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Influx Stress tool -> v2

The design of the new stress tool was designed to:

  • have higher potential write throughput than previous version
  • have more schema expressibility for testing different load profiles and professional services
  • have more granular reporting to be better able to draw conclusions from tests

In service of these requirements we designed a language that looks a lot like influxql to give the new test commands. Instead of a configuration file, the new stress test takes a list of these Statements.

The tool has the following components:

  • Parser - parses the configuration file and turns it into an []Statement. All code related to the parser is in v2/stressql/. The parser was designed as per @benbjohnson's great article on parsers in go.
  • Statements - perform operations on target instance or change test environment. All code related to statements is in v2/statement/. The following are the available statements:
    • EXEC - Still a TODO, planned to run outside scripts from the config file.
    • GO - Prepend to an INSERT or QUERY statement to run concurrently.
    • INFLUXQL - All valid influxql will be passed directly to the targeted instance. Useful for setting up complex downsampling environments or just your testing environment.
    • INSERT - Generates points following a template
    • QUERY - Runs a given query or generates sample queries given a companion INSERT statement
    • SET - Changes the test parameters. Defaults are listed in the
    • WAIT - Required after a GO statement. Blocks till all proceeding statements finish.
  • Clients - The statement, results and InfluxDB clients. This code lives in v2/stress_client
    • StressTest - The Statement client. Also contains the results client.
    • stressClient - A performant InfluxDB client. Makes GET /query and POST /write requests. Forwards the results to the results client.

Influx Stress Design


Statement is an interface defined in v2/statement/statement.go:

type Statement interface {
	Run(s *stressClient.StressTest)
	Report(s *stressClient.StressTest) string
	SetID(s string)
  • Run prompts the statement to carry out it's instructions. See the run functions of the various statements listed above for more information.
  • Report retrieves and collates all recorded test data from the reporting InfluxDB instance.
  • SetID gives the statement an ID. Used in the parser. Each statementID is an 8 character random string used for reporting.

Statement -> StressTest

Statements send Packages (queries or writes to the target database) or Directives (for changing test state) through the StressTest to the stressClient where they are processed.

// v2/stress_client/package.go

// T is Query or Write
// StatementID is for reporting
type Package struct {
	T           Type
	Body        []byte
	StatementID string
	Tracer      *Tracer

// v2/stress_client/directive.go

// Property is test state variable to change
// Value is the new value
type Directive struct {
	Property string
	Value    string
	Tracer   *Tracer

The Tracer on both of these packages contains a sync.WaitGroup that prevents Statements from returning before all their operations are finished. This WaitGroup is incremented in the Run() of the statement and decremented in *StressTest.resultsListen() after results are recorded in the database. This is well documented with inline comments. Tracers also carry optional tags for reporting purposes.

//  v2/stress_client/tracer.go
type Tracer struct {
	Tags map[string]string



The StressTest is the client for the statements through the *StressTest.SendPackage() and *StressTest.SendDirective() functions. It also contains some test state and the ResultsClient.

type StressTest struct {
	TestID   string
	TestName string

	Precision string
	StartDate string
	BatchSize int


	packageChan   chan<- Package
	directiveChan chan<- Directive

	ResultsChan   chan Response
	communes      map[string]*commune
	ResultsClient influx.Client

Reporting Client

The ResultsClient turns raw responses from InfluxDB into properly tagged points containing any relevant information for storage in another InfluxDB instance. The code for creating those points lives in v2/stress_client/reporting.go

InfluxDB Instance (reporting)

This is localhost:8086 by default. The results are currently stored in the _stressTest database.


An InfluxDB client designed for speed. stressClient also holds most test state.

// v2/stress_client/stress_client.go
type stressClient struct {
	testID string

	// State for the Stress Test
	addresses []string
	precision string
	startDate string
	database  string
	wdelay    string
	qdelay    string

	// Channels from statements
	packageChan   <-chan Package
	directiveChan <-chan Directive

	// Response channel
	responseChan chan<- Response

	// Concurrency utilities

	// Concurrency Limit for Writes and Reads
	wconc int
	qconc int

	// Manage Read and Write concurrency separately
	wc *ConcurrencyLimiter
	rc *ConcurrencyLimiter

Code for handling the write path is in v2/stress_client/stress_client_write.go while the query path is in v2/stress_client/stress_client_query.go.

InfluxDB Instance (stress test target)

The InfluxDB which is being put under stress.

response data

Responses carry points from stressClient to the ResultsClient.

// v2/stress_client/response.go
type Response struct {
	Point  *influx.Point
	Tracer *Tracer