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v2.0.0-alpha.5 [unreleased]

Release Notes

This release includes a breaking change to the format that TSM and index data are stored on disk. Any existing local data will not be queryable once InfluxDB is upgraded to this release. Prior to installing this release we recommend all storage-engine data is removed from your local InfluxDB 2.x installation; this can be achieved without losing any of your other InfluxDB 2.x data (settings etc). To remove only local storage data, run the following in a terminal.

On most linux systems:

# Replace <username> with your actual username. 

$ rm -r /home/<username>/.influxdbv2/engine

On macOS:

# Replace <username> with your actual username.

$ rm -r /Users/<username>/.influxdbv2/engine

Once completed, v2.0.0-alpha.5 can be started.


  1. 12096: Add labels to cloned tasks
  2. 12111: Add ability to filter resources by clicking a label
  3. 12401: Add ability to add a member to org
  4. 12391: Improve representation of TSM tagsets on disk

Bug Fixes

  1. 12302: Prevent clipping of code snippets in Firefox
  2. 12379: Prevent clipping of cell edit menus in dashboards

UI Improvements

  1. 12302: Make code snippet copy functionality easier to use
  2. 12304: Always show live preview in Note Cell editor
  3. 12317: Redesign Create Scraper workflow
  4. 12317: Show warning in Telegrafs and Scrapers lists when user has no buckets

v2.0.0-alpha.4 [2019-02-21]


  1. 11954: Add the ability to run a task manually from tasks page
  2. 11990: Add the ability to select a custom time range in explorer and dashboard
  3. 12009: Display the version information on the login page
  4. 12011: Add the ability to update a Variable's name and query.
  5. 12026: Add labels to cloned dashboard
  6. 12018: Add ability filter resources by label name
  7. 11973: Add ability to create or add labels to a resource from labels editor

Bug Fixes

  1. 11997: Update the bucket retention policy to update the time in seconds

UI Improvements

  1. 12016: Update the preview in the label overlays to be shorter
  2. 12012: Add notifications to scrapers page for created/deleted/updated scrapers
  3. 12023: Add notifications to buckets page for created/deleted/updated buckets
  4. 12072: Update the admin page to display error for password length

v2.0.0-alpha.3 [2019-02-15]


  1. 11809: Add the ability to name a scraper target
  2. 11821: Display scraper name as the first and only updatable column in scrapers list
  3. 11804: Add the ability to view runs for a task
  4. 11824: Display last completed run for tasks list
  5. 11836: Add the ability to view the logs for a specific task run

Bug Fixes

  1. 11819: Update the inline edit for resource names to guard for empty strings
  2. 11852: Prevent a new template dashboard from being created on every telegraf config update
  3. 11848: Fix overlapping buttons in the telegrafs verify data step

UI Improvements

  1. 11764: Move the download telegraf config button to view config overlay
  2. 11879: Combine permissions for user by type
  3. 11938: Add ordering to UI list items

v2.0.0-alpha.2 [2019-02-07]


  1. 11677: Add instructions button to view $INFLUX_TOKEN setup for telegraf configs
  2. 11693: Save the $INFLUX_TOKEN environmental variable in telegraf configs
  3. 11700: Update Tasks tab on Org page to look like Tasks Page
  4. 11740: Add view button to view the telegraf config toml
  5. 11522: Add plugin information step to allow for config naming and configure one plugin at a time
  6. 11758: Update Dashboards tab on Org page to look like Dashboards Page
  7. 11810: Add tab for template variables under organizations page

Bug Fixes

  1. 11678: Update the System Telegraf Plugin bundle to include the swap plugin
  2. 11722: Revert behavior allowing users to create authorizations on behalf of another user

UI Improvements

  1. 11683: Change the wording for the plugin config form button to Done
  2. 11689: Change the wording for the Collectors configure step button to Create and Verify
  3. 11697: Standardize page loading spinner styles
  4. 11711: Show checkbox on Save As button in data explorer
  5. 11705: Make collectors plugins side bar visible in only the configure step
  6. 11745: Swap retention policies on Create bucket page

v2.0.0-alpha.1 [2019-01-23]

Release Notes

This is the initial alpha release of InfluxDB 2.0.