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# Distributed Tracing in IOx
Not to be confused with the Rust [tracing](https://docs.rs/tracing) ecosystem, which we use for [logging](logging.md),
distributed tracing refers to ability to capture information about where time is spent during a given transaction,
potentially across service boundaries
## Components
### Trace (trace)
The `trace` crate contains the data model for distributed tracing and nothing else. It is an intentionally lightweight
dependency, as it is needed by any code that wishes to produce trace spans.
### Trace HTTP (trace_http)
The `trace_http` crate contains the logic to extract context information from HTTP requests, and use this to produce
Spans. This takes the form of a tower [layer] called `TraceLayer` that attaches the `SpanContext` of this generated
newly Span to the [Request] as an [extension]. This can then be accessed downstream and used to create new child spans.
async fn handle_request(req: Request<Body>) {
// Get SpanContext if this request is sampled
let maybe_span_ctx: Option<&SpanContext> = req.extensions().get();
// Create a new span
let maybe_span = maybe_span_ctx.map(|x| x.child("foo"));
// Create a recorder that will record start and end times
let recorder = SpanRecorder::new(maybe_span);
[layer]: https://docs.rs/tower/0.4.8/tower/trait.Layer.html
[Request]: https://docs.rs/http/0.2.5/http/request/struct.Request.html
[extension]: https://docs.rs/http/0.2.5/http/request/struct.Request.html#method.extensions
### Trace Exporters (trace_exporters)
The `trace_exporters` crate contains the logic to sink traces to upstream aggregators such as [Jaeger]. In the future,
we may also add [OTLP] in order to allow using [OpenTelemetry Collector] to fanout to different aggregators
[Jaeger]: https://www.jaegertracing.io
[OTLP]: https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-specification/blob/main/specification/protocol/otlp.md
[OpenTelemetry Collector]: https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector
## Running Jaeger / tracing locally
To use, develop, or debug the distributed tracing functionality locally you can do the following:
### Step 1: Run Jaeger locally
Follow instructions from https://www.jaegertracing.io/docs/1.26/getting-started/, which at the time of writing were
(simplified to what IOx needs):
docker run -d --name jaeger \
-p 6831:6831/udp \
-p 16686:16686 \
### Step 2: Run IOx configured to send traces to the local Jaeger instance
Build IOx and run with the following environment variable set:
For example, a command such as this should do the trick:
Additional trace granularity, in particular traces with spans for each DataFusion partition, can be enabled with
_Some tracing setups may struggle with the size of the generated traces with this setting enabled._
### Step 3: Send a request with trace context
For IOx to emit traces, the request must have a span context set. You can use the `--header` flag on the IOx CLI to do
so. For example
$ # load data
$ curl -v "" --data-binary @tests/fixtures/lineproto/metrics.lp
$ # run a query and start a new trace
$ cargo run -- query 26f7e5a4b7be365b_917b97a92e883afc 'show tables' --gen-trace-id
### Step 4: Explore Spans in the UI
Navigate to the UI in your browser [localhost:16686/search](http://localhost:16686/search) and then chose the "iox-conductor" service from the
drop down:

You can then inspect the individual traces:
