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### Directions
_GitHub Issues are reserved for actionable bug reports and feature requests._
_General questions should be sent to the [InfluxDB mailing list](!forum/influxdb)._
_Before opening an issue, search for similar bug reports or feature requests on GitHub Issues._
_If no similar issue can be found, fill out either the "Bug Report" or the "Feature Request" section below.
_Erase the other section and everything on and above this line._
### Bug report
__System info:__ [Include InfluxDB version, operating system name, and other relevant details]
__Steps to reproduce:__
1. [First Step]
2. [Second Step]
3. [and so on...]
__Expected behavior:__ [What you expected to happen]
__Actual behavior:__ [What actually happened]
__Additional info:__ [Include gist of relevant config, logs, etc.]
*Please note, the quickest way to fix a bug is to open a Pull Request.*
### Feature Request
Opening a feature request kicks off a discussion.
Requests may be closed if we're not actively planning to work on them.
__Proposal:__ [Description of the feature]
__Current behavior:__ [What currently happens]
__Desired behavior:__ [What you would like to happen]
__Use case:__ [Why is this important (helps with prioritizing requests)]