template variables under organizations page

Bug Fixes

  1. 11678: Update the System Telegraf Plugin bundle to include the swap plugin
  2. 11722: Revert behavior allowing users to create authorizations on behalf of another user

UI Improvements

  1. 11683: Change the wording for the plugin config form button to Done
  2. 11689: Change the wording for the Collectors configure step button to Create and Verify
  3. 11697: Standardize page loading spinner styles
  4. 11711: Show checkbox on Save As button in data explorer
  5. 11705: Make collectors plugins side bar visible in only the configure step
  6. 11745: Swap retention policies on Create bucket page

v2.0.0-alpha.1 [2019-01-23]

Release Notes

This is the initial alpha release of InfluxDB 2.0.